Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba


I wasn’t looking forward to school today; my hands were shaking from nerves and the freezing cold weather combined. France was holding me close as we walked through the school gates, making it sly, as to not look like a couple.

“You’ll be fine, it’s not like Jamie is going to hate us forever” France muttered trying to comfort me. I nodded but was unconvinced. I pushed open the school doors and walked quickly over to my locker to see Alec leaning casually against it.

“Hi” I whispered as I approached the tall guy,

“Hey guys” he looked over at us smiling before looking down and frowning…oh no

“What is it Alec?”

“Nothing…umm, I have to go” and with that he was gone, rushing off down the hall, slinging his backpack over his shoulder, I turned round to face France to look for an answer

“I have no idea” he shook his head; I laughed at his wide eyes and pushed his arm lazily.

“The arm did what to you?” he asked, pointing at where I shoved him

“The list goes on and on” I replied, walking away from the boy. It didn’t take him long to catch up with me and drag me away from my current destination. “What are you doing?” I asked, trying to grab my arm back

“I’m dying for a piss” he replied, pulling me into the bathroom

“And I have to come with you?” I watched his eyes as they searched around the empty bathroom before locking on one of the cubicles. He quickly gave me a smile before shoving me in the cubicle; him right behind me. Before I could ask what was going on, France moved in closer to me, attacking my lips with his own. It was magic, the way his lips connected with mine. It was right, and somehow, among all of the dizziness and the clinging to him like a life line, something inside me changed, never to be reversed. This new feeling could be dwelled upon later, because, for now, I was content to feel his breath come and go with mine. His lips were soft as he moved down to my neck, he moved one hand up the back of my shirt, and my body flinched at his cold touch

“Sorry, did I hurt you?” France questioned, pulling his lips away from neck

“No, it’s your freezing cold hands” I answered. He smiled and put his hand back up my shirt “so you continue?” he didn’t reply, he just looked at me pulling me closer to him. “What?” my furrowed my eyebrows and he just smiled down at me, tracing his fingers across my lips and down my neck, causing my insides to burst. I was just about to ask him again but words wouldn’t form as he kissed along his trail. My hands found their way up the back of Frances shirt and I leaned my head back, my breathing getting heavier as he snaked his arm from my back to my chest.

“Dude, she is totally hot” France shot back at the sound of other voices. My eyes widened and shot a look at France who had his hand over his mouth

“No way, she doesn’t even have an arse” another guy replied. I heard the faint sound of a zipper and that did it. My stomach made tingly feelings and my cheeks ached as I tried to hold back laughter.

“Yeah, but her breast are so firm” the first guy voiced again. My laughter grew inside me and I tried hard to keep it in. France noticed my struggling and attempted to give me a glare, mouthing the words “be quiet” I let my hand drop and mouthed back “I’m trying” he only shook his head, clearly disappointed in my childishness.

“She beats a guy in looks any day” the unfamiliar third voice rang.

“Whatcha mean?”

“Casper Ventresca” my head shot up at the sound of my own name

“According to Jamie, he’s a fag” all laughing sensations left me and were replaced with sadness…I knew he was going to hate me

“That’s sick” their voices trailed off, closing the door, leaving me in silence. I took a deep breathe and opened the door, walking over to the sink

“Casper…they don’t know what they are talking about” France mumbled,

“Don’t they?” I replied, walking out the door and towards my first class, realising I had missed form. Francis having art had to go to the other side of the school leaving me to walk on my own towards geography. It wasn’t long till I had climbed all the stairs and walked into my classroom. The first thing I noticed was everyone staring at me. Some people were expressionless while others looked disgusted. I shuffled over to my seat and quickly sat down and took out my things. I kept my head down the whole time, letting my hair fall down like a protective shield from the 30 odd pairs of eyes. Seems like news travels fast around here. Geography went fast, letting me leave the room subtly. Second and third period went by just as fast, and I was now on my way to lunch.

“Hi” France croaked, moving across to let me sit down

“Hello” I replied, smiling up at him, he turned round to face me clearly chewing on a bite of his sandwich

“You alright?” I nodded, my mood lightening up as his aura surrounded me.

“Yeah, I’m fine” he wasn’t convinced

“Casper, ignore them, so what if you’re gay. Doesn’t matter who thinks it’s wrong. As long as you’re happy” I smiled up at him “I mean, of course you’re happy, you have me” he added, I laughed at his cockiness and nudged him in the rips causing me a death glare. We were talking and laughing for about twenty minutes when Jamie came and interrupted

“You coming France?” he asked, totally ignoring my presence

“To where?”

“Away from the faggot” I gritted my teeth together trying to stay calm

“No, just go away” France whispered, I glanced to right to noticed France looking down at the table, not keeping eye contact on me or Jamie.

“Why? He’s a sick bastard” I kept quiet expecting France to say something, instead he just kept looking at his food, I shook my head and looked back at Jamie who was stood in a cant-be-bothered pose.

“Jamie, just go away” I muttered, keeping my anger at bay.

“Whatever puff” He replied walking away. People near our table were giggling at Jamie’s comments and talking amongst themselves. I ignored them and turned my attention back to France

“Thanks for the help!” I yelled in his ear. He jumped back and held his hand to his heart.

“I’m sorry” he mumbled “I thought he was going to say something about me…us being together”

“He clearly hasn’t let the information of you being gay get to his fucking head” I replied, my anger beginning to burst out.

“Casper, please calm down”

“Why? I’m not going to let that idiot think he can call me names and pick on me for who I am. He’s a dick head” I yelled back, not caring who hears.

“Casper. Will you just calm down!” His voice grew louder and the whole lunchroom was staring at us

“No, I’m going home” I got up off the table, roughly picking up my bag and barged out the door and into the freezing cold air. The wind was strong against my ears and I didn’t hear the person run up behind me and strongly spin me round to face them

“Casper, I am so sorry!” France stood in front of me, no jacket only his bag…I just wanted to hug him warm but I was angry at the moron

“No, you’re not; you’re only saying this now because no one is around, just go away” I replied, grabbing my arm back

“Dude!” I ignored his voice again and carried on walking.


I was so tired. I had to work an extra shift at the restaurant tonight because Rich was ill. I was curled up in my bed now, trying to warm myself up. Today was a crap day was all I could think as I lay there. Events from the day passed through my mind as I tried to sleep when I felt my phone vibrate from under my pillow. I moaned and felt under my pillow until I found the solid object. I had had my phone on silent while I was working so I didn’t realise how many times France had text me;

16 new messages
From: France

I couldn’t help it but a small smile crept across my face, I opened message one

Casper. I am so sorry!! I mean it! I feel so bad

I clicked off the message and went to number two

Sweety! Please, I didn’t mean to hurt you xxx

My smile grew wider at his pet name for me and I skipped the next 13 messages, figuring they all said the same thing and went onto the last one

Nala needs her Simba, Lion King wouldn’t be the same if Simba didn’t forgive Nala for being an ass. Call me xxx

Ergh…why does he have this effect on me. All anger that I had from today had gone from just 3 texts from France. Smiling I opened a new message and began to reply

Well…we can’t change the Lion King can we
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry i haven't updated in ages! i really am sorry!! But exams and rubbish! XD

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Honey and the bee stings
Beast And The Harlot

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