Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba


“Casper, do we really have to do all this?” France moaned studying the list I had given him. I paid the correct amount of change and hurried on up the bus to find a seat.

“Yes France, we do! It’s you’re last day and I missed all of yesterday because of that stupid party” I complained back, France sighed before taking the seat next to me. My insides tingled as I felt his hand wrap around my own, and I couldn’t help but blush.

“It’s not my fault you weren’t invited to the party, and my parents made me talk to everyone so I couldn’t escape, and…” I cut him off by shoving my free hand in front of his face

“I don’t want to hear it!” I joked, trying hard to hide my smile

“That’s how you’re going to act towards the guy who faked a fit for you” he mumbled, slumping down in his seat. I cocked my head to him and raised an eyebrow, encouraging him to go on

“Yeah! You heard me!” France almost yelled, a hint of laughter embedded in his tone, “I like full on collapsed to the floor and everything” he added, quieting down as people glared his way.

“My Prince Charming” I commented, holding my hand to my chest and admiring the boy next to me.

“Dam right I am” replied France, smiling his beautiful smile. One that I was soon to lose. I felt my insides crumble as I remembered the events of tomorrow. I just couldn’t bare the thought of living without him. He was as cliché as this sound ‘my everything.’ Sometimes I felt jealous, knowing he was going to meet new people, make new friends and one day meet a new…boyfriend. I felt the lump in my throat get bigger as I tried to hold back my tears, and I knew France had noticed and his words confirmed it.

“I’m going to miss you so much” he muttered, his own eyes gathering with tears also. I couldn’t help but let a tear fall gracefully down my cheek, only having it wiped away by France’s sleeve. “Please don’t cry” he added, as his own tear left his watery eyes. I let a small laugh leave my lips as I wiped away his tears.

“Only if you don’t” I joked, stroking France’s cheek. He blushed at my words and squeezed my hand tightly.

“Deal” he replied, clearing his throat and wiping at his eyes before glancing down at the list again. “Karaoke? Rollercoaster? Ghouly, do we have to?”

“Yes! How many times France? We need to do these things before you leave” I replied, pressing the stop button as I realized we were here. I pushed France out the chair and quickly walked off the bus before it left again. I muttered a quick Thanks before stepping off the bus into the cold late winter air. I grabbed hold of France’s hand and pulled him in the direction I was heading.

“We better not get lost” I heard France mumble as he wrapped his jacket further round his body.

“I know where we are silly” I replied, turning left past some trees and a few houses. The rest of the journey was silent, except for the distant sounds of the place we were heading. It wasn’t long till I turned round a corner and found the place I was aiming for.

“A fare?” France confirmed, tightening his grip around my hand, a wide grin spread across his face,

“You like it?” I asked, pulling him towards the entrance, his mouth widened and he nodded his head, his eyes searching around the secret fare. I had found an advertisement for “Echo Park” when I was walking around town; it’s supposedly a mystery fare that travels around the world. It sounded dumb but I knew France had an obsession with Fare grounds so I found the address and checked it was around for this very day.

The place was small, but it was amazing. It was so much better than I expected. Multi-coloured tents ran up and down the area, with stalls hidden inside. A Ferris Wheel stood at the back end with coloured lights wrapping around it. To the right was a rollercoaster and to the left stood many other rides. As we stepped in, a man in a top hat and red coat greeted us, asking for a small fee. I paid the price and he told us to have a great time before leaving us to gather in a tent. I smiled at Nala’s face as he still looked shocked.

“This is amazing” he finally blurted out, bringing me into an embrace. I leaned my head on his chest as he held me tight. I took in his scent and smiled at the well-known smell, knowing I was soon going to forget it.

“I thought you’d like it” I replied, taking in a deep breath as he let me go, but still keeping our hands connected.

“So, where first?” He questioned, looking around the place, there was not many people here, and most of the customers seemed to be young couples, such as ourselves.

“Oh my fucking god! That is one huge bear!” I screamed, jumping up and down upon noticing a stall where you could win a toy. France let out a laugh before following me as I ran towards the stall.

“I’m paying” France whispered in my ear, causing my legs to go numb. I blushed at my weakness but nodded my head anyway. I watched him pay the lady at the stall before she handed me three white balls. She gave me a small explanation of the game before walking off to greet some more customers. The game was simple, all I had to do was throw the balls at the moving bottles and get them all down. My first throw ended up on the floor, not even reaching the bottles, France laughed at my failure and gave me a jester’s smile. I glared at him before throwing the second ball. I shouted a ‘yes’ when three of the six bottles fell onto the floor, making a clanging noise as they landed.

“Weldone” France quipped, clapping his hands. I hit him lightly before throwing my final ball. As the ball came in contact with the first bottle, I thought I’d lost, but once the bottle fell it pushed the others and that’s when I won! I jumped up and down like a girl and ran around in circles. Once I had calmed down I turned round to face a very happy France holding onto the bloody big bear! My eyes widened and I ran towards him, stroking the bear’s head.

“I love you” France said, his tone completely serious as he glanced at me. I immediately stopped dancing and stared at him. I was out of breath and couldn’t stop smiling.

“Ditto” I replied, placing the bear on the ground so I could kiss him. The tingling sensation rose as our lips connected and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake the feeling of loss. I kissed deeper but the feeling still lingered. No matter how passionate the kiss was the feeling remained, and even when we broke apart the feeling stayed, and I had a feeling it was going to stay for a very long time.
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I'm afraid this story is closing soon, maybe one or two more chapter and then it's finished :( But good news! I will be writing a sequel! :)

Thank you for commenting;
friggin' lovely.
Danny Worsnop.
