Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba


I took my time getting ready the next morning, I felt like I needed to look nice for France. I sorted out my hair as usual but I also washed my face and I may have borrowed my mum’s hair straighteners…

“Don’t you look nice?” my mum smiled and brought me into a big hug once I walked down stairs.

“Mum, I’m going to be late” I mumbled, trying to breathe, she let me go and ruffled my hair as if I was five. I groaned and straightened out my hair and quickly ran out the door to be greeted by snow. I smiled at the white flakes falling from the sky and decided that I would skip to France’s house since it was such a good day. People were staring at me as if I was on drugs but I honestly didn’t give a crap. I was too happy with the snow…and France


“Someone’s happy” France muttered from in front of me. I hadn’t noticed him come out the house; I was too busy spinning in circles letting the snow fall on my face. France grabbed my shoulders causing me to lose balance and tumble into the road.

“Woah” I held out my arms trying to stable myself. Once I was certain I wasn’t going to fall over I walked towards France who was just staring at me “What?” I questioned, touching my face to see if anything was there that shouldn’t be.

“Nothing” he smiled grabbing my arm. He pulled me to too his side and skimmed his hand across my own, making my whole arm tingle. We began to walk to school silently. A huge grin made its way onto my face. I kissed France yesterday. He kissed me back; does this mean he likes me? I hope so; otherwise that would have been a weird explanation for hating Natalie. What if it was to shut me up? No, why would he kiss me to shut me up, that would be stupid, he would just cover my mouth with his hand or something, not his lips. Maybe I should ask him.

“France?” I looked up to see his face.


“Do you like me?” I asked,


“I mean, like like me” I repeated. I was in a really giddy mood today, so it sounded like I was drunk. I smiled showing all my teeth as I waited for his answer. My heart trying so hard not to look on the bad side of what his answer could be.

He hesitated before answering, “Well…yeah” he whispered, hiding his face behind his curtain of hair. I didn’t think my smile could get any bigger but it did. I out stretched my arms and hugged Francis from his side. It was kind of awkward but I didn’t care. France liked me! “Do you? Like like me I mean”

“Yeah” I said, making it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I let go of his waist. “So what does this mean? What are we?” I asked

“What do you want us to be?” France replied, his checks tinted pink. This caused me to smile again.

“I want it to be something! Anything!” I shoved my hands in the air and span around in another full circle. France giggled and I felt his eyes upon me the whole time.

“So…you want to go out some time?” France asked, I think my cheeks are going to be dead by the end of today. I can’t stop smiling.

“Hmm….” I looked up to the sky as if I was actually thinking; “I don’t know” I lied, running ahead of him laughing.

“Casper!! I’m pouring out my feeling here!” France yelled catching up to me.

“No, you’re not. But yes, I will go out with you” I replied, catching my breath. We stayed silent then, taking in all the information. Yesterday, I was moody and boring, I was supposedly straight and had a girlfriend…

“Natalie! Oh no” I yelled. We had just reached school and everyone was now staring at my random outburst. I frowned for the first time today thinking of my girlfriend’s name.

“Oh yeah” France whispered, hoping no one would hear this time. Speaking of the devil, Natalie came walking round the corner, I would have run but she noticed me and walked over to us, waving in the process.

“Hey Honey!” she attached our hands together and started walking towards our lockers, muttering something about what she did last night. France stood by me the whole time. His face looking rather upset. I needed to break up with Natalie, but how? I am not good at these things.

Once we had arrived at Natalie’s locker, France mumbled something about Science and was on his way.

“Natalie, I need to talk to you” I touched her arm to get her attention, she turned round to face me and smiled.

“Yes?” I can’t do this. No way.

“Umm… well, have you started on your English project yet?” It was the first thing that popped into my head. I can’t break up with her. This is going to be so hard!

“Casper, that was only set yesterday, why would I start it now?” She shook her head and kissed my cheek, before walking off to her first lesson. “Bye sweety” she yelled closing the hall door. I slapped myself across the face for not doing what I was supposed to do. Ouch! It doesn’t look like it hurts that much in the movies! I sighed and began to walk to class.


By lunch I was no closer to breaking up with Natalie. She was sat with her girlfriends at the other side of the lunchroom to where I was sat with France, Jamie and Alec.

“So, what was with you guys yesterday?” Alec asked, opening up his sandwich in delight.

“Nothing” France replied,

“Yes there was, you guys wouldn’t bloody speak all day!” Jamie practically shouted.

“I caught him pleasuring himself” I replied taking a bite of my jacket potato.

“What” France suddenly paid attention, dropping his fork on the table, I couldn’t help myself but laugh.

“Ha ha” Jamie burst out laughing, followed by Alec. France just stared at me, shaking his head, he was not happy with my excuse.

“Dude, that sucks man” Alec spluttered out between laughs. France ignored us and just carried on eating, clearly embarrassed. After about ten minutes Alec and Jamie left to go to Detention for colouring in all the teachers white boards.

“I hate you” I heard France mutter once he was sure Alec and Jamie were gone. I smiled but apologised anyway.

“At least they won’t ask again” I tried convincing him, he just shook his head in annoyance and went back to his food,

“You have to break up with her today, you owe me” France suddenly said, leaning over to whisper in my ear. My legs gave way as his breath touched my ear.

“But” I had no excuse. I frowned and slowly got up, making sure my legs were strong enough to hold my body weight.

“Go” he had also got up and pushed me forward. I ran back to his side.

“But I can’t”

“Casper, just go break up with her”

“No, you!” I furrowed my eyebrows and pouted like a little girl. France smiled at me before replying.

“I’m not the one dating her”

“Well you could have if you were better looking” I winked showing him I was joking. He scratched his head and pushed me forward again, quickly shouted Natalie’s name. She turned round and saw me, smiling at my standing position, she thought I was walking towards her so I did, only turning around briefly to give France the evils.
♠ ♠ ♠
This took me so long to write! i kept getting distracted by everything! but i did it! XD

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