Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



The bus came to a stop, and we all started walking out. I had my carry on bag in tow, along with everyone else, and we all walked into the airport. We went through security, had our luggage put on the conveyor belt thingy where hopefully it would not be lost, went to find our plane, and finally got to sit down in it.

"Alright, who's sitting where?" I asked. The plane wasn't packed; thankfully it was pretty empty.

"Window seat!" Charlie cried. She plopped into her seat and Craig sat next to her. Robert and Bryan sat in the seats behind them, and Max and I sat in the seats across from them.

"Good morning, and thank you for traveling by McCarran International!" The flight attendant on the speaker kept talking for a few minutes before finally shutting up and telling us the plane was getting ready to take off, and to buckle our seat belts or we'll all die.

Okay, maybe she didn't exactly say THAT...

"I'm scared of flying. Have I ever told you that?" I whispered to Max. I let out a little squeal as the plane made a noise, and it started getting louder.

"It's alright." He laughed a little. "Just relax." I gulped as the plane was starting to take off and closed my eyes tightly. Max grabbed my hand and squeezed it a little, making me smile.

Soon we were in the air and I was calmed down.

"See? Now that wasn't so bad." Max grinned. I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled. The flight attendant was coming down the hallway with a cart, and Max squealed.

"Food! Food!" He clapped his hands.

"Fatty." Craig laughed. Max glared at him and then me as I started laughing.

"Sorry." I giggled. We got all bought some breakfast, everyone else getting coffee while I got Mountain Dew.

"Mountain Dew? And it's not even 10am?" Max laughed. I grinned childishly.

"This shit wakes me up and energizes me more then coffee ever will." He shrugged and we ate our breakfast in peace.

"Mkay, sleepy time." Max stated after he was done eating.

"But then I'm gonna be bored!" I whined.

"Well I'm tired. So sit by Craig or something." He huffed. I pouted and got up, grabbing my Itouch that was sitting in my lap.

"Hey, if you're gonna go to sleep too, switch seats with me." I poked Charlie's arm and she rolled her eyes.

"I can't." I crossed my arms.

"Oh the flight attendant won't even care, there's hardly anyone on this plane anyways. Pweety pwease?" I gave her puppy-dog eyes and she sighed before getting up and going over to my seat.

"Hi." Craig said excitedly. I giggled and sat next to him.

"Hi Craig."

"We're going to Tokyo! JAPAN!" He looked ready to burst because he was so excited.

"I know!" I squealed. "And Australia!"

"Yeah but...Tokyo..." He grinned. I nodded my head excitedly. We kept babbling about random things, we played 20 questions and we basically became best friends in like, 2 hours.

"Look at Max and Charlie." Craig whispered. I looked over and started giggling. Max was practically laying sideways in his chair snoring while Charlie was curled up into a ball and wrapped up in a blanket in her chair.

"Shit, can we take pictures?" I whispered.

"I dunno but I'm doing it anyways." Craig snickered and got out his phone. I got out mine and we snapped a few pictures, chuckling to ourselves.

After that, all that happened was we watched a bunch of crappy movies, ate, slept, talked, ate some more, slept some more, and after many, MANY hours, we were finally in Brisbane, Australia.

"Yes! Finally!" Max groaned. We all got off of the plane and got our luggage. Craig was on the phone with the tour manager, so we all sat down at a table.

"Alright, so apparently there are rental cars for us out in some certain part in the parking lot for us...yeah, okay hold on we're not even outside...alright, come on guys!" Craig was still talking on the phone with the manager as we walked outside.

"Holy shit it's hot out!" I exclaimed.

"You should be used to it, you live in Vegas." Bryan laughed.

"True." I laughed a little. We finally found the two rental cars.

"Alright, they seat four in each car, so Charlie Robert Bryan and I will go in one and Max and Jade go in the other okay see you guys at the hotel!" Craig got in the drivers seat and honked the horn. "HURRY UP WITH THE LUGGAGE!" Craig fake-yelled at Charlie.

"It's not all gonna fit in one car!" She yelled.

"Just put it in ours." I suggested. We got all of our luggage in the cars, and Max and I got in our car.

"Follow the leader!" Craig yelled out his window as we pulled out of our parking spots.

"So this is Australia?" I looked around and Max chuckled.

"Yup." I smiled and stared out the window.

"I like it!" He laughed and we didn't talk much more after that. It wasn't awkward, though. It was a nice silence.

We finally arrived at the hotel we were going to be staying at. We parked and got out, along with the other guys and we all got our luggage. We went in t the fancy hotel, got our room cards, and went off to find our rooms. Craig and Charlie got a room, Bryan and Robert got one, and Max and I got one.

"See you fuckers later!" Robert called as he and Bryan walked into their room.

"Byebye!" Craig and Charlie called when they found their room. I giggled and Max and I finally found our room. We went in and I gasped.

"Jesus, it's beautiful..." I stared at the room and Max nodded. He put his suitcases in the middle of the room and plopped down on the bed.

"Oh, comfort.....not a shitty airplane recliner..." Max said into the pillow. I laughed and laid next to him. He pulled me closer to him and I snuggled into his chest.

"Jadelle." I lifted my head and Max pressed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and kissed back letting his hands rest on my hips. He slipped his tongue over my lips and I let him in. We fought for dominance a little bit but I ended up letting him win.

"Max..." I moaned as we pulled away for just a second to catch our breath. He laid on top of me, supporting himself with his arms and we went back to making out. My hands were tugging at the hem of his shirt and he pulled away again to take it off and throw it on the floor. He laid back down on top of me, but I rolled us over so I was on top now.

"I love you, I really do." He breathed out as he lifted my shirt up. I let him take it off and I pulled my hair out of the messy bun it was in, shaking it out.

"Are you just-" He rolled us back over to our previous position before I finished. "-saying that because you're getting me naked?"

He shook his head furiously and smashed his lips to mine again. I moaned into his mouth and tangled my fingers in his hair.

We soon were both fully unclothed, still making out and trying to be as close to each other as possible.

"Do you really love me?" I whispered. He pressed his forehead to mine.

"Of course." He whispered back.

"Show me then." He pressed his lips to mine again and slowly got on top of me.

And damn, did he show me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Does this mean they're finally gonna get togetherrrrrrr...?
....maybe. ;)
COMMENT! Comments make me fucking rainbows and sunshine and M&M cookies.
and i loveeeeeeeee M&M cookies.

OH & LOLOLOLOLOL. I don't know if you all have seen it yet but...


what do you all think of Max's new shaved off eyebrows?
lol mine are shaved off but they don't look like no damn chola eyebrows that Lexus drew on him.
fvghbnj he's gonna have a fun time drawing those babies on every day.