Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



I woke up with Max's arms wrapped around me. I peeked at the clock and saw that it was 8pm, I smiled a little and buried my face back into Max's chest, enjoying his calming scent.

"Max, wake up..." I placed kisses on his chest and he mumbled in his sleep a bit.

"Sleepy..." He mumbled, pulling me closer to him. I giggled and poked his chest repeatedly.

"Whattt..." He whined. I looked up at his face and his eyes were squinting at me. "I have jet lag, I'm tired, I don't have a show to play until tomorrow night, lemme sleep." He grumbled. I huffed and started poking his nose.

"I'll bite your finger off if you don't stop." He muttered. I pouted and lifted one of his eyelids up.

"Come onnnn, you can sleep later. I wanna spend time with you." He opened his eyes again and frowned.

"Please let me sleep. I'm really fuckin' tired." He kissed my forehead and I sighed.

"Fine." I pecked his lips before getting out of the bed and putting my clothes back on. I rolled my eyes as he rolled over and pulled the covers over his head.

"I'm bored!" I whined. He groaned as I pulled the covers off of his head.

"Jadelle." He whined back.

"Well what am I s'posed to do? Craig and Charlie are probably having "alone time", Bryan and Robert are probably out and about looking for chicks, and you're sleeping!" He buried his face in the pillow and talked to himself for a minute. I blinked and stared at him like he was crazy.

"Alright, alright." He got up and put his pants back on. "I'm up. Happy?" I nodded and grinned. He laughed slightly and looked in the mini fridge that was in the small kitchen.

"Water and fruit. Alright." He closed the door and walked over to me. He held his arms open and pouted, and I giggled as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Loveeeeee you." He said quietly as my arms wrapped around his neck. His chin rested on my shoulder and I smiled.

"Love you too." I whispered. He squeezed me tightly and I squeezed back, happy that we weren't fighting anymore, that nothing bad was happening, that everything was actually...fine, for once.


***1 week later***

We'd been on tour for a week now. It was fun so far, we were still in Australia, currently Melbourne. Charlie and I were having fun exploring every day, and going shopping and sightseeing while the boys did their shows and interviews.

I hadn't gotten a call from Ronnie, and Max hadn't gotten a single call or text from Lexus, so we both were kind of wondering about that. But it wasn't really too important to us since we were together now...

Yeah, you heard right. Max and I had finally become boyfriend and girlfriend. I couldn't believe it, after all the shit we'd gone through. I was extremely happy that we were together now, though, and so was everyone else.

So currently the boys had just gotten off the stage and were backstage with me and Charlie, giving us hugs.

"Ewww, Max! You're all sweaty!" I half-yelled, half-laughed.

"You love it." I shook my head as he grinned and started chugging a cold beer. I mentally groaned on the inside; ever since we'd gotten on this tour, Max would get totally trashed every single night. Not one night was alcohol-free for him.

"Dude, drink some water for once." Craig laughed. Max shook his head and downed the rest of the beer before setting the bottle of the small table.

"Nahhh." He grinned goofily and Craig high-fived him. I rolled my eyes.

"Oooh, Jade just rolled her eyes." Robert grinned. Max looked at me and I blinked.

"What?" Max questioned.

"You're always drunk." He shrugged.

"Just having fun, livin' it up." I sighed as he grabbed another beer and opened it.

"Waterrr. Water goooooddd. Water tastyyy. Waterrrr." Craig shoved a water bottle in Max's face and they both laughed.

"You sound like you're fuckin' retarded dude." Max laughed as he sat next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Tired already?" Max asked. I nodded and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, letting us both lean back into the couch we were sitting on.

"Come back to the hotel room with me and cuddle." I whispered.

"Awwww, is Maxie gonna go cuddle with his girlfriend?" Robert cooed. Max flipped him off.

"But I wanna go party." Max whined.

"You party to much. You should be party pooped." I grumbled. Everyone laughed a little and Max showed me his tattoo.

"Hey, this tattoo isn't here for nothin'." He pointed to his tattoo that said "ILTP", standing for "I Like To Party."

Very retarded, if you ask me.

"Yup, that dumbass tattoo ain't there for nothin'." I smirked as I got up and everyone went, "OHHH!".

"It is not dumb!" Max screeched.

"Actually dude, it kinda is." Bryan chuckled. Everyone else agreed and Max pouted.

"You guys are just jealous 'cause you didn't think of it first." He smiled. I was about to say something when I started feeling very dizzy.

"Holy shit....." I held onto the wall for support and everyone stood up.

"Jade? What's wrong?" I felt my dinner that I had eaten not too long ago making it's way up and I ran into the bathroom, stumbling a little before falling down onto my knees and starting to puke into the toilet.

"Oh jeez." Craig said. I felt someone hold my hair out of the way and rub my back, realizing it was Max. I finished puking and rinsed my mouth out with a little bottle of mouthwash that Charlie handed me before standing up, feeling perfectly fine.

"What was that about?" She asked as I handed her the mouthwash back.

"No idea, but I puked yesterday too when Max left to go buy....cigarettes....." I stared at the wall in front of me and felt my heart beat faster. Charlie caught on, while the guys all stood there and looked like a bunch of dumbfucks.

" what...?" Robert asked.

"....Oh my god..." Craig stood in front of me and looked at me. I nodded and he looked at Charlie.

"Okay, alright, oh...oh lord..." She started fanning herself and she sat down. "I think I'm panicking..."

"What is going on?!" Max exclaimed.

"Yup I'm panicking." She stood up and grabbed her tote bag. "Come on, you know what we gotta go buy." I nodded and grabbed my purse and jacket.

"Go buy what? What's going on?" Max questioned.

"We'll tell you later." Was all I said before running out of the venue with Charlie.
♠ ♠ ♠
...Gee doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's going on. x_X
Jeez, didn't think i was gonna get this chapter out on time...but i did! And i was really braindead too, so you all BETTER LIKE THIS CHAPTER OR I'M STABBING YOU ALL.
just kidding. teehee. :D
comment, bitches. ;)
oh, and thanks for the laughs with all of your comments on max's shaved off eyebrows. XD