Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba


“Kayleigh!” Yelled Francis running down the stairs, he just figured out that his parents took the spare covers and pillows with them on there trip to see some friends, meaning I had no where to sleep. I said over and over again that I could just go home, I only lived down the road but Francis wouldn’t allow that, he says I have to sleep over tonight.

“France, seriously, I don’t need to sleep over,” I said searching the ground floor for my best friend.

“Yes you do” came a muffled reply. I followed the voice to the kitchen.

Opening the door I was greeted by the warm smell of hot chocolate, I breathed it in and smiled at the familiar smell. The kitchen was a wide area, the usual furniture took up most of the space including a large breakfast bar that was placed in the centre of the room that Francis was presently sat at, explaining his problems to his sister.

“Well, why doesn’t he just sleep in your bed” Kayleigh suggested

“Yeah I guess he could” Francis replied. I slowly walked towards the breakfast bar to retrieve my mug of hot chocolate before following Francis back up the stairs to his room.

“France…your bed is a single bed…made for 1 person” I pointed out, taking a sip of the chocolatey drink.

“We can squeeze little buddy!” I was suddenly hugged causing the boiling hot liquid to spill over my chest. I jumped out of Francis’ grip, cursing at the pain.

“ Oh shit!”

“I’m so sorry!” Francis said, running over to my jumping figure. “You might want to take that off” he pointed towards my shirt, I did as I was told and peeled my wet shirt off throwing it on the floor. I realised my jeans were also wet and started to take them off as well, when I noticed France staring at me, his eyes scanned over my whole body and I suddenly felt really self conscious. I hid my red face and pulled my trousers back up.

“Can I borrow your shower “ I required, heading towards the bathroom, I looked back and saw him nodding before closing the door.

The bathroom was simple, blue wallpaper representing water covered the walls, mirrors were surrounding the room, cupboards were full of essentials including towels. I grabbed one and placed in on the towel wrack before tugging off my wet jeans. Before getting in the shower I glanced in the full-length mirror. What was Francis looking at? I peered at my reflection. I was nothing special. Black hair covered my head and parts of my face where it fell out of place, sometimes covering my hazel eyes, I had one of those baby faces making me look like I hadn’t hit puberty yet. I was pale and small, with only natural muscles. I sighed getting in the shower.
Why do I care what Francis saw, he is my best friend, that’s all.

Coming out the shower refreshed I reached for the towel and wrapped it securely around my waist. I used another towel to dry my hair and opened the door a crack, sticking my head out to face Francis’ room.

“France!” I yelled, I waited for a reply but I didn’t get one “France” I tried louder. No reply, I checked the hall for any sign of Kayleigh, when all was clear I slyly ran across the hall to Francis’ room. Upon entering I found his wardrobe and riffled through choosing a top and a pair of boxes for me to wear to bed. I knew he wouldn’t mind me wearing his clothing as he has borrowed mine too many times. Seeing as France wasn’t here I decided to get changed where I was. I had just got on the boxes when the door creaked open and Francis entered.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t know you were out” he said casually, I smiled and carried on getting changed, I acted normally knowing that he didn’t know I saw him looking at me.

“I put your stuff to wash, should be dry by morning”

“Thanks” and with that we both squeezed into his small bed. The back of his head far to close to my face, I was just about to try get some sleep when I smelt something weird, I sniffed again and laughed when I realised what it was.

“France, your hair smells like burning and hairspray” I laughed louder.

“Shut-up!” he turned round to face me trying to hide a smile underneath his “angry” face, he didn’t last very long before he ended up laughing with me. After about two minutes we had calmed down and were both laid on our backs looking at the ceiling.

“Goodnight Casper”

“Goodnight France” I replied closing my eyes.
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