Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



***2 months later***

Wow, what a crazy two months it's been.....I'm now 4 months pregnant with Ronnie's child, Max has completely ignored us all after we tried to get him into rehab, and he moved to California with Lexus. So, basically I've been a complete emotionally wreck.

I'm sure the thing you're wanting to know most about is Max...well, not much to say about him; he's still using and drinking, he's still with Lexus, and the guys kicked him out of the band about month ago. Craig told him they'd give him another chance if he agreed to go to rehab, but Max, being the stubborn ass he is, refused, told the guys he was leaving the band, and moved to California with Lexus.

So I've been living in my apartment alone. Charlie and Craig have offered me to stay at there place, but I turned it down each time they offered. I didn't want to seem like a burden.

Currently, I was on my way to the doctor's office for my appointment. I was finding out the gender of the baby today, and I was really, really excited.

I walked into the office after I had parked my car.

"Appointment for Jadelle Perry, 2:30." I smiled at the receptionist. She smiled back and typed on her computer for a minute.

"Dr. Miller will be out with you in a minute, you can take a seat in the waiting room, hon." I thanked her and sat down in one of the cold plastic chairs. A few minutes passed and I saw my doctor walking out.

"Hi Jadelle!" She smiled and gave me a light hug.

"Hi Susie." I grinned at her. She led me to the ultrasound room.

"So, excited to find out the sex of your baby today?" I nodded my head quickly and she laughed. I laid down on the bed and let her put the cold goo on my stomach, already familiar to the routine.

"Okay, let's see what's going on in there!" She pulled the ultrasound machine over and grabbed the wand, putting it on my stomach. She rubbed it around on my just now finally popping out-belly for a few minutes when my baby showed up on the screen.

"There's the little one." She smiled. I smiled and looked at the screen, already getting emotional. Damn hormones.

"So, you want to know?" She smiled. I nodded and bit my lip.

"It is....a...." She grinned and turned to me. "Congratulations, it's a boy!" She exclaimed. I let the happy tears fall and I smiled at the screen, seeing Ronnie and I's little boy.

"Oh my god..." I giggled and thanked her when she handed me a couple tissues. I wiped my tears away and let a permanant grin place itself on my mouth. I hopped off of the bed and wiped the goo off of my stomach as my doctor printed the pictures. She placed them in an envelope and handed them to me.

"So, next appointment is in 2 weeks. I will be seeing you then!" I gave her a hug and thanked her before walking out of the hospital. Hell, I was skipping out of the hospital.

The second I got in my car I whipped my phone out and dialed Craig's number.

"Hello?" I told him to put it on speaker and to get Charlie in the room.

"Oh my god you found out?!" She squealed.


"TELL US!" She exclaimed. I laughed.

"I'm having a boy!" I screeched. She screeched too and Craig laughed.

"I think it's safe to say I'm deaf now." He laughed. "But congrats! A mini-Ronnie!......That's kinda scary." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Shut up." He laughed again.

"So, you plan on telling Max...?" I sighed and looked down at my lap.

"Why would he care? It's not like it's his kid anyways."

"Yeah, but maybe somehow...this'll snap him back to reality." I blinked and stared out the windshield.

"How? He doesn't care, Craig."

"Just, call him! Jesus." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Alright, alright. See ya Craigy."

"Stop calling me that. Bye." I giggled and hung up. I scrolled back to my contacts list and stared at Max's number. After a minute, I hesitantly pressed "Call."

"Hello?" My breath caught in my throat.


"......Jadelle...?" I smiled weakly. He sounded so confused as to why I was calling him.


"What's up?" I was pleasantly surprised; he actually didn't sound drunk or high...he sounded normal, for once.

"Well, I just got back from my doctor's appointment and I found out the sex of the baby..."

"So, what is it?" I smiled.

"Boy!" He laughed slightly, probably at how enthusiastic I sounded.

"Holy shit dude...that's like, a little Ronnie inside you." I giggled. I heard him inhale and then exhale a few seconds later, telling me he was smoking a ciggarette.

"Did you get ultrasound pictures?" I told him I did and he stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking again. "Can I come over and see them...?"

I smiled at how nervous he sounded. "Of course." I replied.

"Alright, I'll be over in like, half an hour." I furrowed my brows together in confusion.

"...I thought you were in California?" He chuckled.

"I'm in Vegas for a few days. I just got back here last night."

"Ohhhhh. Okay!"

"So I'll see you soon." I smiled. We said goodbye and hung up. I couldn't help but feel somewhat excited as I drove back to my apartment. When I got there, I practically sprinted inside, more then likely looking ridiculously stupid. I put my shoes and purse in my closet and ran around tidying a few things up.

The doorbell rang as I was finishing my cleaning. I walked over to the door and took a deep breath in, opening it. I gasped at the man standing right in front of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I'm sure alot of you are wondering why it's taken me almost a week to put this crappy filler chapter up.

2 things.

1: I was braindead at first.

2: Just when I had gotten my idea for the chapter (which was yesterday, btw), I find out my computer cord is dead. Therefore my computer is dead.

So, I already ordered another cord and hopefully it'll be here by theend of this week. I'm on my dad's laptop right now typing this, so that explains how I got this out. SO, the next chapter will be when I get my cord in the mail. I don't know when that will be, BUT...

If you follow me on twitter, you'll be able to find out the second I get it. Cause you know I'll twitter about it, the second I get it. lol.

My twitter is /ladyashyy . So go follow meeeee! It'll also make it easier to tell you guys if an update isn't going to get posted on the day it's s'posed to be, so this will keep ya'll up to date. (:

Another thing that you all might not like...

I can't update every other day anymore. It's not really giving me enough time to think up a good chapter anymore. So, I will updating every 3 days now. So say I updated on Monday; normally the next chapter would be posted Wednesday, but now it'll be posted on Thursday.

Sorry for all of that guys! Please don't hate me! :/

PS: Whatcha think of the new layout and banner? Kinda crappy, but mehhh. lol.