Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba


Sadly I woke up early on Saturday morning meaning I had ages to wait until the date. I decided that if I walked slowly all day then it would waste more time. My mother noticed my slow pace when I entered the kitchen but said nothing of it, probably thinking it was because I was tired.

“Good morning” Mum smiled at me as I grabbed a cup of coffee.

“Morning” I replied,

“How is my lovely young boy?” mum walked over to me and hugged me hard

“Umm…Mum, what’s wrong with you?” I pushed her off and sorted out my already messed up hair “Why are you acting like this?”

“I’m just so happy for you!” she yelled jumping up and down, I backed away from her and frowned. She’s crazy! I always knew she was childish, but not this bad!

“Why? I haven’t done anything good” I took a sip of my coffee and slowly walked towards the kitchen counter where I took a seat, pulling my knees up to my chest, hoping this would stop my mum from crushing me again.

“You found someone! Someone nice” she clapped her hands together and smiled again

“Natalie? Do you not remember her?”

“Oh yeah…But France is so cute!” my eyes widened and my face must have turned red. Was she honestly saying these things! She thinks my best friend/boyfriend is cute. I can’t blame her but it’s creepy coming from your own mother.

“Yeah, umm, I’m just going to get some cereal” I jumped down from the counter and grabbed a bowl and some cereal. Once I was satisfied with the amount of dry cereal was in my bowl I walked back to the kitchen table and sat down, sighing as I watched my mother quickly take a seat in front of me

“So…Is he a good kisser?” she asked, taking a small handful of my cereal

“Mum!” I blushed at the thought of France kissing me

“What! Casper, come on, I need some juice, if you tell me this I’ll have the best gossip in the group”

“You want to use my sexuality for your gossip of the week?” I asked pushing my bowl of cereal aside

“Yes, now come on please”

“He’s a great kisser” I mumbled, looking down at my lap.
“Awww that is so cute! You have to marry him”

“Mum! Stop! We only started going out 3 days ago” I got up from the table and began to walk out the door

“I am so going to win best gossip” I heard my mother mutter as I crawled up the stairs.

My room was a mess, clothes were scattered across the floor and on the bed. My old teddies had fallen off the top of my wardrobe and onto the floor next to my disconnected Xbox which I could no longer play since I had no TV. I looked at the clock to find out it was only 11am. Twelve hours to go.

By 6pm I was tired. I had been forced to help around the house; I also had to entertain Hannah because she was annoying my dad who was trying to sort out some stuff in his office. At 5pm i had to help my mother bake a cake. She said that now I have come out of the closet I can help her with the more girly things- how stereotypical! I ran to my room the second the cake was in the oven and decided to take a nap for the second time in the last three weeks.


This feeling never leaves you alone; you pull the trigger on your own you’re hiding in your safe place, hiding with your eyes shut tightly all the way to the hospital

“What!” I yelled down the phone. I was still half asleep and was not happy about being woken up.

“Calm down, I was just asking if you want to come out tonight” It was Jamie, I sighed and hid my eyes from the streetlight coming in through the window.

“I can’t” I began “I ha…” the date! I screamed in my head, I quickly glanced to the clock. 10:30pm! Crap! I shot up out of bed and turned on the light “Sorry, I’m grounded” I muttered before closing my phone and throwing it on the bed. I rounded up my favourite pair of jeans and a shirt and shoved them on, giving me 15 minutes to sort out my hair. I tip-toed into the bathroom and grabbed my mum’s hair straighteners, using them to flat out my fringe.

I was ready by 10:57pm according to my watch but France wasn’t here. I was being very impatient as I paced back and forth my room. By 5 past he still hadn’t come. I decided to check that my family was all in bed. The corridors were silent as I tiptoed to Hannah’s room, she was defiantly in bed, but the light in my parents room was on…this means they were either reading or doing a cross word. Better not disturb them then…I walked back to my room, being careful to not let my door creak. I crawled over to my bedroom window to see a black figure sprawled across the lawn. I smiled down at him

“France” I muttered, trying not to be loud, he noticed my voice and his head shot up, looking into my window, I watched as a smile formed at his lips.

“Hey Rapunzil, let down your hair”

“Stop with the crap, I’m coming down” I tried to whisper. The roof from the kitchen extension made it easier for me to climb out. I jumped onto the roof and dropped onto the ground, making a clean landing. I smiled at my accomplishment and skipped over to France who pulled me into a hug, one I couldn’t deny. Once my arms were wrapped securely around France’s waist he picked me up and spun me round before carrying me down the path.

“Let me go” I kicked my legs around and got him in the shin. He dropped me straight away and bent over rubbing his shin. I felt bad for the limping boy and hurried on over to him “I’m sorry” I pouted causing him to smile down at me. He quickly placed a small kiss upon my lips before taking hold of my hand. We walked in silence down a small path that led into the town centre.

“Where are we going?” I asked

“I planned the date, so we are going somewhere for a surprise”

“You planned the date?”

“Yeah of course I did, I mean I’m the guy in the relationship” I stopped in my tracks and gaped…

“I’m not the girl!”

“Of course you are, I mean the girl is always small and whiney and super cute” he smiled and I crossed my arms over my chest walking ahead.

“Oh come on, do you want to be the guy?” France ran up to my side and put his arm round my waist. I immediately calmed down and leaned into him smiling. “Come on, we need to go down here” before I could protest, France dragged me down a dark path leading into a wood.

“You’re going to kill me aren’t you” I cried sarcastically. France just laughed and grabbed onto my hand pulling me to his “surprise” place, we ventured through trees and bushes, me screaming every time I heard an owl but we eventually came out into a small abandoned park. The swings were rusted and were slowly swinging in the light breeze. It was freezing cold out here but I didn’t mind. Next to the swings sat a climbing frame- also rusted- but also on the climbing frame was a big white square, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and rushed over to the suspicious white square.

“It’s a screen” France whispered behind me, I turned round and smiled at him

“What?” I asked “Why do you have a screen?”

“For that” He pointed towards a battery powered projection box sitting in the middle of a red and green blanket. Small lanterns surrounded the sitting area with 6 cans of beer. I laughed and ran over and sat down on the cold blanket, making room for France to sit down.

“You like?” France sat himself down next to me, grabbing another blanket from his side and placing it round our shoulders; I immediately snuggled into the thick warm blanket warming up my body.

“So, what do you want to watch? I have…Pippi Longstockings, Lion King, Lion king 2 or Ice Age” he knew my favourite films too well. I couldn’t decide,

“Lion King Two” I smiled “It’s our film, can’t ruin the tradition of Lion King on our first date” I added, rewarding me a kiss on the forehead and a small hug. France got out of the blanket and got on his knees to place the disc in the compartment giving me an excellent view of his butt

“Nice ass” I commented. He shook his butt making me laugh. I wolf whistled and I swear I saw him so red. Once the disc was in and the movie was about to start France returned to his place and brought me into his hug so I could once again steal his body heat

“Fine, I agree…you’re the boy in the relationship, I need your body heat!” I mumbled waiting for the film to finally begin. France giggled before we both fell silent to watch the film.


“Casper, ghouly, wake up, the film’s over” I turned over and rubbed my eyes, opening them to a very gorgeous star filled sky. Only a few clouds were high above, covering the shiny bright lights. “Pretty isn’t it” France asked looking up as well. I sat up and yawned, and watched France sit up as well. He leaned in to make our noses touch, my insides fluttered as he spoke

“And so are you” I looked down and smiled before attaching my lips to his. His lips were as soft as velvet as they rubbed against mine, he licked my bottom lip begging for entrance and I gladly accepted, out tongues wrestled for dominance; France won of course and pushed me to the ground and climbed on top of me to show his victory. I wrapped my hands around his neck and brought him closer so every inch of him was on me. He moved his hands up and down my body and started moving up my shirt, I shivered in response and detached our lips so I could breathe. Francis moved his body off mine and stood onto his feet pulling me up with him, I moved closer towards him so I could just be with him, he understood my gesture and wrapped his arms around my waist,

“I am so glad you’re mine” he whispered rocking me back and forth

“Ditto” I replied pecking him on the lips.

“Come on; let’s go get something to eat” France interrupted our quiet moment; I nodded and held onto my stomach making a face…

“What place will be open…at” I glanced down at my watch “1:45am?”

“I know a place” France picked up his shoes that he took off during the movies and placed them on his feet before taking my hand and walking back to where we came from.

“What about the stuff?” I asked pointing back at the place we were just at

“Don’t worry, I’ll pick it up tomorrow morning, nobody knows this place” I nodded and carried on walking following France to his chosen place to eat.
It took us about 10 minutes to get to where we were eating. It was a fancy place, with big open windows and a big door; curtains were huge across the windows separating the customers from the dark outside world.

“I can’t go in there, look at me” I looked down at my clothing and pointed out the tight skinny jeans and slack shirt, I had grass stains on my shirt and my jeans were ripped at the bottom. I was in no state to go in there.

“You look perfect,” France mouthed, walking into the restaurant, I followed suit, closing the door behind me. Not many people were here. A young couple were sat in the corner laughing and drinking. An older couple were sat talking quietly to themselves and three adults were sat at the bar. France wandered over to a table and sat down gesturing me to follow him; we ordered our meals and ate in a comfortable silence.

“I enjoyed tonight” I said pushing my plate aside. I was so full and needed a rest.

“So did I, you are so much easier to take out then girls” Francis replied, I raised an eyebrow “not that I will take out a girl again” he added, I nodded my approval and playfully kicked his leg

“Ha, it’s getting late, maybe we should go home now” I reached into my pocket and pulled out some money and placed in on the table

“I’m paying, not you, I’m the guy remember, so shove that money back where it belongs” France childishly said, placing his own money in the place mine had been. I smiled and put my jacket back on.


“It was totally Scar’s fault” I repeated

“No, if Mufasa hasn’t been so annoying Scar wouldn’t have had to go to extremes to get rid of him” We had been arguing about this the whole way home, we were now outside my window and I urged France to be quiet

“Whatever Nala, I have to go” I shook off France’s jacket and handed it over to him, he took it and tied it round his waist. How he was never cold I will never know.

“Okay, but I’ll miss you”

“You’ll see me on Monday” I pressed, leaning into France, he kissed me on the lips, slyly slipping in his tongue. I pulled away and smiled “I really have to go” I pecked his lips one last time before walking over to the wall where I contemplated how I was going to get up. The drain pipe would be the easiest solution so I began to climb up. Once I was at my window I looked down at France who was still standing there.

“Hey, Casper”


“You can be my Simba” He smiled up at me and I smiled back, blowing him a kiss before climbing back through my window. As I closed my window I watched France walk off crossing his arms over his chest. Once he was out of view I undressed and climbed into my warm bed. The date was the last thought that processed through my mind before falling fast asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
My longest chapter yet :)
i hope you liked the date...i did

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Beast And The Harlot

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