Status: In progress

Stitchy the Rag-doll

A strange dream and a scheme

"Mr Haaat..... Mr Haaaaaat..... wake up you lazy toy!"

"huh? Wah?" Mr Hat said in the middle of a meeting.

"We were just discussing what to do with the childless toys" said the monocle bear, I'm just gonna call him Alfred.

"I say we burn them all! Argh!" said a pirate bear.

"No, we are not burning the childless toys, and who let him in here?" said Mr Hat.

"Yes, who let you in" said a rag-doll also in a tuxedo except he didn't have a top hat and instead had spiky hair, everyone knew him as Rylie.

"Uh, gotta go, argh" said the pirate bear, suddenly jumping from the seat he was in and running out the door.

"Anyway.... what was the latest idea BESIDES burning them" Said Mr Hat.

"Well, we were thinking of a scheme of some kind, but we didn't exactly know what"

"What if we set up a table in the middle of a path in the human world and have toys for free on them that anyone could take" suggested another rag-doll, and I know that its kinda weird that there are three rag-dolls in one place, but there are crowds of Barbies so I think this is fine.

It was a female, she had a patch directly in the middle of her left cheek, she had a few curled up hairs acting as a fringe except they were pretty long and a long bunchy pony tail, she wore a black skirt with a white shirt and a tie along with a black jacket much like Mr Hat's, she wore on her feet shoes with buckles on the outsides.

"Malady, we can't do that, it would be too suspicious" said Alfred, that gave Mr Hat an idea.

"That isn't such a bad idea Malady"


"Come again?" said Alfred and Riley, just looking at Malady with surprise.

"Come on man, she never has any good ideas," said Riley.

"Its no wonder she's head of the rag-doll society, the leaders are always dopes" he finished off.

"Thanks a lot Riley" said Malady in a sarcastic voice.

"The street part wasn't the good idea, but the free toys part was, just set up a website with all the toys on it, that way they can be picked freely"

"that IS a good idea actually," said Alfred.

"All in favor of this scheme?"

"I" said Mr Hat quickly.

"I" said Malady excitedly.

"Okay, I" said Riley, a bit unhappy that Malady's idea had actually been a good one.

"And I, so this is settled, now, back to work!" said Alfred, ending the meeting.

All three rag-dolls just bolted out, heading for their own offices/departmants.

Mr Hat just ran into his office, he himself wanted to type the letter to be sent to all the childless toys.

He finished the letter quickly and then read it.

'dear all childless toys,

we are about to start a scheme to get you all a child, this is a note telling you that this is happening.

Mr Hat, mayor of the Town.'

"That doesn't seem so bad, lets just leave it at that" he said to himself, looking at his laptop screen.

"But Stitchy wouldn't agree to this" he said, shaking his head.

"I know, I'll make a 'special' letter for her so I can get her to sign!" he said, saving that letter and getting to work on a new one for Stitchy.

About an hour and and about 50 different beginnings for Stitchy's letter later, all he had been able to keep permanently on the page was 'To Stitchy' and 'signed Mr Hat'.

He kept thinking of giving up but then remembered she definitely wouldn't sign the other letter so kept trying.

Then, his secretary suddenly walked in, wait........ secretary?

"You look tired, you should rest" said the familiar voice, looking over his shoulder.

"No, I need to complete this letter, otherwise she won't agree...."

"who won't sign?" replied the person, now touching his shoulder, he saw that they wore a long sleeved white shirt with a button on it.

"Stitchy, a rag-doll who I have actually convinced to be my friend"

"Really?" they replied, taking his hat off his head quickly.

"hey!" Mr Hat shouted in frustration, but then saw who was standing behind him who was now suddenly was sitting on his desk, which was close to his chair.

"Stitchy?" He said in disbelief, she was wearing a long sleeved white shirt with a black strapped dress on top, she wore her usual black tights but had buckle shoes similar to the ones that Malady wore.

She had Mr Hat's hat on her head

"T-thats m-m-my h-hat" Mr Hat stuttered, pointing at his hat, Stitchy took his hand and slid off the desk, Mr Hat slid to make room for her on the chair, she put his arm around her shoulders, lent on him and looked up, Mr Hat was stunned.

Stitchy just smiled.

Mr Hat woke up.

"What the hell?" he said a bit annoyed, he found that his hat had fallen to the floor, on the laptop screen it said the same words it had before, 'To Stitchy' and 'signed Mr Hat'.

He looked around, quickly checking for any surprise secretaries.

"Some dream" he muttered, getting up, he printed out the first letter that was to be sent to all the childless toys in the Town.... except Stitchy that is.

"Hey, Mr Hat!" said Malady running down the hall past all the other women who were carrying important documents to other more important toys.

"What?" Mr Hat asked, still a bit annoyed that he hadn't finished Stitchy's letter.

"They're about to demonstrate and show us the new website for the scheme" said Malady, a bit puffed because she had ran so far.

"Okay then, but I need to get the letters I printed off-"

"Don't worry, no-one will touch them, come on, hurry!"

Next thing Mr Hat knows he's sitting in the lecture theatre used to show films about the town hall to younger toys or to show how to use stuff on computers, it wasn't that big though.

The website guy was showing them it all, and Mr Hat was noting it all down mentally.

"Mr Hat, I'm home!" said Mr Hat's child, Amber Winterly.

She walked into her room, she noticed that her computer was on.

"Whats this doing on?, I thought I turned it off when I left" she muttered to herself, then looked at the desk where the mouse and keyboard was, Mr Hat was lying on his face.

"How did you get over here?" she said, putting Mr Hat on her bed.

"Who was on my computer?"

She looked at the screen, it was a free toys site, but delivery costed, as usual.

The toy on the screen was an old looking Rag-doll, she had red wool hair, and lots of patches and stitches, but they all suited her, and she just looked gorgeous.

"Stitchy" she muttered, looking at the name.

"So Mr Hat, is this your way of telling me you want a companion?"

Mr Hat did and said nothing, just like she expected, but Amber is actually on of those people who can kind of tell what a toy is really thinking.

"So you want this one in particular, well, okay then, I guess you only have to pay for delivery" she said, she already liked this Stitchy doll, and she knew her dad would say yes to anything, so would her mum.

"I'm going to ask dad now, and you know he'll say yes" she said, leaving the room.

Mr Hat sat up and smiled a really big smile.

"I knew that would work" he said quietly to himself, then went back into his toy state but this time fell asleep, but with his eyes open, not moving.
♠ ♠ ♠
I began this chapter a while ago but kept putting off finnishing it, also I've got an early reference to a couple of toys I want to use again, especially the pirate one, I like that guy, also, I had to change the dream a little because I remembered it was only PG, so thats why on the long description it has 'RATING MAY CHANGE'.
Anyway, PLEASE comment, I love to hear what you have to say!