Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



"Okay, Ronnie seriously, that isn't even funny! That's horrible!" I yelled into the phone. Ronnie cracked up laughing and I felt my face heat up.

"Ronnie, shut up. I'm serious. That was the fucking lowest thing you could do, you douche." He immediately shut up.


"No. That was fucking terrible. You should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking about doing that, let alone actually doing that. Go fuck yourself, Radke." I pressed the "End Call" button and threw it on the couch.

"What a jerk!" Charlie exclaimed. I got up and started walking to my bedroom as I felt the tears coming back.

"Jade? Hon..." I sat down on my bed and started crying again.

"What if he is dead? Huh?!" I cried. She frowned and walked over. She kneeled in front of me and shook her head.

"He's not. I promise." She engulfed me in a hug and I let out the tears and sobs into her shoulder.

"T-This is d-driving-g me c-c-crazy....." I shook with each word I said. "W-What if h-he's out of the s-state...?" I asked.

".....Oh my god, Jade!" She pulled away and got out her phone. "YOU'RE BRILLIANT!" She grinned and dialed a number. I sat there, utterly confused.

"Craig, call Max's parents. What if he flew back to Ohio?!"


"Ohio?" I sniffled.

"That's where Max was born and technically lived while he was a kid. His parents still live out there. Jade, oh my god you should've thought of that sooner!" She was grinning like a madwoman and I couldn't help but smile a little.

I looked down at my ringing phone and saw that it was Ronnie.

"What, douchebag?" I growled as I answered it.

"I'm sorry, you're right, that was wrong." I glared at the wall in front of me.

"It's gonna take more then that to get my friendship back. That sent me over the edge, Ronnie." He sighed.

"I know, that was so fucking stupid...I'm sorry. I really am."

'Ok." I hung up again and rolled my eyes. Charlie smiled a little at me and we waited. Around 10 minutes later my phone rang for the 767856785th time and it was an unknown number.

"That his parents number!!!" Charlie screamed. I fumbled to open the Sidekick and press the "Answer Call" button.

"Max?!" I exclaimed.

"Hey.....before you scream at me I'm sorry. But I can't be around you anymore...I can't be with you."

I felt my heart break and more silent tears dropped from my eyes.

" are coming back to Vegas, right?" I asked quietly. I put the phone on speaker so Charlie could hear.

"Of course, I have to. The band's there, I can't stay here. But I....can't be around you anymore." Charlie gave me another hug and I sniffled. "Jadelle?...Don't, you know....oh fuck this is so screwed up." Max groaned.

"I love you still." I whispered shakily.

"You know I love you too baby. Probably more then I should." He whispered back. Charlie smiled at me and I smiled a little back.

"When're you coming back?" He sighed and didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Probably in a few days. ETF's going on tour starting...well shit we'll probably have to go in...uhh...5 days-oh great..." I giggled a little as I listened to Max trying to figure everything out. "Yeah I'll have to be back like in two days." He chuckled.

"Where're you guys going to tour?" I questioned.

"Mmm, down to Australia, then Japan..." My eyes bugged out and Charlie nodded.

"Australia? JAPAN?!" I yelled. Max laughed a little. "Yup."

"Someone could've told me all of this before..." I narrowed my eyes at Charlie and she pouted.

"Alright, I gotta go Jade," I frowned and whispered an "OK". "Bye."

"Bye." We hung up and I sighed. "Well let's see; Max told me he can't be around me anymore, or can't even be with me, he's gonna be on like, the other side of the world in a few My life's great." I stated sarcastically. Charlie smiled sadly.

"Remember that my life isn't too wonderful either considering the fact that my boyfriend's leaving."

"Least Craig actually is your boyfriend." I grumbled. She laughed and I rolled my eyes.


***Obviously, 2 days later.***

Craig was currently at the airport picking up Max, and Charlie was with me at my place, like usual.

" I just not gonna see Max when Craig brings him here...? Or...wait..." I was getting myself confused now.

"Oh don't even listen to Max's stupid ass," Charlie snickered. "Once he sees you, all that, "I can't be around you anymore" bullshit will evaporate into thin air. Boy's so lovesick with you it's not even funny." I smiled a little, blushing slightly.

"You two are like little in-love puppies. So cute." She cooed. I pushed her lightly and she laughed.

"I didn't ever want to love him...and I still kinda don't." She frowned a little at me and I sighed lightly.


"Because if I fall in love with him, it only means trouble. And we've already gotten plenty of proof that that is the truth." She nodded, looking down. "And it also means I'm falling in love with a huge player, instantly setting myself up for heartbreak."

"But see, you might be the girl who can change him. I don't think he would ever hurt you like that." I sighed.

"He already has hurt me. Way more then he should have. Including physically." I grumbled.

"Don't remind me about that." Charlie snarled. "I might beat him down once he walks in the door if you do."

"Well he was screaming at me and then BAM, he just punched me in the jaw really hard..." I smirked.

"You want me to beat him down?!" She started cracking up. I did too and nodded slightly. "Cause you know, I can do it." She winked.

"He kind of deserves it." I giggled. She laughed and nodded. I heard voices outside and I smiled at Charlie. She cracked her knuckles and I started laughing again.

"No, not now. Wait 'til later." We both snickered and the door opened, revealing Craig and Max.

Max. Oh lordy be. I can hardly restrain myself from jumping on him and clinging to him for dear life.

"Look who I got back!" Craig grinned. Max laughed a little and Charlie smiled.

"DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN." She pointed her finger at Max and giggled.

"I won't, I promise." He smiled and then looked at me. I smiled a little and bit my lip.

"Oh go attack her and make out with her. You know you want to." Craig teased. Max rolled his eyes and smiled at me. He was walking towards me before we heard someone running towards the door and Lexus burst through.

"MAXY!!!" She screeched. Max grinned and hugged her tightly, kissing her on the lips. Charlie's jaw dropped, along with Craig's and I just stood there, heartbroken once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, Max isn't dead, fooled you all! Or, technically Ronnie fooled you all...but technically it was me 'cause I wrote that...uh...whatever.
Can't wait to see all the hate comments about Lexus. XD
Mmhmm. Mmhmm. Don't know what else to say. 'Cept Happy Valentines Day ya'll. (: Eat lots of chocolates! :D
You all are my Valentines. <3333
-gives everyone a big hug and kiss-