Sequel: A Smiling Stranger
Status: Completed

You Can Be My Simba


“She loves you” I pouted, letting a smile take over my face. My sister Hannah had just realised France was here and now she won’t leave him alone. She’s 8 years old so she doesn’t actually love him, she just has a weird obsession with him.

“Well…can you blame her, I mean look at me” France replied, his words dripping with sarcasm. I laughed and looked him up and down…no I can’t blame her. I mentally slapped myself; I don’t have a crush on my best friend. I just don’t.

“France! You can play with this one and I will play with this one” Hannah yelled pushing open my bedroom door, two Barbie dolls in her hands. She handed the blonde one to France and he took it stroking her hair. I glanced towards the two people sat on my bed frowning and left the room to go watch some TV.
This happened a lot, Hannah would come home and take France away from me leaving me to go entertain myself. Sometimes France doesn’t play with her and that leaves her in a foul mood causing her to follow us around like a lost puppy. Other times I join in, but she tends to make up excuses about how my Barbie has died in an accident so I cant play. So I leave them to it, usually getting myself a snack and watching a film.


“What we watching then?” came a familiar voice from over my shoulder, I turned round to see France studying the TV.

“You know exactly what I’m watching” I replied shoving another fist full of popcorn in my mouth

“Do you watch anything else?” He plonked himself down on the sofa next to me, our arms touching slightly, I looked down to where our skin came in contact and blushed. I actually blushed. I hid my face from his, keeping my eyes glued to Mufasa who was having a conversation with Scar.



“Because Lion King is the greatest movie ever invented” I said picking up my feet so I was sat crossed legged on the sofa, letting Francis’ head lean on my shoulder. “And I know you agree” I added

“Yeah well…don’t recite it like last time”

“I won’t” and I didn’t, we sat in silence for the rest of the film, only making comments every now and then.

“If I was to be any character from that film what would I be?” France asked lifting his head off my shoulder so he could see my face.

“Nala” I replied without hesitation.

“Think faster why don’t you?” he shot up, crossing his legs also. “Anyway, why would I be Nala, why not Scar or Zazu?” he required, frowning.

“Because she’s up herself and always does as she is told, plus she’s blonde” I explained letting a wide smile take over my face.

“Gee…thanks for the great compliments”

“Your welcome” I smiled “ There is only one thing different between the two of you”


“You don’t have yourself a Simba.” France lifted up his arm and hit me.

“Shut-up” and with that he got up and walked out the room, only turning round once to stick his tongue out at me.


It was morning and I was doing my usual routine; sat in my Pyjamas on my Xbox. The game I was playing today was Halo 3 and I wasn’t doing very well.
Actually, no, I was doing well until Francis told me he was going to take a shower. The moments he muttered those words butterflies took over my stomach and I haven’t been able to pass this dam level. Thoughts of Francis in the shower keep popping in my head and they are very distracting.

I think it’s safe to say I like Francis.

“Casper” I dropped my console and walked over to my bedroom door to where the voice was coming from.

“Casper, over here” I looked to my left and saw France across the hallway wearing only a towel. My legs nearly gave way but I managed to keep up right. I was about to walk over when he used a hand gesture telling me to stop where I was. He pointed towards the stairs and I peered round the corner to figure out what his problem was. And there they were. Five little girls standing at the bottom of the stairs. Hannah and her friends. He was scared to walk across the hall in a towel in case they saw him. I couldn’t help but I laughed, loudly as well. Francis just glared at me and in no doubt did the girls look up as well. I knew Francis needed my help so I tried to hold back my laughter.

“Just come on, they won’t notice” I whispered just loud enough for France to hear.

“Oh get lost, you’re not the one in a towel” France whispered back gripping onto the top of the towel that only just covered his privates. I couldn’t help myself but notice how perfect his body was; he was toned and at this moment in time wet and that wasn’t helping me.

“Okay, just stay there then” I muttered walking back into my room

“Casper Ventresca, come back here and help me…please” his voice was slightly louder but it was still a whisper. I smiled at the thought of him needing my help for once and turned round and shouted,

“Hannah!” I ran down across the hall and down the stairs towards the small humans.

“Yes?” Hannah replied, placing her hands on her hips once I has reached her

“I want to show you something” I walked into the kitchen motioning for the girls to follow me, I went over to the kitchen cabinets and brought out a bowl and a box of cereal and sat down to eat.

“What did you want to show us?” asked Robyn, twirling her hair with her tiny fingers. She was my least favourite of Hannah’s friends because she was so bossy and had everything and got everything she wanted.

“Oh…umm, nothing” I replied taking full attention to my bowl of dry cereal. They all walked out, annoyed that I had wasted their time.

I was nearly finished with my breakfast when I heard a bunch of giggles and as I expected France walked through the door looking clean and very nice.

“Do you always eat dry cereal?” he questioned sitting himself down next to me taking a small handful of my remaining cereal

“Yes, and I would prefer it if you didn’t take it”

“Well sweetie, I’m afraid you’re not always going to get what you prefer” France replied taking the last amount of cereal out of my bowl.

Did he just call me sweetie? A pet name that you give to you partner, I know I am probably taking this too far but he just called me sweetie.
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Happy New Year!! I am so glad 2009 is over!

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