Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba

032- The End

France’s hand was wrapped around my own tightly as he hurried on ahead, exiting the fare ground.

“I was joking you idiot!” I yelled, only causing me a glare from France and another yank on my hand. I picked up my pace so I was walking alongside France and pouted, hoping he would soon believe me.

“It’s not going to work. You said what you said and you can’t take it back” he mentioned, not even turning his head to face me. I sighed at his childishness and let out a small laugh.

“You’re cute when you’re mad” I commented. France gave me a sarcastic laugh before letting go of my hand to check the bus times. I felt my hand go cold from where Francis had let go and ran over towards him, dropping the bear and wrapping my arms around his waist.

“I’m still mad at you” France mumbled, searching the timetable. “We have ten minutes to wait” he informed me, pulling my hands away and sitting himself down on the floor. I smiled and grabbed the bear, placing him beside France.

“Get that thing away from me!” He yelled, picking up the bear and throwing it about a metre from where he was sat.

“Well that wasn’t very nice to say to Jeffree” I replied, picking up the giant pink bear from the floor, straightening out it’s fur.

“You’ve named it?” France questioned crossing his arms. I ignored his question and sat down next to him, making sure I was comfortable before speaking.

“Come on France. I was joking. Why would I prefer to sit next to a teddy bear then you?” I asked, trying to keep a straight face. France kept his eyes on mine; trying to get me to laugh so he could stay mad at me, but I knew he would crack and I would have his forgiveness.

“I don’t know” he mumbled, tearing his eyes from mine. I grabbed hold of his hand and pulled him up with myself. I leaned in so our bodies were touching and whispered in his ear.

“I don’t love Jeffree” and with that he leaned in, connecting our lips. I couldn’t help but smirk into the kiss, knowing I had won. France noticed and added more pressure, trying to shake off the smirk. I placed my hands on his hips and he pulled me closer to wrap him arms around my neck. I was happy at that point. This is what everyday should be like, and I shouldn’t have to say goodbye. We pulled apart to gather breath, but we still stayed close so we were hugging.

“Fucking gays,” somebody yelled. We both turned to see a large boy. He wore trackies and a hoody, the hood pulled up and his hands shoved into his pockets. I felt France tense up and I couldn’t help but comment back.

“What tipped you off? Our great sense of style, biting wit or was it your gaydar honey?” I questioned, pulling apart from France but making sure we were still holding hands.

“You think you’re funny” the boy replied, his accent barely understandable. I didn’t reply, I just stared at him with one eyebrow raised, my hand placed firmly on my hip. I felt France tug on my hand but I made no effort to reply, I just stared at the boy who eventually walked away, cursing me and calling me all the names under the sun.

“Oh my god, he was scary” I blurted out once he was out of sight, I placed one hand to my heart, trying to calm the rapid beating down.

“The why did you retaliate?” France asked, his voice raising with each word, I shrugged his answer and smiled as a confused look crossed his face. “You’re gonna get into so much trouble acting the way you do” he added, disconnecting our hands to find his bus ticket. The bus rode round the corner and stopped in front of us. We handed him our tickets and took a seat at the back of the bus. Jefree took the seat in front of us, alone. France smiled at the bear and turned to face me.

“I had fun today,” France said, kissing me on the cheek as the bus set off. I heard a few awws come from the group of girls from the back and smiled.

“Ditto” I nudged him, giving him a toothy grin.

“The karaoke was embarrassing though” he admitted, I laughed remembering his reaction when his name was called.

“France you can sing! You got so many tips.” I replied, tapping my pocket where the money was kept.

“Whatever” he mumbled, clearly embarrassed by the whole situation.

“You were better than me” I laughed. I took a deep breath and was about to start to sing, when France shoved his hand over my mouth.

“Everyone is better than you”

“You make me feel so special” I pulled his hand away so I could breathe again. He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile as well.


“Casper!” My mum shouted. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where she stood with my dad and sister.


“We’re going to visit your Aunt Lori for the night. We’ll be back in the morning” she replied, placing her hand on my shoulder

“Oh, um well…I, um “ I stuttered, I wasn’t quite sure why she was taking me away on Francis’ last night. She looked towards my dad and sister before pulling me into the living room where we were alone.

“You can stay here Casper, you have the house to yourself” she smiled, winking at me before walking back into the kitchen. I gasped. I was shocked, was she seriously letting me…

I walked back into the hall and watched as they left the house.

“Call him” My mum whispered before getting in the car and driving off, leaving me alone. I smiled as I stood in the doorway. I loved my mum so much, no doubt was my dad oblivious to everything. I quickly shut the door and ran towards the phone, dialling the well-known number.

“Hello?” His voice carried through the phone, causing me to smile.


“Can I come round now?” he asked

“Yeah” I replied, hanging up. I ran over to the mirror and checked I looked okay. I felt nervous for some reason. It was only France but I felt my hands beginning to shake. I jumped back in surprise when I doorbell suddenly rang, signalling there was someone at the door. I slowly walked to the door and opened it, smiling as France walked in, complaining about the cold.

“Where are your parents?” he asked, a frown taking over his features.

“I have the house for the night” I replied in a quiet tone. France looked up at me giving me the are-you-sure look. I nodded my head and looked down, feeling very nervous. All of o sudden France’s arms were wrapped around me pulling me into him. I looked up and smiled before kissing him.

“Onwards” France shouted, pointing towards the stairs and pulling me along behind him. I let out a giggle and followed him. He leant his back against my bedroom door and pulled me towards him once more, connecting our lips for a brief second.

“S'agapo” he mumbled before opening the door and walking in slowly. I kept my eyes on his while he rested his hands on my hips. His touch was cold as he lifted up my shirt and I felt my heart rate increasing. I took my hands away from my sides and began undoing his shirt, noticing the last button was broken. I smiled and threw the shirt on the floor alongside mine. He linked our bodies together and walked back to the bed, laying me down so he was on top. I felt my cheeks burn as he started unbuttoning my trousers and brought my attention to the kiss we were sharing. I ran my fingers across his chest, noticing how smooth his skin was, he jolted slightly as I traced patterns along his hips bones, slowly pushing down his trousers. The light was dimming in the room and the clock’s ticking was quieting down to a blur as we moved together, our bodies entwined so perfectly. Everything bad that had happened over the past few weeks were nothing but a faint memory now, nothing mattered I was far to happy to care about anything, I just wanted to be here forever.


The eleventh tear fell down my face and landed on my crossed arms, sinking into the material. I stood close to my mum while I watched Mrs McAllister pack the last of their things in the moving truck. My mum softly placed her arm around me for comfort. I watched the world blur while the twelfth and thirteenth tear rolled down my cheek. The tears were coming faster now and were soon coming down to fast for me to count. Kayleigh stepped out the house and ran over towards me, she also had tears in her eyes but she was attempting to hold them back.

“I’m gonna miss you” she sniffed, embracing me in a hug, I hugged her back knowing I was going to miss her so damn much. I felt her choke up and so I pulled away from her before she could breakdown in tears. I smiled up at her and pointed in the direction of her house. She turned round and noticed Corey holding a bunch of flowers, she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and one last hug before running back across the road to the one she was going to miss the most.

I looked down at the ground and started shuffling my feet, trying to hide the fact I was crying so much from the world when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned round to see Francis. His eyes were puffy and red just like mine and he looked like he had been crying for awhile now. He’d left early this morning after breakfast so he could pack the last of his stuff so he wouldn’t get so told off by his parents.

“Please don’t cry,” he said, wiping away my tears, just having them replaced by new ones.

“Only If you don’t” I replied, wiping away his. He gave a short laugh before pulling me into a hug. The contact only made me cry more and soon enough we were both in hysterics. I pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes, giving him a smile

“Promise you’ll write” I mumbled, my voice hoarse from all the crying.

“Of course I will” he nodded his head and attached our lips for the last time. He pulled away far too soon, but I knew he was going to get a talking to when he faced his parents.

“Take Jefree” I informed him, walking back to my mum to collect the giant pink bear and handing it to him. He shook his head at me
“No I couldn’t”

“You can” I replied, shoving the bear in his face “You two need to make up anyway” I joked, trying to lighten the situation. France gave in and took the bear from me, pulling me into another warm hug. This time we were able to keep our tears back.

“Francis, come on now, we have to go” Mr McAllister called, a hint of aggression in his tone. I pulled away from France and he just stood there, not wanting to move.

“I don’t want to go” he told me, shaking his head.

“I know, but you have to Nala” I replied. “I love you, don’t forget that,”

“I love you too Simba. How can I forget you! You’re not easy to forget” he muttered before walking away with Jefree. Fresh tears sprang from my eyes and I rang after him, catching him in the middle of the street just for one last hug.

“Come and visit” I mumbled through tears.

“Ditto” he replied pulling away. “Bye Casper” he added before climbing into the car. I couldn’t see him anymore, my eyes wouldn’t stop crying. I used the back of my sleeve to wipe away the tears and watched the car drive away. Francis’ waved out the car window and apparently so did Jefree. I waved back until they turned the corner and were out of sight.

That’s when I broke down. Somewhere between all my crying I felt my mum walk me to the side of the road and hug me, letting me drench her T-shirt. I felt like a child crying into their mother’s arms.

That night I couldn’t sleep, all I could think about was France and how I wasn’t going to be able to function properly without him. This isn’t how The Lion King ended. Simba and Nala got together in the end, so why didn’t me and France get that ending?
♠ ♠ ♠
. The End .

All finished :( Hope you enjoyed it as much as i did!
I'll start writing the sequel soon! :D

Thank you so much so commenting!
Sexy Moose
Danny Worsnop.
Brian Schechter

Thank you for everyone who commented as well xD

A special thanks to Danny Worsnop. for commenting on every single chapter! You are so cool! :D:D:D
