Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



***2 days later***

"So, any questions?" The nurse asked me with a warm smile. I smiled back and shook my head, looking down at the list she gave me for a second before looking at her again.

"Nope, I've got everything." I had been in this little office at the hospital for almost an hour; the nurse had to tell me everything to do when Max is released and put under my care, so you know, he doesn't have a seizure and die. Or something along those lines.

I shook her hand and left the room, still reading over the list of tips and information to deal with Max's minor brain injury-ness. I walked into Max's hospital room and sighed.

"I just sat through almost a fucking hour of listening to a nurse tell me how to take care of you for the next couple of weeks like you're fucking handicapped or something." Max raised his eyebrow at the paper in my hand and I threw it to him.

".....Holy shit I could have a seizure!?" He exclaimed.

"They said it's very unlikely to happen, but hey; who knows. With you I think anything is possible." I mumbled the last part as I sat down in the chair next to his bed. He scanned over the list before huffing and giving it back to me.

"They're acting like I'm fucking retarded now or something." I snickered and put the list in my tote bag on the floor.

"When can I leave?" He whined after a few minutes of silence.

"I dunno, soon." I grumbled, trying to get comfortable in the hard plastic chair and watch the small TV.

"Gee, you're a little ray of sunshine." He said sarcastically.

"You wouldn't be too thrilled either if you had to fucking babysit someone you dislike." I snapped. Once again, I had a case of diarrhea of the mouth. I snapped my head to look at him and he looked at me for a second, obviously mad I had said that and then watched the TV.

"I'm sorry Max." I whispered.

"I love how you can only actually care about me and be nice to me when I'm fucking being beaten and bleeding." He spat. I shrunk back and mentally kicked myself in the ass over and over again.


***an hour later***

Max signed some papers that the doctor gave him and in a flash we were out the door. I threw Max's overnight bag and my tote bag in the backseat of my car as Max was buckling himself in the passenger seat.

"I still don't know where the fuck you're gonna sleep, I don't exactly have a huge apartment." I sighed and got in the drivers seat, starting the car and pulling out of my parking spot.

"I still don't know why the fuck I have to be put under someone else's care." He groaned. He rested his head on the window and sighed.

"Neither do I." I said quietly, turning out onto the open road. Nothing more was said, it was silent the rest of the ride to my place. It wasn't awkward in the least, though. It was actually, dare I say, nice.

I pulled into my parking spot at the apartment complex and we got out. Max grabbed his bag and I grabbed my tote bag, and we headed inside. Max almost instantly plopped down on the couch and went to figuring out how to work my remote.

"Where the fuck's the power button on this thing?" He started pressing all the buttons and the TV clicked on. I smacked my forehead as he told me he'd just work the TV like that from now on, and that I don't have to show him how.

"Well thanks for making my life easier." I mumbled sarcastically. I walked into my bedroom and sighed as I stared at my queen size bed.

"Lemme guess where I'm sleeping?" I jumped from Max's voice from behind me and he chuckled.

"Unless you'd like the shitty couch or floor." He rolled his eyes and plopped down on my bed, cuddling up into my pillow.

"Max you haven't showered in two days, get off my bed!" I cried.

"I don't stink!" He whined. I narrowed my eyes at him and laid down on the bed with him.

"Go take a shower." I mumbled into the other pillow.

"Because I know where everything is here." He fake-smiled at me and then the smile dropped. I got up and pointed to the suitcases on the floor. "There's all your crap, Craig brought it over here yesterday. Bathroom's right over there," I pointed to the room with the door closed. "use my shampoo and body wash, I don't give a fuck right now. Towels and wash clothes are on the rack, use the green ones not the yellow ones. Green ones are for guests."

He nodded and got some clean clothes out, then waltzed into the bathroom. I got out my laptop and surfed the web for a bit before I saw Max come out with soaking wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist. I may not like the guy that much, but damn he was hot.

"Like what you see?" He asked cockily as he was getting his clothes out. He turned to me and smirked, and I smirked back.

"Maybe." In a flash he dropped the towel and I screamed, shielding my eyes. "Now I don't!" He laughed and I felt his breath on my face after a few seconds. I peeked through my fingers and he smiled.

"I have boxers and pajama pants on." I put my hands down and smiled.

"You liked it." He teased. I frowned.

"No I didn't. Not a pretty sight." He fake glared and then smirked at me.

"You seemed to like it when we fucked." I glared at him and his smirk grew bigger.

"Shut up or you will sleep on my shitty couch tonight." He chuckled and put his mouth next to my ear.

"You didn't deny it." He smirked at me and started to walk out of the room. I sprang up and grabbed his arm, forcing him to look at me.

"Bring us having sex up one more goddamn time and you will sleep on the floor." He smirked bigger then before and pinned me up against the wall.

"Come on, you loved it when we fucked," He cleared his throat before going on. " "Oh, oh Max! Uhh, oh god! Oh god Max harder, faster! Ohh!" He screamed and moaned like a girl before smirking at me again.

I slapped him across the face and pushed him away from me, sending him stumbling backwards.

"Do you wanna sleep outside?" I growled. He glared at me.

"What the fuck, I was just teasing you!" He snapped. I crossed my arms across my chest. "Why the fuck do you feel the goddamn need to fucking slap me and punch me all the damn time?! Do you not remember that I have minor brain injury...whatever?!" I rolled my eyes.

"You're a big boy, you can handle it. And it was a slap to the face, not a punch to the head."

He muttered curses under his breath and flipped me off.

"Don't fucking bother talking to me." He growled. He pushed past me and I groaned.

"You're such a fucking pussy!" I screamed. I threw some things in my purse as Max came stomping back in.

"I am not! I'm just sick and tired of you bitching to me and fucking abusing me!" I laughed and slipped my sandals on.

"Take it like a man, Green, or else you'll never make it in the real world." I shoved him out of my way and walked out of the apartment, getting in my car. I got my cell phone out and called Ronnie.

"Hey Jadelle."

"Hey, Ronnie, I need you to give me your address. Max is pissin' me the fuck off and I need to get away from him since he's living with me right now." He chuckled before giving me the address. I told him I'd be there soon and while getting lost a few times, around 45 minutes later I had made it.

"The fuck took you so long?" I heard him laugh and saw him walking down the grassy and rocky area to where I was parked.

"I've never been around here before, jeez." He smiled and put out his cigarette before leading me to his condo.

"Carley! Sky!" I arched my brow as I heard two laughing girls. The girls soon appeared and smiled at me.

"Sky, you've already met Jade, but LeyLey, this is Jadelle, one of my friends. Jade, this is Carley, my baby sister.(Carley's picture is in the author's note btw.)" She smiled and extended her hand and I shook it. She had kinda of dark-ish brown hair on the top off, with dark purple on the longer parts of her hair. She had the same exact eyes as her big brother, and you could tell just by looking at her that she was related to him.

"Hi! Skittles?" She held out a HUGE container of skittles to me, and I grinned, grabbing a small handful and popping them in my mouth.

"Fankfth you." I spoke threw my mouthful of candy. She giggled and smiled at me.

"So what brings you here, dahhhling?" Sky smiled at me, eating some skittles too.

"Max being an asshole." I snorted. Carley scrunched up her face.

"You live with Max?" I sighed and nodded.

"Unfortunately." She gave me a sympathetic look and I laughed.

"Okay, ski-daddle along girls, I gotta talk to Jadelle." Sky nodded and skipped off, as did Carley. Ronnie sat down on the couch and I sat next to him.

"So, what exactly did Max say to you that pissed you off?" I groaned and rubbed my forehead.

"He was being an ass and kept bringing up the two times we....fucked," Ronnie scrunched up is face in disgust and I laughed slightly before continuing.

"And he just kept going on and on, no matter how many times I threatened him and shit, and I lost it and slapped him across the face, pushed him, and the he went on bitching at me that I don't have to do that and whatever,'s just a bunch of BS, really." Ronnie nodded.

"So how long does he have to stay with you?"

"They told me at least a month. They could make it longer, though." He snickered and I slapped his arm.

"I don't think they will. Not like he can't remember anything at all and doesn't even know who he is." He said quietly. I shook my head and agreed with him. It was quiet for a few minutes before I noticed Ronnie smirking to himself.

"What're you smirking at, mister?" I grinned and poked his chest.

"I've got an idea." He looked at me, and his eyes were twinkling with evil.

"Oh?" He grinned.

"I say you stay here for the next few or 4, turn your phone off, or just don't answer it. Freak everyone out and they'll blame Max and shit. Then, he'll have even more shit to deal with."

I worked what he had just said through my brain and grinned.

"Genius. Except for one thing; I don't have clothes or any of my shit." He shrugged.

"We'll get it tonight. He'll probably go to a club or some shit with Craig and all them." I nodded and hugged him tightly.

"You're so smart." I cooed. He laughed and hugged me back.

"A duh."
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate this chapter.
So much.
The whole plot of this chapter changed FIVE FUCKIN' TIMES. I kept re-writing it and I still didn't like it.
But meh I've gotta good idea now and the next chapter should be 34567890 times better then this piece of shit. : D

Okayyy! Picture timeeee!

What Jadelle was wearing when she went to Ronnie's:


What Carley, or LeyLey (pronounced Lee-Lee), Ronnie's baby sister (she's 18) looks like;


Carley Radke is played by VIT-A-MIN WATER!, or Hannie, one of my bff's. : D (link to her profile: )

andddd....yeah. the other chapter might be up tonight too. i still have to write it, so no promises!

love you alllll. <3