Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba


“What were you doing!” he yelled before quickly covering his mouth with his hands.

“Why are you here?” Natalie mumbled from next to me. I was too in shock to talk. I just stood there like a fool, watching the one I love insult me. I suddenly felt a huge deal of guilt build up inside me. I feel sick and just wanted to leave.

“Why were you…?” Francis questioned, unable to bring himself to say the word. His eyes diverted in-between Natalie and I. I glanced to the ground, my cheeks reddening as I remembered the unwanted kiss. As neither of us replied Francis stormed out the shop, leaving the scattered clothes on the floor. I couldn’t let him think this was something, Natalie was the one that kissed me! I had nothing to do with it, but I don’t think he is going to believe me, I mean why would he. He doesn’t care.

“Casper” Natalie mumbled

“Nat, just don’t! Okay?” I shouted back, following France’s trail. I looked around the shopping centre, unable to spot him in the small crowd. Shoving my hands in my pockets and sighing deeply I began heading home. The walk was a long one but I was not getting a lift from Natalie. I was not particularly angry with her, more embarrassed for her. I flicked my hood up as the cold air hit the back of my neck, causing my whole body to shiver. The evening was growing dark and the sounds quietened down, leaving me to walk in the dusk. I kept my head low as I quickened my pace, hoping to eventually end up home. The faster I walked the more I got scared, the dark shrinking around me, wrapping me up into its cocoon of bitterness and cold. I remembered an old saying my mother used to say to me when I would get scared of the dark “Think of something special and the darkness will become light” I smiled at the thought and tried taking her long given advise.

“Casper get in the car” someone yelled, a familiar voice. I jumped back in shock and stared at the slowing car. The headlights shining on the abandoned road. I stayed in place, not moving an inch as the stranger in the car honked the car horn.

“Ghouly! Come on, it’s cold” the voice shouted again. I took a step forward and leaned down to noticed France sat in the back seat of a car, the window rolled down. I sighed in relief and quickly climbed in, thanking Kayleigh as she pulled out from the lane and began driving us home. The ride was silent until Kayleigh parked the car in front of their house and climbed out, ignoring our childish-like behaviour. I followed her movements and began to walk down the lit street, counting my breaths as I did.

“I’m sorry for yelling” I turned round in the middle of the road and faced France. I didn’t reply. “I shouldn’t have followed you” he continued “you were with Natalie and I was curious as to why” he used his hands to move about as he spoke.

“I didn’t mean to kiss her” I replied, my voice barely audible.

“I hoped” we stood in the road just staring at each other for awhile. Before France spoke up “do you forgive me?” I immediately nodded my head and turned round again to carry on home. I could feel France’s glare on my back the whole time and that’s why I wasn’t surprised when he shouting something, but I was surprised by his choice of words.

“I’m leaving next week.” I stopped dead in my tracks, trying to understand what he had just said.

“Where?” I mumbled

“Home” that one word and I was in tears. My shirt was beginning to grow wet from the droplets falling from my eyes. I could only just feel Francis’ arms wrap themselves around. He couldn’t go home. He wasn’t allowed to move that far away. Not that far away from me. How was I suppose to cope?

“But Greece is miles away” I managed to croak out.
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I'm so sorry i haven't been updating in forever but so much is going on it's unreal. I know this is kinda fillerish, but i will update properly soon! It's the holidays so i should be able to update quite often now! :)

Another thing, i might delete my "This Is Going To End In Heartache" story if anyone reads it because i can't think of anything to do with it and writing it feels like a chore. I have a really good idea for a new story anyway that can replace that one. I'm sorry to anyone who reads it but i really don't like the story. I hope you forgive me?

And also, this story is shortly coming to a close...*sigh* i like this story, but it has to end somewhere..

Thanks for commenting anyways to all you guys! I love you so much!
Danny Worsnop.
friggin' lovely.
Joshua Hayward.
