Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



My eyes slowly fluttered open and I squinted at the digital clock on the nightstand. 5:12pm. I smiled as I stretched, glad that I got a good nap.

I walked out into the living room and giggled when I saw Max all cuddled up on the couch sleeping. I quietly made myself a cup of coffee and drank it, Max waking up a few minutes after.

"Sleep good?" I smiled. He smiled sleepily and nodded. He walked over and let me get up, him sitting down so I could sit in his lap.

"Did you?" He yawned out. I laughed and nodded. He smiled and kissed my nose softly.

"I love you." He whispered. I smiled and giggled like a little girl.

"I love you too." He grinned and pressed his lips to mine.

"Don't want no paper gangsta,
won't sign away my life to,
someone who's got the flavor,
but don't have no follow through,
don't want no paper gangsta..."

I groaned as my ring tone played from the bedroom. Max laughed as I ran into the room and answered the phone.


"Hey, you're awake." I raised my eyebrow at Ronnie's voice. He sounded a mixture of worried and mad.

"Yeah....why?" He sighed.

"I stopped by for a visit and you were sleeping..." I told him to go on, even though I was getting nervous.

"And.....Max answered the door, obviously......and he-"

"Who's on the phone?" Max asked as he walked in. I mouthed "Ronnie" to him and he glared.

"Don't talk to him."

"Jadelle are you listening to me?" Ronnie asked. I stared at Max.

"No...Max just came in and told me not to talk to you..."

"Oh goodie. Put me on speaker." I blinked and did as I was told.

"Oh Maxwellllll!" Ronnie sang.

"What, dick?" Max spat. Ronnie laughed evilly.

"Does Maxy not want me to tell her?" Ronnie spoke in a baby voice.

"Tell me about what?" I was starting to panic now. This was not gonna be good, I could already tell.

"Oh, just that when Max answered the door he was h-" Max tried to snatch the phone out my hands and I swatted him away.

"Shut up, Radke!" Max yelled nervously.

"Max was high as a fucking kite when he answered and he told me he was gonna leave you and the kids before they were born!" Ronnie yelled quickly. "Bye call me later!" A second later I heard the dial tone. I stared at my phone and then slowly lifted my head to meet Max's eyes.

"Jadelle, don't believe........him....." He frowned when he saw my eyes welling up with tears. "Baby I was high, I didn't mean that at know I want these babies just as much as you." He kneeled in front of me and I swatted him away.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME! YOU FUCKING LIAR!" I screamed. I pushed him back and he fell to the ground, staring up at me with wide eyes. "YOU'RE ON DRUGS AGAIN?!" He looked away and I kicked his knee making him cry out in pain.

"JADE!" He whined. I stared daggers at him. "Answer the fucking question!"

"YES, ALRIGHT?! I'M ON DRUGS! I'M BACK ON HEROIN AND OXY, THERE!" I screamed and threw the digital clock at him since it was the closet thing.

"How could you?! Huh? These twins inside of me weren't enough to help you stay clean?!" He looked down and sniffled.

"If you can't stay clean, I'm not letting you see your kids. I'm not even gonna let you be around me while I'm pregnant with them." He choked out a sob and looked up at me.

"No, please Jade I'm sorry!" He cried. I stared down at him as he laid down on the floor and put his face in his hands. "I can't help it, I'm sorry..."

"Get help, Max. Obviously the whole doing it on your own thing isn't working. You need to go to rehab." He pulled his hands away from his face and frowned at me.

"But then..." I shook my head.

"It's either go to rehab for however long you have to or you're gone. You choose." He sat up and groaned.

"I'm not going to rehab!" He yelled.

"Then pack up your shit and leave!" I yelled back. He looked shocked when I said that.

"Okay." He weakly answered. He slowly got up and I walked out of the room, feeling my heart slowly split into two.

"Baby please, give me one more chance at doing it myself." He walked out after a few minutes. I sat at the table silently crying.

"No. If you want to get clean you need to go to rehab." I choked out. He frowned and started walking over to me, causing me to stand up and walk away from him.

"Jadelle!" I walked out to the balcony and started crying harder when he walked out. "Please, just come here-"

"No Max! Go pack up your stuff and get out!" I cried. I pushed him away as he tried to wrap his arms around me. "I mean it Max."

"No you don't." He whispered. He grabbed my chin gently and I tried to swat him away, but he pressed my up against his body making it difficult to do so.

"I love you, honey. Why don't you get that?" He groaned.

"This has nothing to do with me not knowing you love me, or me not loving you or anything like that. This has to do with you choosing your drugs and freedom over being with me and being able to be there for your children!" I screeched. I pushed him away yet again and pointed to the door. "If you're not willing to go to rehab, then get out. I mean it."

"Fine." He spat. I watched him walk back in and come back out 10 minutes later with all of his bags. I went in and watched him as he put his jacket and shoes on.

"Regretting this yet?" He asked in a smart-ass tone. I glared and pointed to the door.

"No, I don't regret getting a pathetic drug-abuser scumbag out of my life. Now get the fuck out." I spoke every word harshly, and he frowned a little.

"Fuck you." He spoke shakily before dragging his things out and slamming the door behind him.
♠ ♠ ♠
He ate my heart,
He a-a-ate my heart,
He ate my heart,
He a-a-ate my heart.

Look at him,
Look at me,
That boy is bad,
And honestly;
He's a wolf in disguise...
But I cant stop staring in those evil eyes.

That Maxyboy is a monster!
That Maxyboy is a monster!
That Maxyboy is a monster!

Like my lyrics? ;)


Look at him,
Look at me,
that boy is wearing, more makeup then me!
He's a drag, queen in disguise...
But I can't stop staring into those heavily made up eyes!

lol i'm silly. (:

(PS: The song is "Monster" by miss Lady Gaga. just in case anyone asks.)