Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



***Max's POV***

I blinked as Jadelle and Charlie ran out of the room. "What's going on?!"

"Dude, you're that stupid? Really? I mean I've met some pretty stupid people, but you..." I glared at Craig, and at Bryan and Robert as they started snickering.

"What. Is. Going. On." I growled.

"Max, Jade's pregnant." Craig blinked. "With your baby."

I stared at him for a good few seconds before I smirked and started laughing.

"Ha-Ha, very funny. What, did you guys set this up or something?" Craig shook his head.

"Nothing was set up Max. This time it's actually real." I rolled my eyes. "Uh-huh, whatever."

"Dude, he's serious..." Bryan started.

"Sure. You probably all set this up to get me to quit partying and getting drunk so much, like with the drugs thing. Joke's over." I smirked and cracked open another beer. The guys didn't say anything more, Craig just muttered something along the lines of, "Stupid motherfucking dumbass."

The girls were back in 10 minutes, and I finished the rest of my beer.

"Okay girls, joke's over." I smiled. Charlie blinked and Jade raised her eyebrow.

"Huh?" I smirked and walked over to her.

"Joke's over, you can't fool me agaaaaain!" I sang.

"Max, are you retarded?" Jade asked. I smirked and sat back down on the couch.

"Nope." Jadelle rolled her eyes and went into the small bathroom with Charlie, closing the door behind her.

"Max, she is pregnant. Hear me? PREGNANT." Craig shouted the last word in my face.

"No, she's NOT." I did the same back to him and he smacked his forehead.

"You really are one thick headed guy, Max." Craig sighed. I rolled my eyes again and cracked open yet another beer.

***Jadelle's POV***

"He really thinks I'm lying about it again?!" I whisper-shouted, placing the pregnancy test on the counter and waiting the dreadful 2 minutes.

"Well.....I mean...did you think that if you really did get pregnant, he would believe you right away?" Charlie muttered. I shook my head slowly.

"No....but I didn't think he'd be so stubborn and oblivious." I grumbled. She smiled a little and I sighed nervously. The two minutes passed, and I looked at the test.

"Oh my god." Charlie whispered.

"Max!" I yelled, my voice cracking. "Get in here!" I heard some shuffling feet and the door opened, Max standing there. I pointed to the test and he leaned his head forward to look at it.

"How the fuck could I lie about this when there's fucking proof?!" I shrieked. Charlie shushed me and I felt tears in my eyes.

" really are going the extra mile to get me to stop partying so much, huh? What, they make prank pregnancy tests now?" He laughed a little. I screeched and pushed him out of the room harshly.

"YOU'RE FUCKING RIDICULOUS, MAX!! I'M REALLY FUCKING PREGNANT! YOUR CHILD IS INSIDE OF ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW AS I SPEAK!" I screamed in his face. His eyes widened as I got in his face. "Do you want to come to the fucking store with me, watch me pick out ANOTHER test and see that this is real? That this is the truth?!"

He stared at my face, then was staring at the test's box as Charlie shoved it in his face.

"This is real, dumbass." She spat. His face drained of color and you could hear him breathing heavier after a minute.

"! You can't fucking be pregnant!....There'!" Max threw the box and shook his head. "I don't want to be a dad yet!"

"Do you hear yourself, Max?!" Craig exclaimed. "So, let me get this straight; Jadelle fakes a pregnancy, and you're fucking ecstatic. Jadelle's really pregnant, and you don't want her to be. Did your mother drop you on your head multiple times when you were an infant, Max?" Craig asked.

"Or hit the bottle because she knew she was having the devil's spawn?" Charlie added. Max glared at both of them.

"You can't be pregnant, I'm not fucking ready." He muttered. I stared at him and shook my head.

"Well, as of now I'm 99 percent sure I'm pregnant. So you're going to have to pray every night that I miscarry or something, Max." I felt the tears coming down my cheeks as I turned around and walked, no, ran out.


***First day back home from tour***

Max and I had just gotten back to my place. We unpacked our suitcases, not talking to each other. We haven't been doing much talking lately, since he still keeps telling me he doesn't think I'm pregnant, and that "that stupid piece of plastic you pissed on lied".

Even though I have morning sickness every single day. But that's still not enough proof for him.

So today, we were going to my first doctor's appointment. We walked back out the door and to his car, got in and he began the drive. Not even the sound of the radio could cure the awkward silence that was practically drowning us.

Not soon enough, we were there, though. We walked in, him slowly trailing behind while I practically power walked into that hospital. I talked to the receptionist, and she told me to go into the waiting room and that my doctor would be out in a few.

"Ms. Perry?" I got up and so did Max. I smiled at my doctor and she lead us to the room.

"So, you're here to see if you're pregnant, hon?" She smiled at me. I smiled back nervously and nodded. "And I'm guessing he's your boyfriend?" I nodded again and she smiled at me.

"All right. Well, I'm going to need you to lie back and lift up your shirt so we can see if there's a bun in the oven for ya." She grinned. I giggled and laid down on the uncomfortable hospital bed and lifted my shirt up so she could put the cold goo on my flat stomach.

"Alright, let's see what's going on here..." She placed the wand on my stomach and flicked the monitor on. I glanced at Max and saw him chewing on one of his snakebites, staring at the screen.

"Alright, so far nothing....let's move it a little to th- oh, there we go." She smiled. I felt my heart stop as I saw a small little thing that looked like a kidney bean on the screen. "There's your baby!" She exclaimed. I smiled and looked at Max, who was looking down at me with tears in his eyes.

"How far along am I?" I asked.

"Ohhh, looks to be around 6 or 7 weeks." She smiled. "See, there's the head, and there's the bottom..." She pointed out to me and I smiled.

"Is it a boy or girl?" Max asked. I started laughing and the doctor did too.

"We can't find that out for a little while longer." She chuckled. He smiled a little and continued to stare at the screen.

"Well, let's get you cleaned up and get the pictures printed!" She wiped the goo off of my belly and let me hop down from the bed. She handed me the pictures in an envelope after a few minutes and we thanked her and left. I was walking over to my side of the car when Max ran over and grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry for not believing you." He whispered before grabbing my hips and kissing me. I kissed back and smiled as his hand went to my stomach. We pulled away and he smiled a little at me. "I'm sorry for being an ass and saying that I didn't want you to be pregnant.....I'm, I think..." He muttered the last part making me giggle.

"I forgive you." I smiled and pressed my lips to his again.

Let's see how long this happiness can last us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if the number of weeks she's pregnant doesn't make sense or something. Sorry if she is or is not supposed to have a baby bump by 6-7 weeks. I don't know everything about being pregnant, so we're just gonna pretend that it makes sense if it doesn't, kk? XD
Side note; i don't think mibba sent out notifications on my story being updated last chapter...i noticed they've been kinda glitchy. :/
but ohwell. comment! tell me what you think the baby should be. tell me if you think max would be a good dad. tell me whaaaaatever. <3
oh, and sorry if this chapter kinda sucks. :(