Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba


The rest of school was boring. At lunch I sat with Natalie and her friends, saying to Jamie and Alec that I wanted to spend time with her. Jamie went to go see Mia, leaving France and Alec to sit by themselves. France and Jamie were always closer than Jamie and I, the same with Alec, I always thought it was because they were best friends before I moved here in year six. So I was never really part of the group. Once school was over I decided to wait for France, seeing as I have been acting like a complete ass towards him all day

“You waited?” France questioned as he walked the few remaining steps towards me.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” I jumped off the wall I was sitting on and started walking in the direction of my house

“I have no idea” France replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes and carried on walking. “Casper, what’s wrong with you” France demanded, running up to my side

“Nothing, let’s just go” I didn’t want to start an argument outside of school. France didn’t reply and carried on walking. The rest of the walk home was silent. We stood side by side but didn’t take notice is each other’s presence. Once we reached Francis’ house I quickly mumbled a bye before turning to leave.

“Casper!” I turned round to see France was stood with his hands on his hips.


“Seriously, what is wrong with you today?” His face fell serious and I stormed over to him

“Me? What about you?” I yelled, “You’re the one acting like Natalie is some sort of disease”

“Well you’re the one acting like a complete asshole!” France yelled back. I looked around at the people staring at us. Parents with little kids, coming back from school. I grabbed France’s arm and dragged him round to the side of his house where we couldn’t be seen.

“I’m in a bad mood today okay! That’s all, what’s your reason behind hating Natalie all of a sudden” France opened his mouth to reply but closed it looking down to the ground. “Come on, what’s your great excuse?” Before I could go on France pulled me up to his level and a pair of lips crashed down upon mine. The kiss was very brief but it was definitely filled with emotion.

“That” France automatically finished. I had no words at that point. All I know was I wanted more. So I got onto my tiptoes and kissed him back. I felt the spark in his kiss so I begged for more. He gladly accepted and placed one hand up the back of my shirt and the other one around my waist pulling me closer to him. I snaked my arm from his shoulder down to his chest and then the kiss escalated into a fiery kiss that neither of us could pull away from.

This feeling never leaves you alone, You pull the trigger on your own

No phone, not now, call later. I detached my lips from Frances and searched around my pocket until I brought out my phone. France was just staring at me with a stupid grin on his face as I checked the caller ID.



“Where the hell are you Casper?” Her voice was stern and I realised

“Oh…Shit! Sorry I’ll be right over!” I replied, shutting the phone off before she could yell at me for swearing. I shoved my phone in my pocket and picked up my backpack that I dropped during the kiss. The one with my best friend and ran.

“Where are you going” I hear France shout

“I’m grounded, thanks to you” I yelled back, giving him a quick smile. He smiled back and I turned round to run down the street.


I tried to hide my wide toothy grin while walking through the door. I kicked off my shoes and threw my bag down before walking into the kitchen to get a drink

“Where were you?” Mum questioned walking over to the sink to place her mug in.

“I was with France” I reply, looking in the fridge just so I could hide my smile.

“Sit down, I need to talk to you” I sighed and took a seat in one of the wooden kitchen chairs. “You’re going to be working for your Dad starting Wednesday”


“You need to pay the McAllister Family a fair amount of money, and you are paying it yourself.”

“But I really don’t want to work in a restaurant mum!” I complained, knowing well enough that I won’t be able to get out of this.

“Tough, you have to get the money yourself” I nodded before getting up off the chair and heading towards the stairs. “Oh and Casper, your Dad doesn’t want your friends coming to the restaurant when you’re working” I sighed again. “Especially France” She finished. I sighed heavier making it obvious I wasn’t happy with her words.

I reached my room and sat myself on my bed, looking around I noticed something different. My TV was gone. It was not there. There was a big empty space where it had been. They had stolen my TV. Thinking of something to do, I remembered my encounter with France today. I smiled at the thought and decided to text him.

Hey” I simply put. Butterflies took over my stomach as I waited for his reply.
♠ ♠ ♠
Something happened! :)

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