Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



"You alright, babe?" Max cooed once we were finished eating, now lounging on the couch together. I nodded my head and forced a small smile. Obviously I wasn't alright; I kissed Ronnie and I liked it. I can't like Ronnie! I just got Max! I'm pregnant with his kid, for Pete's sake!

"You sure?" His eyes were full of concern, they almost looked like a little puppy's. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm sure. I'm just feeling a little funky...I don't think baby likes Chinese too much..." I lied, patting my stomach. He smiled and leaned down to kiss my stomach.

"How can you not like Chinese, little baby? It's delicious!" He exclaimed to my stomach. I laughed as he tickled my belly lightly.

"Mmm, so whaddya wanna do?" He asked me after he was done talking to our baby. I shrugged my shoulders and he kissed my cheek lightly.

"....Hey.....can we like, not have sex until after the baby is born...?" I started laughing as his facial expression went from confused to horrified.

"I don't know. I would think we still could up until, like...when I'm close to my due date...hell I dunno. And then I know we can't after the baby's born...we have to wait like, a month and a half..." He pouted.

"What am I supposed to do then?!" He whined. I pointed to his hand and snickered as he glared.

"That's what you'll be doing." I grinned childishly.

"That's mature." He rolled his eyes. I giggled and nuzzled my face in his neck.

"Love you." I whispered into his neck. I could tell he was smiling and it made a smile appear on my face too.

"Love you too." He whispered back.


***2 months and one week later, the middle of May***

Currently I was 16 weeks pregnant. I had a pretty good size bump now (Max was positive that it grew overnight), and I wasn't getting morning sickness as often.

I was over at Charlie and Craig's place tonight, since the guys had all gone out to a bar.

"So when do the guys have to go to Ohio for a show?" I asked.

"Err...near the end of May, I think." I nodded. We had just gone to New Jersey a couple weeks ago, and soon we would have to go to Ohio.

"I wonder how long you can keep going on these tours." Charlie thought out loud. I shrugged my shoulders.

"At my next doctor appointment I'm gonna ask her. I'm sure I won't be able to when I'm like, 7 months. I'm at 4 months right now, so..." I trailed off. She nodded.

"What sucks is that the guys are gonna be releasing the new record soon, and then by the time your due date rolls around they're probably gonna be touring their asses off." I groaned and ran my hands through my hair.

"I know. That's what sucks. I'm gonna find out my due date here tomorrow, and we're also gonna find out the gender." I grinned. Charlie squealed and clapped her hands.

"I hope it's a girlll! That way you can name her Charlie! Or if it's a boy you can name him Charlie!" I laughed as she clapped her hands again.

"If it's a boy he might be named after his dad..." Charlie "Aww'd" and I smiled.

"But you know, you are really big for only 16 weeks.....not fat, duh! But, your belly looks bigger then it should be..." I nodded and looked down at my swollen tummy.

"I know. That's what Max keeps saying."

"You's gonna have a chubby baby!" She laughed. I giggled and rolled my eyes. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 1am.

"Holy fuck! 1 am?!" I exclaimed. "Damn, already? Where are those boys..." Charlie muttered as she flipped open her phone and began dialing.

"Craig, wh-...yeah...Craig are you drunk?" She sighed. "Is Max drunk too?"

"FUCKIN' WASTED!" I heard Max scream into the phone. She ripped it away from her ear and winced.

"Alright...great." She growled once she saw my PO'd expression. "Well tell Max to get his ass back here, since there's a now pissed-off pregnant woman sitting here waiting for him."

"Okalie-dokalie!" I heard Craig exclaimed before obnoxiously yelling "BYEEEEEEE!" in the phone, causing Charlie to rub her ear.

"Stupid jerkoffs." She grumbled. I smirked a little and sighed.

"Great. Max is drunk. Now I have to deal with that." Charlie snorted and got up. The boys were here within a half hour, Craig and Max stumbling out of the car while Robert and Bryan helped them.

"Good luck with him." Robert joked as Max wobbled his way over to me.


"You gots purpose?" Bryan laughed. I groaned as Max placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek, reeking of booze.

"Alright, time to go home drunkie." I muttered. I practically pushed him in the back seat and slammed the door. "Have fun." I smirked at Charlie. Craig was currently trying to get her to dance with him, but she kept swatting him away.

"Yeah, you too!" She yelled. I got in the drivers seat and Max's head popped up.

"Hey baby!!" He exclaimed. I turned a little and saw he his knees were on the car floor, his feet were in the backseat, and he was leaning on the glove box.

"Max." I sighed. I pulled out of the driveway and drove home, listening to Max drunkenly and obnoxiously sing.

"This is gonna be a long night." I mumbled.


***Next morning***

"Ohhhh, my head..." Max whined as he came out of the bathroom. I was standing by the door, shoes on and keys in my hand waiting for him to finish puking so we could go to the doctor's appointment.

"Take some more Advil and get a bottle of water." He nodded and shuffled slowly over to the cabinet for the Advil, then over to the fridge and got the bottle of water. He slipped his feet in his shoes and glared at me as I giggled.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed. I bounced out the front door and to the car, Max dragging his feet slowly and looking like a zombie.

"Come on, pokey!" He stuck his tongue out at me and walked a little faster. We got in the car and he insisted he drove to the doctor's.

We got there, finally, and walked in. I talked to the receptionist and we waited for my doctor to come out.

"Hey you two!" Mrs. James, my doctor, greeted cheerfully when she walked over to us.

"Hi!" I chirped. I had to admit, I was really excited to find out the gender of my baby. She laughed and led us to the ultrasound room.

"So you guys ready to find out what you're having?!" She exclaimed. I nodded and Max nodded excitedly, holding his head once he did so.

"He partied a little too hard last night." I snickered. He pouted and the doctor chuckled. She set up the machine and let me lay down so she could put the goo on my belly.

"Alright! Let's see your baby!" She smiled. Max grabbed my hand and I smiled at him as she put the wand on my stomach.

"Okay, let's move it around a little.....go a little to the right-......" She stared at the screen and blinked.

"...What? What's wrong?" I felt myself becoming nervous.

"....How...oh my god..." Max stared at the screen.

"What's wrong?!" The doctor shook her head and pointed to the screen. She pointed to two different things that looked exactly the same.

" two are having twins!" She exclaimed. My eyes widened and I snapped my head over to Max as I felt his grip on my hand loosen.

"We.....we're....having.....twins..." He breathed out before he fainted.

"Oh lord." I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
THE BIG 3-0! Obviously had to make it important! THEY'RE HAVING TWINSIES!!! :DDDD
Wow....30 chapters already...kinda hard to believe.

Oh, and is it mean that I started laughing really, really hard when I found out Max and Lexus broke up?
I'm sure I'm not the only one...