Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



"Aw, come onnn." Max whined when I pulled away from him.

"Sorry, kid, but you're not gonna get me that easily." I made my way into my bedroom and sets my purse on the bed.

"So I have to work for you?" He was leaning against the door frame now. He smirked at me and I smiled back.

"Yup. And even then you probably won't get me," I walked up to him and lightly pushed him. "You don't have a chance with me." I pushed past him and started tidying up the place.

"I don't have a chance with you?" He laughed slightly, and I could here his footsteps coming closer. "I have a chance with any girl. Any girl." Now it was my turn to laugh.

"Yeah, in your dreams." I rolled my eyes and walked back into the bedroom. I got my cell phone out and called Charlie.

"What?" She groaned. I raised my eyebrow and Max looked at me.

"Well that wasn't very polite." I scoffed. I heard some mumbling that sounded like Craig and Charlie whispering. "Uh, hello?"

"What again?" She asked.

"What is going on?!" I furrowed my brow as I heard rattly noises and Charlie whine.

"We were kind of in the middle of something." Craig spoke slowly. It took a few minutes before it clicked and I started laughing.

"Sorry to interrupt you two getting ready to fuck like rabbits," Max busted out laughing and I snickered.

"Shut up!" Craig groaned.

"Alright, anyways, just wanted to know if you two wanted to go to a club later tonight?"

"Yeah fine great, woo party okay we'll be there at 10 bye." I blinked as I was hung up on.

"Jesus, don't get in the way of those two fucking." I mumbled. Max snickered at me and I giggled.


*4 hours later*

"Jadelle, Charlie and Craig are gonna be here in a few minutes! Hurry up!"

"Alright, alright!" I yelled back. I finished fixing my hair and makeup, figuring it was good enough. I checked my outfit and smiled at my reflection. (outfit in the author's note) I put my shoes on and grabbed my wallet, sliding it into my front pocket. As I was fixing my hair and makeup I heard Charlie, Craig, Robert and Bryan talking.

"Jadelle, they're here!"

"OK!" I called. I walked out into the living room area where they all were.

"...Wow." Max stared, along with everyone else and I shrugged.

"What? It's my clubbing outfit." Charlie laughed as I started doing a little dance and Max whistled.

"Fuck off." I grinned as I flipped Max off.

"Alright alright, are we ready to go?" Robert asked. I nodded and we all walked out to Max's car. Craig and Charlie sat in the front, while the 4 of us squished into the backseat that was only made for 3.

"You guys I can't fit!" I whined.

"Sit on Max's lap then." Craig winked at me in the mirror and Bryan laughed.

"No." I pouted and poked Charlie's arm. "You sit back here. I don't wanna sit on Max's lap."

"Too bad." She stuck her tongue out and I sighed. I scooted onto his lap and he smiled innocently at me.

"Isn't this comfy?" He asked. I glared and he chuckled. We all talked a little during the 20 minute drive, Max's arm hanging around my waist loosely the entire time.

"Shit, it's packed tonight." Craig spoke as he miraculously found a parking spot far, far away from the club.

"Oh well!" I chirped as I jumped out of Max's lap and onto the ground. Everyone got out and we walked up to the entrance. We all flashed our I.D's and were in within a few minutes. The music was loud and the place shook with the beat instantly making my heart race with excitement.

"Craig and I will go get the drinks, you guys go find a table!" Max yelled over the music. We agreed and I grabbed Charlie's hand since she looked a little nervous being in such a crowded place. I followed Robert and Bryan and we found an empty booth right next to the dance floor. It was a big table, with a huge rounded booth that could easily fit all of us.

The boys came back with a tray of beers for all of us, shots of Absolut Vodka and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

"Woo-hoo!" I squealed as I grabbed a beer. Max raised his eyebrow and I giggled as I gulped down a third of the drink.

We all did a round of shots and I was already loosening up. I looked around the club at all the people drinking, dancing, partying, having fun.

"When was the last time you were at a club?" Max yelled over the music to me. I sat between Craig and Charlie, and he was sitting next to Craig, so he had to lean over to Craig to talk to me.

"Uhhh....." Max grinned at me and I remembered. "Oh fuck you!"

"You did that night." Craig looked at me and grinned as I flipped them both off.

"Whatever." I stated as I poured a shot of Jack Daniels and knocked it back.

"Damn." Charlie looked at me. I grinned and shrugged my shoulders a little.

Around a half an hour later and half the bottle of Jack was already gone, our beers were finished and the boys came back with more Vodka, Beer, and some Jagermeister. I was already a little tipsy, while everyone else was perfectly fine.

"I wanna go dance!" I exclaimed. I climbed over the table and put my hands on my hips. "Someone's gotta dance with me!"

"I'll dance!" Charlie squealed. We walked out onto the dancefloor and danced for a little bit, more then likely looking like we were crazy. We walked up to the bar giggling like little girls and ordered ourselves drinks.

"Nice dancing." Craig laughed. I giggled and sat back down, this time next to Max.

Nothing much happened for the next hour; we drank, danced, talked and laughed like drunken fools, drank some more and danced some more. It was now almost midnight and I was pretty drunk, along with everyone else.

As I was knocking back another shot of Jack Charlie poked my arm repeatedly.

"What?!" I laughed. She pointed over to a different area of the club and I saw Lexus, Ronnie, his girlfriend Sky and a few other girls at the bar.

"HOLY SHIT!" I yelled. The boys stared at me and I pointed over to them, they're eyes widening in disbelief.

"Oh well THAT never fails!" Craig exclaimed. They were looking at us now and Lexus was staring at Max. He got up and started making his way over when I grabbed his arm.

"Uh, hello, do you not see Ronnie over there?!" I yelled.

"I don't give a shit, why the fuck is she hanging out with him?!" He yelled back. He continued walking over there and I followed him.

"Why're you hanging out with him?!" He yelled into Lexus's ear. It was so damn loud though, you had to scream just so people could hear you.

"Uh, because I can?!" She screamed back.

"Who're you to tell her who she can hang out with?!" Ronnie yelled.

"Why the fuck would you hang out with my enemy?!" He screamed back at Lexus.

"I don't give a shit if he's your enemy! I like him and I can hang out with him! You hang out with her, I'll hang out with him!" She pointed at me as she spoke.

"YOU LIKE HIM?!" He screamed.

"Alright, Max, just forget her! Come on," I grabbed Max's hand and he gripped mine tightly as we walked back to our table.

"Dude what happened?" Bryan asked.

"She's hanging out with Ronnie!" Max yelled. Craig snickered.

"Dude, I told you she was a backstabber." Max nodded and poured himself a shot.

"Whatever, I don't give a fuck!" He knocked back his shot and then poured me one. I smiled at him and drank it.

"Let's go dance." Max said in my ear. I grinned at him and he lead me out to the dance floor. We danced like complete retards, not giving a fuck if people were staring or not. He nodded his head over to the bar. I looked over and saw Lexus and Ronnie staring at us, making me laugh.

"Is she jealous or something?!" I yelled.

"Yeah, so's Ronnie." He grinned at me and I laughed again. We danced for a couple more songs and then headed back over to our table to see Lexus standing there, arguing with Craig.

"Just get the fuck out of here, he doesn't care about you right now, he's with Jadelle!"

"What do you mean he's with her?!?" She screeched. Max groaned and I sighed angrily.

"Look, me and you? Yes, me and you, Lexus, we are not together anymore! YOU BROKE UP WITH ME BECAUSE I CHEATED ON YOU! You shouldn't give a fuck about if I'm dancing or hanging out with someone who happens to be a girl, okay?!" I sat down next to Craig and watched them fight.

"Ok, so you can come up to me and ask me why the fuck I'm hanging with Ronnie, yet I can't?! YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON, MAX!" He waved her away and sat back down.

"Just get the fuck out of here, no one wants you around!" Robert yelled. She flipped Max off before walking back to the bar where Ronnie was.

"GOD, she's clingy." Craig rolled his eyes and drank his beer. We all agreed, and went back to talking amongst ourselves.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD, WHAT THE HELL?!" Max screamed, pointing to the dance floor. I looked over and saw Lexus all over some guy who looked like a carbon copy of Max. She was making out with him and grinding all over him, almost making me throw up.

"YOU FUCKIN' WHORE!" Max screamed as he stomped over there. He ripped the guy off and him and Lexus started screaming at each other again. Soon the guy got into the argument, and Max threw a punch at him.

"Oh fuck." Craig got up as Max and the guy started fighting. The guy grabbed a beer bottle from someone and smashed it over Max's head, and my heart stopped.

"NO!" I screamed as Max instantly hit the ground, passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Club fightttt. Uh-ohhh. :(
Tell me in the comments what you guys think is gonna happen. o:

On a side note; New banner! Yes I'm aware it sorta sucks but oh well. Good enough! :D
okie dokie; comment lovliessss. (:

oh, and Jadelle's club outfit;
