Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba


“I don’t want to go up there,”

“Don’t be a girl and get your ass up here now,” Francis yelled, pouting down at me from his current position in the attic. We had recently watched a horror film involving ghosts, so of course Francis suggested we go check out the attic for any strange activity.

“ It’s getting late, maybe I should go home” I moaned, getting ready to turn around and head down the stairs.

“Casper, you are going to get your scrawny ass up here whether you like it not!”

“But I…” I was out of excuses, I new that if I didn’t go up there, I would hear about it for weeks. Sighing in defeat, I turned around and began to climb the unstable wooden ladder, going fast, hoping my weight wouldn’t cause the ladder to break.

“Where shall we look first?” Francis muttered, placing his hands neatly on his hips.

Brushing the dusk on my jeans I stood up looking around the dimly lit room. Boxes were piled upon boxes of forgotten or unwanted things. It was cold up here- freezing actually- considering it was winter, I hadn’t put on my jacket. Francis noticed my shivering and engulfed me in a tight embrace. I smiled to myself secretly before being let go.

I’d always loved Francis’ hugs ever since our first encounter in year six. I was new to the school and I was being surrounded by the whole class who were secretly judging me, choosing which group I fit into best, each leader asking questions. It wasn’t long until they realised I wasn’t a people person so I was cast aside to explore the new school on my own. I was alright with that I didn’t mind me on my own, I rather enjoyed my own company more than anyone else’s; Well that’s what I thought until two long arms wrapped themselves around my small figure. I was shocked at the sudden outburst and didn’t know what to say. Instead I waited for the stranger to say something.

“Welcome to St. Mary’s! I’m Francis McAllister.” He let me go and I turned round to come face to face with a tall, very smiley guy. He had blonde short hair; obviously styled for his mother’s approval, big green eyes and a wide toothy grin plastered on his face. I smiled back unable to keep a straight face; I found my first ever best friend that day.

“Come on, I think I heard something” Francis muttered, snapping me out of my flashback. He was currently stood next to an old dollhouse, his big green eyes searching around the attic for any signs of paranormal. He still had his tall figure and blonde hair except he’s more toned than he was in year six and his hair is now styled the way he wants it to be; longish, straight with a side fringe. I slowly advanced towards him, making sure I didn’t step on anything weak, which could cause me to go falling through the floor.

“ Is your sister home?” I whispered, leaning towards Francis to make it easier for him to hear me.

“No, she went out with what’s-his-face” He whispered back “ Why are we whispering” he added, a small grin tugging at his lips

“I don’t know” I coughed and found my voice. Francis started walking towards some old boxes when I heard a bang, my instincts kicked in and I ran towards Francis, my heart beating.

“D..did you h..hear that?” I stuttered clinging onto Francis’ waist.

“ Yeah” he smiled, removing me from his body “ Maybe It was Fatso and Stinkie coming to say hi” he added looking down at me angry expression, he ignored my complaints and started searching his way around his attic for the cause of the bang. I followed quickly behind him, not wanting to be on my own.

“Francis! Where the hell are you!” I jumped round, my heart racing again, It was Kayleigh; Francis’ sister. She must have been the one to make the bang when she came through the door. Francis sighed and headed towards the big hole in the floor.
“Up here!” he shouted back, he was bent over waiting for a reply.

“Come on, lets just go down” I said, moving around Francis’ body to climb back down the ladder. He soon joined me and placed the ladder back in the attic before closing it up.

“There you are, what were the two of you doing?” Kayleigh asked sitting on the end of Francis’ bed. Kayleigh was eighteen, with Francis falling behind at sixteen; they have always been close as brother and sister and rarely fell out. She was a very protective sister and always had to make sure he was okay.

“ Looking in the attic for Casper’s uncles” he laughed, dodging the pillow I tried throwing at him.

“ Okay…Well, I’m gonna go make some hot chocolate, you want some?”

“Yeah sure, Casper?”

“Yeah, why not,” my voice was quiet as usual and I stood up about to follow Kayleigh out the door.

“ Is Casper sleeping over tonight?” she asked casually,

“Yeah” Francis replied before I even had time to form a sentence in my head. He smiled at me before walking down stairs.
This happens a lot.