Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



***the next day***

Max and I didn't do much for the rest of the day. We lazed around on the couch with our laptops, looking up everything about babies. Baby clothes, baby furniture, baby toys, baby food...

Goddamn there's a lot of stuff for such a little human being.

So yeah. Currently it was 2 pm. We already told Craig, Bryan, Robert and Charlie the obvious; that I was pregnant. Craig asked Max if he had talked to Lexus lately, and he said no. Lexus hadn't called or texted him once.

Which was weird, since she was practically a clingy blood-sucking leech with Max. But whatever. I was kinda...weirded out by it, as was Max. He was weirded out by it cause he knew she was like a clingy blood-sucking leech with him, but I was weirded out by it because I also haven't gotten any texts or calls from Ronnie ever since he prank-called me when Max was missing.

"Oh I completely forgot about that..."

"Forgot about what?" Max asked as he walked into the kitchen, fresh from the shower.

"When you took off to Ohio for a couple days, that day you called me, Ronnie had prank-called me and told me, "You're little fucking boyfriend's dead" or some shit like that. Pissed me off." Max rolled his eyes and opened the fridge door.

"That's Ronnie for you." He grumbled. I nodded and sighed.

"But.....I've...kinda got this weird feeling." He cracked open his can of Coca-Cola and raised an eyebrow.

"About what?" I bit my lip and drummed my fingers on the counter.

"Don't you think it's weird that Lexus hasn't bothered to contact you at all...?" He nodded his head.

"Extremely. That bitch is fucking clingy." I snorted and he smirked.

"And don't you think it's also weird that Ronnie hasn't contacted me at all...? I mean the dude was like my best friend and he would call and text me every day until he pulled that stupid prank." Max played with once of his lip rings and looked like he was thinking, so I didn't say anything.

"What exactly are you getting at....." He stared at me.

" know how she always is in Ronnie's band's live chats online..." I started off.

"...NO." He suddenly shouted, his eyes wide. "NO, NO FUCKING WAY..."

"Well that's all I can come up with!"

"You think Lexus is gonna be in his new band?!" He shouted. I slowly let my body slump and my head hit the counter.

"Yes Max. That's exactly what I think. I also hear that Craig and Ronnie are secretly gay lovers." I said sarcastically. He scrunched his face up.

"Uh, ew. Alright what then?" I sighed.

"Remember the last time we went to a bar? ...Lexus was with Ronnie...?" He nodded.

"Lexus is always in his online chats..." He nodded again.

"Lexus and Ronnie haven't contacted us....." I spoke slowly and carefully, and his eyes widened again.

"Oh hell no!" I started laughing at how he said this and he glared.

"You think they're banging?" He asked frowning.

"I say yeah." His face scrunched up again.

"That's just fuckin' weird." He stuck his tongue out in disgust and I giggled. "Well, guess he can have my sloppy seconds."

"OHH!" I laughed. He grinned and rubbed his hands together evilly.

"We should try to find out, though...if we're right." I nodded.

"But how...?" I tapped my finger on my chin and thought.

"Hmmm..." I grabbed my sidekick off of the table and flipped it open. I dialed Ronnie's number and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" Mine and Max's jaw dropped as Lexus's voice rang through the room.

".....Is Ronnie there?" I asked.

"Mm, yeah. Who is this?"

"Jadelle." She gasped and I smirked.

"Oh...uh....hold on..." She stuttered.

"Jade?!" Ronnie exclaimed.

"Why did Lexus answer your phone?" I questioned.

"Because me and her have been hanging out..."

"HANGING OR BANGING?!" Max exclaimed. I had to cover my mouth to keep the laughs that were threatening to spill out in.

"Who the fuck is that?" Ronnie asked.

"Max. Now, like he asked, hanging or banging?" Max snickered and I grinned.

"Well since Max is there, yes, BANGING. And she's a great fuck."

"Well, good to know you think that loose-pussied ho is. You can have my sloppy seconds, Radke, I don't want them anymore." We heard Lexus gasp and I started laughing.

"MAX!" She screeched,

"Shut up bitch. Oh, but the way you two, I'm actually pregnant with Max's kid. 7 weeks along."


"Bye!" I clicked "End Call" and Max started coughing from laughing so hard.

"You're brilliant!" He hugged my tightly and I hugged him back, grinning.


***Later that day, around 8pm***

Max was out getting us Chinese food, and I was alone watching TV when the doorbell rang. I got up and walked over, looked in the peephole and raised my eyebrow before opening the door.

"You're seriously pregnant?" He asked quietly.

"Well hi to you too." I rolled my eyes. I stepped out of the way and he smiled a little at me as he walked in. "And yes, I am." I closed the door and crossed my arms over my chest. His eyes traveled down to my stomach.

"You guys are keeping it?" I turned my head to the side, confused.

"Why wouldn't we?"

"Well it is Max's kid after all..." He mumbled.

"Ronnie shut up." I groaned. He smiled sheepishly. "You wanna see the ultrasound pictures?" He nodded and I walked over to the counter and grabbed the envelope that they were in, and handed it to him.

"...Where the hell's the baby?" He asked as he stared at the picture, eyebrows knit together in confusion. I laughed and pointed everything out to him.

"Holy shit! It's like the size of a golf ball!" He laughed. I giggled and smiled as he handed me the pictures back.

"So where is your sperm donor anyways?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the couch with him.

"Out getting us dinner. And he's my boyfriend, thank you very much." He gagged.

"Oh god! You're actually with him?"

"Yes, yes I am." I glared. He smirked.

"You could do so much better." He stated as he leaned back into my couch more.

"So you think." He smiled at me.

"I know you could." I smiled and leaned back also.

"Who would be better for me?" He grinned and I already knew his answer.

"Me, of course!" I giggled and shook my head.

"Don't think they would work out." He smirked at me again and I narrowed my eyes.

"Oh really? Apparently you thought that the night Max ran off when you were all over me."

I growled and looked down at the floor. I felt his hand rub my back and I snapped my head towards him. "Just admit it, you like me."

"I do not!" I snapped. He smiled and leaned in, closer to me.

"I like you." I closed my eyes and felt my heart pound inside my chest. "I think you're beautiful, you're funny, you're a bitch, but in the best way possible..." I opened my eyes and smiled a little as I was met with his own. "'re smart, you don't take shit from anyone, you're not some little prissy're real. You're honest. I love that."

I bit my tongue as he placed tiny, soft kisses on my jawline and kept his hand on my thigh.

"You could do sooo much better, Jade. You could be with someone who won't cheat on you, who won't hurt you, or break your heart, who won't make you feel like shit..." He kissed my chin, my nose, my eyelids, my forehead, pretty much my whole face he covered in kisses.

"Ronnie..." I sighed in contentment as he pushed us back gently and laid on top of me, holding himself up with his arms.

"You deserve better." He whispered. I frowned and lightly traced the tattoo on his neck with my finger tips.

"But I'm happy with Max...I'm happy that we're going to be parents." He kissed the tip of my nose again and rested his forehead on mine.

"He's gonna break your heart bad before this kid's born, mark my words." I gulped and looked away from his face. He pulled us back up and gently grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"I want you to be happy. But I don't want you getting your heart broken." He frowned.

"I won't." I whispered. His thumb gently stroked my cheek and his lips were barely an inch away from mine.

"I wanna show you what real loves like." He whispered. He pressed his lips to mine and I pressed mine to his. I felt my heart beat faster and butterflies swarm around in my stomach. We reluctantly pulled away after a few seconds.

"Tell me you felt something." He breathed. I nodded my head and he smiled before kissing me again. I heard a car door slam and I pulled away.

"Ronnie, Max is back." He frowned, but quickly got up anyways.

"How the hell am I getting out of here without him seeing-"

"Just go." I ordered. He sighed and gave me one more kiss before he hurried out. I sat back down on the couch and flipped the TV on, just in time for Max to walk in. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Are you and the baby hungry?" He cooed. I laughed a little and nodded. So he didn't see Ronnie, good.

As we were eating, I couldn't help but think...

I kissed Ronnie and I liked it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhhhh snap. Ronnie's back in the picture. (: haha.
for some reason i am tired as a mofo! i dunno why. :/
oh, and mibba needs to quit being so damn glitchy. like, right now would be nice.
oh well.

Comment lovlies! Comments are what keeps me going! :D