Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba


I’d managed to catch up with France once he found Jamie and Alec walking out of ‘Game.’

“Hey, you get Mia anything?” France asked, back to his original mood

“Yeah, some pink perfume…they all smell the same!” Jamie babbled.

“We now smell of girls…” Alec whined, I smiled at them and we started walking back towards the bus stop. It’s winter, meaning that it get dark by four o’clock.

“It’s really busy” I whispered to Jamie, he turned his head to look at the crowed bus. Once we paid for our tickets we went upstairs to see if there were any more seats available. There was only one double seat left, we all knew what that meant, two of us would have to sit on the other two’s knees. Glancing at each other we ran towards the seats. Alec and France got there first, high-fiving to show their victory. Jamie and I sighed once reaching the seat and knew what we had to do. Jamie moved in first, squashing past France to sit on Alec’s knee and I quickly sat down on Francis’ lap before the bus started to move. He wrapped his arms around my waist, I jumped in surprise but figured it was to keep me from falling off his knee.

“You think they’re a couple?” I heard some girl whisper to her friend, they were sat across from us and were peering over every now and then to look at us. I didn’t move, I didn’t want them to hear me, so I kept my head still, trying to listen to more of their conversation. From the side of my eye I could tell they were around my age. They both had bleach blonde hair and orange faces, their eyes were black and they were carrying little handbags.

“I don’t know but if not and the small one is single, I am so having him” the other one whispered, although she wasn’t as quiet. My eyes widened to an unhealthy side as I heard she was on about me. I had an idea,

“France” I whispered as I turned round on his hips so I could see his face

“Yeah” he looked happy as he smiled up at me. I kissed him on the cheek, just a small peck, my lips barley touching his skin. I turned back round and took his hand in mine; a tingly feeling was crawling up my arm from where my hand was entwined in his. I liked the feeling and I smiled, ignoring the confused look coming from France. I slyly glanced at the girls and knew they had seen the small display I just created, they seemed disappointed but they were still looking, probably waiting to see if we make out. Ha! As if that’ll happen…

Once off the bus, France and I said goodbye to Alec and Jamie as they began to walk home,

“So, good day?” France asked, tying to start a casual conversation.

“Yeah, was alright” I replied “Sorry about the whole kiss on cheek, holding hands scenario, these girls thought we were going out and they were gonna ask me out if I wasn’t with you” I smiled,

“Oh” Francis answered, finally understanding what actually happened. I hope he didn’t get the wrong impression that I liked him or anything because I don’t…think so.

Ring ring, ring ring

Francis fiddled through his pockets before bringing out his phone, he opened it up and placed it to his ear.

“Hello…Yes…he’s with me…we went into town…” I tuned out after that, guessing it was his sister checking up on him again.

I saw this as the perfect opportunity to get him back from the other day. I slowly walked to the side where I found a pile of snow; I gathered a ball in my hand and walked to France. His back was to me, and I quickly pulled the collar of his shirt towards me and dropped the frozen ice down his top. He screamed from the cold and nearly dropped his phone, luckily he kept a firm grip on it. He turned round and gave me a really evil look; he closed his phone and placed it safely in his pocket before advancing towards me…one step at a time.
I smiled before running off down the street, France close behind me. I ran behind a wall to gather my breath when suddenly a snow ball hit me right on the head, I laughed and bent down to the ground gathering more snow in my small hands and began to run after the dark figure running further away. I was closing in on France as he headed towards his porch when I slipped on a piece of ice and went flying in the air and landed on my ass. France burst into laughter, causing me to frown. His head came into my view as he looked down at me, tears were forming in his eyes and he bent over from laughter. I tried getting up but the floor was too slippy and I ended up on the falling over again. Once France was able to stand without laughing, he held out his hand to help me up, I gladly took it but instead of him helping me, I pulled him down. He toppled over my body and landed on his back next to me. This time it was my turn to laugh and I laughed for ages.

“It’s not funny” France moaned

“Oh but it is!” I spat out in-between laughs. My back was freezing cold from the water soaking through my clothes. It took us about ten minutes but we did mange to get up without falling over or laughing so hard.

“No ones in, and I don’t have a key” noted Francis, he was at his front door, trying to turn the handle again and again

“You know, turning the handle again isn’t gonna make it open” I said, walking up to him. It had become really dark now and the only light was from the few amounts of streetlights. “Come to mine, you can stay over” I muttered walking away from the porch and down the path, I moved around the ice patch as I walked making sure I didn’t fall over again.
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