Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



So currently it was the next day. 3:45 pm, to be exact. Max called over Craig, Charlie, Robert and Bryan to come to our place so he can tell them I'm "pregnant".

"Are you nervous?" Max asked me as I was finishing my hair.

"No." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I am." I laughed a little at Max and sprayed my hair with hairspray before walking out of the bathroom.

"They'll be excited for you, it'll be fine." He smiled and kissed my cheek. I was about to walk out into the main room but Max grabbed my hand.

"Ah ah ah! I gotta give the baby a kiss too." He leaned down to my stomach and smiled. He rubbed it gently and I felt like the biggest bitch ever for lying to him about something so important.

"Daddy loves you already, little baby." He whispered before kissing my empty stomach.

Well technically it wasn't empty. I mean it did have this morning's breakfast in there, after all.

I smiled at him as he stood up and kissed my forehead. The doorbell rang and Max and I walked out. I opened the door and let everyone in.

"Okay what the hell is the important news?!" Craig asked excitedly.

"You'll see." Max grinned. Craig stuck his tongue out and Max did the same.

"What, you two crazy kids gettin' married?" Robert joked.

"No." I laughed and sat down on the couch.

"...You two crazy kids got married?!" Bryan asked.

"No." I rolled my eyes. "It has nothing to do with marriage!" Everyone sat down and bugged us about what it was.

"Alright since you guys can't seem to wait," Max rolled his eyes and looked at me. He smiled and I smiled back, nervously.

"Yes! Tell us." Craig grinned.

"Well.....this is the last thing you guys would expect from us now, but...uh.....Jadelle's pregnant with my child." Max smiled a little as everyone's jaws dropped. You could've swore their hearts all stopped at the same time.

"WHAT?!" Charlie screamed. "How?!?"

"Well when a guy and a chick do the nasty..." Craig started off sarcastically. Charlie slapped his arm and stared at me. "Seriously?!"

Nope! Ha-ha fooled you!

"Yep." I smiled. Max was beaming and practically glowing as the guys congratulated him. Charlie did the same but looked at me a little funny for a few minutes.

"So you're pregnant with the spawn of Satan. Congrats!" Craig picked me up and spun me around. I squealed and yelled him to put me down.

"So what do you want it to be, Max?" Robert asked.

"A baby...?" We all cracked up as Max looked confused, but then finally got it. "Oh! Uhh...a boy..." His face reddened a bit and I giggled uncontrollably.

"Of course." Charlie laughed.


Bryan and Robert had left a little while ago, and Charlie and Craig were getting ready to leave when Charlie said she had to talk to me in private.

"'re pregnant?" Charlie asked.once we walked outside.

"Yup..." I nodded and looked at her. She raised her eyebrow and I groaned. Damn her for knowing things before I even tell her!

"No." I whispered.

"And why are you faking a pregnancy?!" She whispered harshly.

"Because it's the only thing that's gonna get Max clean, that's why! If he thinks he's gonna be a daddy then he'll try his damn hardest to get off the drugs for good!" I whispered back just as harshly.

"Good point. But you couldn't have thought of something different? Like something, oh I don't know, not having to do with being pregnant?" She said sarcastically. I shook my head and sighed.

"This is the only thing, Charlie. I could have cried and whined and pleaded and gotten on my knees and begged. A-"

"He would've done it then, Jade." She said quietly. "If you would've shown him how much you care about his well-being and him getting off of drugs, he would have agreed. Maybe not as fast, but he would have." She smiled at me. "He likes you, Jade."

"He isn't gonna like me after he finds out I'm not pregnant." I whispered.

"Really?" She joked. "What're you gonna tell him when you can't fake it anymore?" I shrugged.

"Tell him I miscarried."

"What if he wants to go to the doctors with you in the next couple months?" I told her I'd give him an excuse.

"Well, good luck with all of that. You're gonna need it." She laughed and I pushed her, smiling. We walked back into the apartment and the boys smiled at us.

"Ready to go?" Craig asked. Charlie nodded. We told them goodbye and they left.

***Charlie's POV***

"Max is really excited to be a dad." Craig chuckled as we walked to his car. I laughed a little and got in the passenger seat.

"Yeah?" He got in and nodded.

"Was going on and on about how he never thought he'd be happy about it at 25 and shit." I smiled nervously at Craig and he looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I bit my lip and sighed.

"Nothing. It's just....."

".....Are you pregnant?!" Craig exclaimed as he pulled out of the parking spot and onto the road. I started laughing and shook my head.

"Oh okay cause I know we use condoms and all-"

"Craig!" I smacked his head and he pouted.

"No seriously, what's the matter?" I sighed again.

"I don't know if I should tell you.....technically it's Jade's business, but Max is your friend and all..." He stared at me and his eyes widened.

"It's Ronnie's baby isn't it?" I smacked my forehead and shook my head.

"It's no one's baby, she's not even pregnant." He stared at me like I was crazy.

"....Uh......huh?" I couldn't help but giggle at the look of confusion on his face.

"Well.....she told me she wasn't pregnant and that she's only doing this so Max will try is hardest to get off of drugs and stay off of them." Craig looked shocked and I frowned.

"She does know this is possibly, no, it IS going to break his heart and make him hate her, right?" I shrugged.

"I don't know. Let her figure everything out. She's the one faking the pregnancy." He nodded and we went to his place in silence.


"I gotta go get some smokes, I'll be back." I smiled at Max and nodded. He kissed my cheek and left. A few minutes later my cell phone rang. I ran into my bedroom and saw that it was an unknown number.


"Jadelle, it's Craig." I smiled.

"What's up?"

"That's what I should be asking you." My smile faded.


"Charlie told me." He sounded mad. "How could you lie about something like that to Max?!"

I groaned. Note to self; Never tell Charlie this kind of stuff again. Ever.

"Because I need to get him off of drugs. And don't tell me there was another way, I know there was. But this is gonna be the fastest working way."

"Do you know how heartbroken he's gonna be when he finds out?! While you were telling Charlie it was all fake, Max was babbling to me about how excited he was and how he can't fucking wait for the "baby" to be here!"

"Really?" I whispered.

"Yeah." I gulped and inhaled shakily. "This is probably the happiest I've seen Max in a long time."

I blinked back tears and rubbed my forehead.

"Shit." I mumbled.

"Yeah, shit is right. I can't believe this Jadelle. You have good intentions as to why you're doing this, but...still."

"I know." I wiped a stray tear away. "What am I gonna do?" He sighed loudly and stayed quiet for a few seconds.

".....Have lots of unprotected sex with him tonight and hope you really do get pregnant?"

"Great idea, but I'm not ready to be a mom." I grumbled. He laughed a little.

"Buy him a baby doll and tell him that'll have to do. Get one of those really realistic ones." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"That'll work."

"I'm serious! Leila was showing me these baby dolls, and they come with these packets of "baby food", and you mix it with water and put it in the bottle, "feed" it to the baby and like, 5 seconds after you feed it it "shits" it out and you have to change it's diaper. You have to buy food and diapers for it!" I started laughing at how serious Craig sounded.

"Wow." He chuckled.

"So, there're your two options."

"Gee, thanks for your help." I snorted.

"Nooo problem." We laughed and said bye, and I hung up. Max came back a few minutes later and smiled at me.

"I picked this up at the store." He handed me a magazine with baby names, parenting tips, and all sorts of stuff. My heart felt like it broke a little bit, but I smiled at Max.

"Aww." He sat down next to me and I flipped through the magazine, Max's head resting on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna go smoke." He grabbed his cigarettes and headed for the sliding door.

"You're going outside?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You're pregnant. Can't smoke around you or the baby." He smiled before walking outside. I frowned and flipped through the magazine some more, a couple tears falling from my eyes.

How am I supposed to tell him the truth?
♠ ♠ ♠
The big chapter number 20! W00t!
thank you guys sooooo much! :DDDDDDDDD ILY ALL!

So, question: how do you guys think Jade should tell Max she's not preggers? Or should she go with Craig's advice and have lots of unprotected sex with him? XD

Soooo...yep. Guess that's it. Thanks for commenting so much you guys. It makes me so so so happy. (:
Now comment some more and make me happier! ;D