Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba


My hands were clammy as I slowly walked towards my dad’s office; I was constantly wiping them on my jeans as my mum knocked on the white door for me. I frowned as I heard my father’s footsteps get closer towards me. My mother ran off into the kitchen before my dad opened the door and smiled down at my presence.

“Hello son” he nodded

“Hi Dad”

“What would you like? Will it take long? I have to get back to work” I shook my head and he gestured for me to walk in. I took a seat on the uncomfortable white sofa that was situated at the back of his office that was usually used as a cabinet for my dad’s meal ideas. His office had a smell that was different to the house. It smelt like my father… Strong cologne and wine, something I had never grown used to. I remember my mum telling me about how much she loved his unique smell, but to be honest it was nothing special, and actually it was quite overwhelming.

“What can I do for you?” My father took a seat next to me, moving his glasses of his face and onto the top of his head.

“I have to tell you something, and I don’t know how you’ll take it” I was paying full attention to my hands on my lap as I spoke.


“Okay, I’m just going to say it” I looked up, getting a new burst of confidence and looked my father in the eye “I’m gay, and I’m currently dating Francis McAllister” I kept my eyes on him, waiting to find any sort of reaction. Seconds pasted and I was growing impatient as the face of my father remained the same. “Please say something” I added.

“I need to work, important business” and with that he walked back to his computer taking all confidence I had with him. My heart sank a little. I never took my dad as a homophobe, he was fine with Chris and Rich at work, and they were practically girls. I slowly pulled myself off the sofa and walked out the door, trying hard to not let a tear fall down my face. I crawled up the stairs and into my bedroom where I rummaged under my pillow for my phone. I phoned the overused phone number and waited for an answer.

“Hey” His voice was cheery making me lighten to a bit

“Can you come over” I tried to make my voice sound normal but failed miserably.

“Yeah of course” he sounded so worried over me. When to be honest I was being stupid, I was over reacting. My dad hadn’t even said he hated me; all he did was walk away. I hit myself as I hung up; he’s probably expecting me to be upset over something worth being sad about, not something this stupid.

France didn’t take long to arrive at my window, having climbed up the drain pipe. I let him in and he rubbed his hands together, whispering something about the cold. He saw my face and rushed over to me being cautious about my parents finding out about him being here. We sat on my bed; me cuddling into his tall physique, his arms wrapped around my body keeping me company,

“What’s wrong?” he questioned, taking my chin in his hand so he could have a full look at my face.

“My mum found out about us, she saw you kiss me the other day”

“She doesn’t like your sexuality?” France interrupted me, his tone growing with concern,

“No, she…she doesn’t mind” I carried on “actually…she is kind of obsessed with the idea of having a gay son” France smiled at my comment, pulling me closer “It’s my dad, I told him today and he just ignored me and went back to his work” France nodded, telling me he understood.

“Maybe he’s in shock. And if the consequences are that he doesn’t like it then screw him. You don’t need to worry about that. As long as you’re happy” he smiled again and I smiled back, unable to stay upset when around him.

“Have you told your parents about us?” I asked, he nodded his response so I carried on “How did they take it?” I notice France hesitate, looking around the room for a distraction

“Fine” he mumbled, taking my hand in his, playing around with my fingers. I didn’t ask more, I don’t think he is telling the truth but I don’t want to press him further. I’ll ask another time.

“So, when we going to tell Jamie and Alec?” I asked changing the subject

“Whenever” he shrugged, coming back to his normal self “How about now?” I nodded and climbed out of his grasp. He stood up next to me and leaned in, causing our lips to crash together. The spark was growing every time he kissed me, and this time it was amazing. He pulled away before it turned into a make out session and winked. I ran into his arms hugging him like a child to its mother.

“I need to go make up an excuse as to why I won’t be downstairs” I muttered, walking out the door.


“Why am I here?” Alec asked, pushing his hand through his hair. We had called our friends in my room and had asked them to meet us in the park. Jamie was there before us sitting on the swing; bored out of his mind. Alec had just arrived; looking like he had just woke up. I smiled as he took a seat next to Jamie on the swings

“We have something to tell you” France replied walking to stand in front of the swings, I followed suit, butterflies taking over my stomach

“Go on” Jamie commented, looking rather bored, France took a deep breath and grabbed hold of my hand. Jamie frowned and looked down at our entwined hands

“We are dating” I blurted out. Alec’s face lit up, smiling happily at us, almost laughing

“That is not what I expected, but cool” Alec said, reassuring us that he was okay with the situation, Jamie on the other hand looked like he was going to puke. Instead he got off the swing, glared at me and walked off shouted “Fags” over his shoulder before turning the corner and was out of site. All three of us were shocked…not what we had expected.

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Sorry i haven't updated in ages. I can't update on Thursdays because i have cadets and Fridays i have to go to my dads. Sundays i can update! :)
A warning...i might not be able to update this week because of stupid exams...But i will get another update up as soon as i can! i promise!

Anyway thank you so much for commenting!
--i smiled loads at your comment, made my day!
Write Naked

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