Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life


I smiled at Ronnie as we were walking out of his apartment, and he smiled back. He instantly agreed to go out to lunch with me when I called him, and I had been here for a good 10 minutes before we left, because Ronnie always takes so damn long to get ready.

"I still can't believe how long you take to get ready." I joked as I got into the driver's seat of my car and he got into the passenger seat.

"Oh shut up about that already." He mumbled fake-angrily. I giggled and he rolled his eyes at me smiling.

"Where to?" I asked once I had pulled out of the driveway.

"Ummmm...Taco Bell?" He grinned.

"Hells yeah!" I squealed. In a few minutes we were there, and we had ordered our food. Ronnie paid for both of us, much to my protests and we grabbed our food, walking over to an empty booth.

"So why'd you all of the sudden decide you wanted to have lunch with me?" Ronnie questioned as we sat down. I snickered while getting my container of nachos out of the Taco Bell bag.

"Max is being a douche." I said simply. Ronnie started laughing and I smirked at him.

"What'd he do this time?" He asked.

"When he woke up this morning, we were talking about how he felt and shit cause he's trying to get clean again...then out of the blue he just decides to start kissing my neck..." Ronnie raised his eyebrow at me and looked like he was paying more attention.

"So then we sorta made out, we talked for a bit more and then I went to take a shower. So I get done with my shower and walk out to go ask him if he wants to go and do something, Now guess what happens." He chewed his bite of burrito, looking like he was in deep thought. I giggled when he looked at me.

"I'm gonna say something with another girl."

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner." I grumbled the last part and he frowned at me.

"I walk out to see him pinning Lexus against the damn door frame making out with her, and then he began to take her top off and that's when I said something."

"What exactly did you say?" I chuckled as I recalled what I had said.

"He told me he could make her go if I wanted, and I said, "Oh no, that's perfectly fine! I wouldn't want to be a cock-block, now would I? Listen, you two can fuck, I'll just go have lunch with Ronnie. Who knows? Maybe while you're eating Lexus out Ronnie will be doing the same to me?"

Ronnie choked on his Pepsi and started cracking up as I finished. I started laughing with him after a few seconds.

" really said that?!" I nodded and we both were in hysterics. I glanced at the few other people in the restaurant who were staring at bot of us and giggled to myself.

"Oh my" He put his face in his hands and quietly laughed to himself. I giggled and continued eating as Ronnie tried to eat, but ended up cracking up again.

"That's the best thing I've heard in a while, missy." He chuckled. "What did he say after that?"

"Nothing, his eyes bugged out and his jaw fell to the floor." Ronnie smirked and leaned over the table, placing a big kiss on my cheek. I pushed him away and laughed.

"I love you. Seriously. Let's get married." He grabbed both of my hands and I burst in a giggle fit.

"I'm serious! You're amazing!" He grinned as I swatted his hands away. We finished eating, threw away our garbage and left the restaurant. Ronnie grabbed my hand and ran to my car, practically dragging me with him.

"Slow down!" I laughed as he dug my keys out of my front pocket and unlocked my car. He got in the drivers seat and grinned at me. I slowly walked in front of the car on purpose and Ronnie honked the horn at me repeatedly.

"Move it Grandma!" He stuck his head out of the window and I flipped him off. He gasped as I got in the passenger seat and grinned.

"That wasn't nice." He scoffed and pulled out of the parking spot.

"I know. Now where are we going?" I grinned cheekily.

"Back to my place so I can do what you told Max I was gonna do." He winked at me and I shook my head.

"NO!" He laughed at my horrified expression and pulled out onto the open road.

"Kidding. We're going to the mall." I squealed and clapped my hands. I blinked as Ronnie glanced at me with a weird expression.

"What?" I batted my eyelashes. He smiled and shook his head.


***at the mall***

"Where to first?!" I asked excitedly. Ronnie pointed to HotTopic and I smacked my forehead.

"Of course." I grumbled as he drug me into the store.

"You don't like HotTopic?" He laughed. I shrugged.

"I like it. It's just so obvious you'd want to come here." I smirked. He stuck his tongue out at me as he looked at the band shirts. We were in there for about a half an hour, a few fans of Ronnie asking for autographs and pictures, which he had no problem with. I just looked at whatever was close to Ronnie when that happened.

We paid for our stuff and left.

"You have fanssss." I cooed. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Alright, now where?" I pointed to Forever21 and he groaned. I grinned and drug him in there. I couldn't help but giggled as a few of the girls who worked there looked at him weird.

"Are we done yet?" He asked a minute after we got in there. I glared at him and he grinned.

"Nope." I smiled and continued my shopping. I bought a few bikinis, some shorts and a top. I paid for my stuff. We kept shopping for about another hour before I stopped in front of a salon.

"Uh-oh. Now what?" Ronnie laughed. I grabbed a chunk of my hair and looked at it, scrunching up my face.

"I'm sick and tired of my hair." Ronnie raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm gonna get it dyed."

"And how long is this gonna take?" I thought about what I wanted done and grinned.

"A few hours. Probably 2 or 3, maybe." His eyes widened and I handed him my keys. "Shop around more if you want, take my car and go back to your place, and I'll call you to come pick me up when I'm done." He smiled and nodded, gave me a hug and took my keys.

"Don't crash my car!" I whined. He gave me a thumbs up as he walked away.

"Hello! How can I help you?" One of the salon's employee's asked.

"I want to change my hair...a lot." I grinned. I told her what I wanted and soon I was seated in a chair.

"Pink hair, huh?" She smiled at me. I nodded excitedly and she laughed.


*2 and a half hours later*

"Are you ready to see?" I nodded and she spun the chair around so I was facing the mirror.

"Oh my god, I love it!" I squealed. After admiring my new long pink, I paid the hairdresser and called Ronnie.

"I need you to come and pick me up nowwww!" I sang.

"Okay..." I giggled and we told each other bye. I went and got an iced coffee and walked around for a few before Ronnie called me and told me he was almost there.

"Meet me at the coffee bean at the front of the mall."

"Kay." He hung up and I sipped my coffee. A few minutes later I saw Ronnie walk over and his eyes widen. I grinned and stood up.

"Well?" I spun around so he could see all of my hair.

"It's pink....and long...." He blinked. "You look hot." He grinned. I smacked his arm and we walked out of the mall together.

"You got hair extensions, I'm guessing?" I nodded. "The whole thing cost me almost 600 dollars." I grumbled.

"FOR HAIR?!" Ronnie exclaimed.

"I got glue-in extensions and cut&color, Ronnie. The extensions aren't cheap." I chuckled.

"Glue in? You can glue in extensions?" He furrowed his brows and looked at me confused.

"Not with like, Elmer's glue dummy." I rolled my eyes. We got in my car and he started it.

"Whatever. I'm not asking anymore 'cause I won't understand it." I laughed.

"I need you to take me to a tattoo parlor though..." He glanced at me, then back to the road.

"You're gonna get a tattoo?" He asked. I shook my head. "Piercing." He nodded. He drove to a tattoo and piercing shop that he said he got some of his tattoos done at.

"Ronnie!" A tall guy who looked to be around Ronnie's age walked up to Ronnie and gave him a hug. "What's up dude?"

"Not much, not much. My friend here wants to get a piercing, so I took her to the best of the best in Vegas." The guy grinned at Ronnie and then at me. "Hello there, pretty lady." He smiled and shook my hand.

"Hellooo." I said happily. Ronnie laughed and the guy chuckled.

"So a piercing? Think you can handle the pain?" He joked.

"I'm a big girl." I laughed. "I want a septum piercing." The guy smiled at me and lead Ronnie and I over to the "Piercing Section".

"Well here, we make all your piercing and tattoo fantasies come true." I laughed and sat down on the counter thing and the guy started getting everything ready.

"Now you are aware septum's are one of the more painful piercings, right?" The guy asked me as he put gloves on and started getting out the jewelry. I nodded and grabbed Ronnie's hand.

"He's my support." The guy chuckled and nodded. 20 minutes later, the guy had already pierced me and was screwing of the little ball-parts on the ring.

"You are all set little lady!" He gave me a mirror and I smiled at my new piercing. He told me how to clean it and take care of it, also giving me a bottle of piercing cleaner for free. I paid the guy and thanked him. Ronnie and I talked with him for a few before heading back to his place.

"Oh shit, who's calling..." I mumbled as I dug my phone out of my purse. I sighed as I saw it was Max.

"Hello?" I answered as I walked into Ronnie's place.

"...Hey, didn't run away again, right?" I rolled my eyes and Ronnie chuckled.

"No, I went out to lunch with Ronnie and then we went to the mall. And then I got my hair done, so that took a couple hours, and we just hung out." I explained.

"I see...well, alrighty. When're you coming back?" I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 5pm.

"Mm, in a few minutes."

"Oh, alright. See you soon."

"Bye." I hung up and Ronnie grinned.

"You sounded thrilled." I laughed and gave him a hug.

"I gotta gooo, Ronniebear." He hugged me back and smiled. "Thank you for hanging out with me today!" I cooed and kissed his cheek. He smiled.

"No problem angel. Call me...whenever." I giggled and gave him one more hug before I left. The drive home was short, and I smiled as I pulled into my parking spot at the apartment complex. I got out and walked up to the door and opened it.

"Jadelle?" I heard Max call.

"Nope it's a rapist. I'm here to rape you!" I said in a creepy voice. He laughed and walked out, stopping in his tracks as he stared.

"It's not polite to stare you know." I frowned. He blinked and walked up to me.

" gotta piercing too?" I nodded and grinned.

"Yup! I had a mini makeover." He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Very beautiful." My heart started racing and my mind was screaming at me to pull away from him, but his cute little smile stopped me from doing so.

"Thanks." I smiled. He leaned in for a kiss and I placed my lips on his.

What can I say? I'm falling for this boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Meh, I don't like this chapter very much. in my opinion it kinda sucks. :/
Also, I've just realized I've been writing some long ass chapters...
I'm sure you all like that! ^_^
So yahhhh. She's falling for him. Cutieeeee!

And now, this is what Jadelle looks like:


The reason there's two different pictures is because in the first picture, that's what her hair looks like now; a light pink. The second picture is to show what she looks like now, since in the first the girl has her eyes closed. lol. sorry the second one's sorta blurry : (

Okay, lovies! Commentttttt! :D