Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba


“Can I sit?” It was break time and I had managed to avoid France all day so far. I was now sat on my own; Jamie and Alec were sat with France laughing amongst themselves. Only every now and then would France glance over. I groaned and lazily looked up to see Natalie waiting for an answer.

“Sure” I muttered, picking at my snack. I watched as my ex took a seat next to me, her arm skimming across my own.

“You okay?” she placed her hand on my own as I took apart my lunch


“Casper, are the rumours true?” I looked up my food then and faced her

“About me being gay?” she nodded “Yes” she sighed and brought me into a tight embrace. I was shocked at her gesture and didn’t expect her to understand but here she was comforting me as I sat alone.

“I thought you hated me” I mumbled under my breath

“No of course not, it’s not your fault your gay” I furrowed my eyebrows at her but she didn’t budge. I glanced over at France who was staring at me warily, looking from Natalie to me, I caught his eyes and he smiled at me. I was about to smile back and Natalie brought my face back into her view

“So, you look down. How would you like to come out with me Thursday? Just as friends” I shook my head “Come on, you’re not happy”

“No, it’s alright thanks” she spent the rest of break trying to convince me to go so in the end I agreed to meet her at the bus stop on Thursday after school.


“Hey Casper” I turned round at the familiar voice and automatically smiled

“Hi” I hugged onto my books tight as the boy came closer

“Can we talk?” France asked, placing his hand on my own. I moved back causing his arm to fall back down to his side. “Please?”

“What?” I asked

“About last night, what I said. It doesn’t mean I don’t like you” I looked left and right. People were walking back and forth chatting away about their normal lives. It was Lunch time now so the halls were crowded except near the lockers which is where France and I are currently standing.

“You hurt me” I pointed out

“I know, and I feel terrible” he moved towards me again, except this time I didn’t move, I let him place his cool hands on my shoulders. “I’ll do anything for you to forgive me”

“Tell them”

“Tell whom what?” he moved his hands down from my shoulders to my arms that were wrapped around my books

“Tell them” I took one arm away and pointed towards all the people passing by. “About us” I looked up to see his face that looked like he was going to shit his pants.


“Or at least your sexuality” my voice grew louder as he continued to babble. I shot him a look awaiting his answer


“I knew it” I shoved pasted him and carried on walking towards the lunch room. The people walking and chatting through the halls were beginning to get on my nerves. My anger was building as more and more people pushed me out of the way that by the time I reached the lunch room I pushed some girl out my way causing her to spill her coffee all over her shirt.

“What the fuck you playing at” Yelled a masculine voice. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. I slowly turned round to see Aaron; and there is only one way to describe Aaron; meathead. The girl started screaming at me but I was too scared to move my eyes away from Aaron, he’s the school’s best football player and swimmer. I like him. When he’s far away from me.

“You’re gonna pay you piece of shit” he moved closer to me and a small whimper escaped my lips “Nobody hurts my girl friend and gets a way with it” I swear I saw his eyes glow red with hatred. I didn’t reply so he pushed me, my small body toppling backwards.

“Sorry” I managed to spit out.

“Sorry ain’t good enough” and with that he walked off, leaving a small amount of people laughing at me. I climbed onto my feet and shuffled off to my table, the one I know labelled as mine and Barry’s.

“Can I sit?”



“France, go away!” I looked up and my eyes locked with his, all I saw was lament and grief and I almost wanted to forgive him.

“But you’re all alone” he sounded pitiful

“I have Barry” I pointed out to the empty seat in front of me. He looked confused as he glanced towards my imaginary friend.

“My new friend, he likes to tell people stuff and be nice and he doesn’t get me into trouble” France placed his food on my table and began to sit down. I quickly intervened and stood up so my body was touching his. “You’re not sitting down”

“Yes I am”

“No you’re not” I pushed him away and he stumbled backwards. I sat back down and placed my feet on the opposite chair.

“Casper… Are you honestly being this childish” I nodded and pulled out my lunch from my bag and began to eat. “Casper”

“Please, just leave!” I shouted. France hesitated before picking up his tray of food

“Please forgive me” he mumbled

“Tell them” I replied for the third time. He shook his head and walked away. Leaving me alone once again.


“Ready?” I had just put my jacket on when I heard the very familiar masculine voice. I turned round to see Aaron. I coughed trying to find my voice

“For what?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Bit of a filler...but it has important information :)

Anyways Thanks for commenting!:
Stalker Stacy
we're all mad here
Write Naked
