Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



***Ronnie's POV***

My phone started ringing and I smiled when I saw it was Jadelle.

"Hey." I smiled.

"R-Ronnie..." I heard her crying and instantly became worried.

""Jadelle? What's wrong? Why're you crying?" I stood up from her couch.

"I-I-I was just raped." My breath hitched in my throat and my heart stopped beating. All of the sudden I felt furious, horrified, terrible, and all of those other adjectives.

"WHAT?! Jade where are you?! Oh my god are you okay?! Fuck I knew I should've went with you-"

" Charlie and tell her I won't be able to come over tonight. Don't tell her what really happened, make something up. I'm gonna be back in a few minutes." I grabbed my keys and slipped my shoes on while she was talking.

"No, I'm gonna find whoever had the balls to do this to you and kill them with my bare fucking hands!" I growled. "Where are you?"

"At that old Shell gas station that's only a few minutes from my place..." She sniffled. It felt like my heart broke and I frowned. "Ronnie we're not gonna be able to find those guys..."

"Yes we are. I promise." I started my car and drove as fast as I could to the gas station. I parked my car and saw Jadelle getting out of hers. I rushed over to her and wrapped my arms around her as tight as I could without hurting her.

"Shh shh shhhh...I'm here, don't worry..." I kissed the top of her head over and over again, trying to calm her. "Come on." I whispered. She clung to me as we walked into the gas station. I walked up to the Cashier and he looked at me weird when he saw Jadelle crying.

"My girlfriend just called me here and said while she was trying to get gas, some guys took her and raped her." I glared at the cashier and his eyes widened.

"Oh my god!" The guy ran over to the phone. "Honey, you need to tell me everything that happened." He said sweetly to her. As she was telling him the whole story, I couldn't help but feel so fucking angry.

"Do you remember the plate number at all?" He asked. She thought for a second and nodded.

"YOU DO?!" I exclaimed. She jumped a little and nodded. "I have a photographic memory...I remember looking at it before they forced me in there." She said quietly. She told the guy the plate number and the car, and he called the police.

"They're tracking these guys down right now." I felt a little bit calmer now that I knew these sick fucks would more then likely be caught.

Jadelle's phone rang and she groaned, getting it out of her purse and answering it. "Charlie...look, I can't come over tonight.....oh nothing big, just got raped at a gas station." I heard Charlie scream "WHAT?!" and she started babbling. "Look, I'm fine. I'm at the gas station with Ronnie and we're tracking the guys down right now.....yeah I'm gonna go to the doctors, don't worry...okay, fine you can come. I'll text you when we're getting ready to leave. Love ya, bye." She closed her phone and sighed.

"Alright, you guys, here...this is the number to this place, give me your number and I'll call you when I found out from the police that they've been caught." Ronnie gave the guy his number and took the piece of paper he had given him. "I feel absolutely horrible knowing this happened and I didn't even know, hun." The cashier said sympathetically.

"It's not your fault." She smiled a little. We thanked him for helping us out and went back to our cars.

***Jadelle's POV***

We drove back to my place, leaving my car there and went to the hospital in Ronnie's car. I texted Charlie and she said they were already there in the parking lot.

"Oh my god are you okay?!" Craig practically pounced on me and hugged me when we got in there. I laughed slightly and nodded.

"I'm as well as expected." I sighed. I did a double take when I saw Max sitting there, along with Bryan and Robert. Ronnie was talking with the receptionist and Charlie hugged me, holding onto me for dear life.

"I can't believe this!" She started crying and I hugged her.

"It's okay, Charlie.....I'm gonna be fine." Craig took her from me and Max walked over.

"Jade, they said they tracked down those guys!" Ronnie told me. He was apparently talking to the guy from the gas station.

"Alright..." Max frowned at me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked quietly.

"I'm fine. Just fucking emotionally scarred." He tried to hug me but I stepped away. "I don't even know why you're here." I said in a monotone voice.

"I'm here because I care!" Max exclaimed. Ronnie grabbed my hand and told me the doctor was ready for me. I shook my head at Max and followed Ronnie.

The doctor checked everything to make sure I was okay and I was. They were running some tests and they said they'd call me back tomorrow with the results.

"Before everyone bombards me with questions, I'm fine. They ran some tests and will give me back the results tomorrow. Right now I just wanna go home." Everyone gave me a hug, except Max. He just sat there, looking at me.

"Can we talk?" He asked quietly. I sighed and nodded. Ronnie said he'd wait in the car and everyone else gave me one more hug and told me goodbye. Max and I walked out of the hospital.

"So?" I said coldly.


"Sorry? Too late." He sighed, obviously aggravated. He threw his hands in the air.

"Look, I never meant to hurt you! I care about you, I'm sorry if I ever fucked with your mind and made it seem like I was playing you!" He exclaimed. I laughed slightly and rolled my eyes.

"Max, you did play me. Big time. You did fuck with my mind, I honestly can't believe you couldn't tell. You've hurt me, Max." I whispered the last part and felt my eyes tearing up. Oh great. Now I'm gonna cry in front of Max.

"I'm sorry, my intentions never were to hurt you." He put his hand on my arm and I quickly moved away from him.

"You had your chance, Green. Hell, you had chances. I gave you a lot of fucking chances, and you screwed up each and every one of them. I mean it when I say I'm done and over you, and that you're dead to me. I'm with Ronnie now." He glared at me and I bit back a smirk.

"Yeah I know you're with Ronnie now!" He yelled angrily. "Fine. I am sorry for what I did, but if you're not going to accept it then okay. It's done and over with. You've got Ronnie and I've got Lexus, we're dead to each other and we hate each other. Fine." His voice choked up at the end and I felt the hot tears making their way down my cheeks.

"I still love you though. But I guess I need to get over that." I choked back more tears as his voice cracked again as he spoke. He shook his head and walked away, leaving me to go back to Ronnie.

When I still loved Max.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, things I found out today;

1: Apparently Max and Lexus are getting married on stage at Extreme Thing.

2: Apparently Max has a clothing line now.

3: Max is a brainless little fucktard.

ANYTHING ELSE I MISSED TODAY? What, is she also pregnant with his octuplets and they're going to name all the girls Marilyn and all the boys Manson?

-le sigh-

Oh, and Lexus didn't have anything to do with Jade getting raped. I wasn't gonna make her that mean.....LOL.