Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



I let my jaw drop at how Max looked. He raised his eyebrow at me, but smiled anyways.

"Yes?" He asked. I let him walk inside. I closed the door and continued to stare in non-belief.

" look.......amazing." I mentally rolled my eyes at how cheesy and lame I sounded, but it was true. He looked normal again, completely sober and normal. His once black hair faded back to his natural shade, and was cut much shorter then before. Eyebrows were back too, thank god.

"AMAZING? You think I look amazing?" He teased. I laughed slightly and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, you don't look like a drag-queen in training!" I exclaimed. He narrowed his eyes at me and I chuckled.

"Gee thanks." He mumbled, sitting on the couch. I joined him and he instantly looked down at my stomach.

"Awwwww, you gotta little baby bump." He cooed. I smiled as he placed his hand on it delicately, like he was afraid he would hurt me or the baby.

"So where're the ultrasound pictures?" He smiled at me. I got up and grabbed the envelope off of the counter before returning to Max. I handed him the envelope and he carefully opened it, pulling the pictures out and looking through them.

"Awwww..." He smiled softly as he looked at each of the pictures. He handed them back to me in the envelope after he was done looking at them.

"So you're what, 4 months along now?" I nodded. He smiled down at my stomach again. "And it's a boy.....Ronnie's boy..." He chuckled and shook his head. "That'll be interesting."

"Oh shush." I laughed. We fell into a short silence, neither of us knowing what to say.

"So I look amazing, huh?" I smacked his arm and rolled my eyes again. He grinned cheekily.

"Well you certainly don't look like you did the last time I saw you." I leaned back into the couch, resting the back of my head on it.

"That a good thing?" He asked. I simply nodded my head.

"You're clean now, aren't you?" I asked quietly. I glanced at him and he nodded, looking at me.

"Completely. I did it myself, again. Lexus helped me.....she got upset when I cut my hair off and let my eyebrows grow back..." I snickered as he said the last part in a bland sort of tone.

"Did she try to shave them off in your sleep again?"

"Shut up." He rolled his eyes. I snickered to myself again. It grew silent again, but this time it wasn't as awkward.

"So why did you get clean?" I asked quietly after a few minutes.

"Because I almost died." He replied, even quieter.

"WHAT?" I stared at him. He smiled weakly.

"I did too much coke, drank too much alcohol, popped some thing I knew I was in a damn hospital, hooked up to all sorts of machines and being told I almost, nearly, was very very close to dying." I continued to stare at him.

"Who found you...?"

"Not Lexus. She fucking thought I was sleeping." He snorted. "It was one of her friends who realized it."

"She thought you were sleeping?" I said lamely.

"Yup." He said in the same tone.

"...This is why you don't date teenagers. They're took fuckin' stupid." I muttered. "And besides, she's too young for you! She's like, barely legal..." I scrunched my face up.

"She's 19, Jade." He laughed.

"You're 25! 6 years!" I exclaimed.

"It's not that bad." He smiled.

"Pedophile." I mumbled under my breath.

"WHAT?!" He screeched. I started cracking up at his expression. "Dude, it's not like she's 16!"

"Alright alright, sheesh." I giggled.

"So how've you been holding up?" He quickly changed the subject.

".....With everything?" He nodded. "Only thing that keeps me from killing myself was knowing I was pregnant."

He frowned at me. "You think I'm joking? Ask Craig and Charlie. They know that. If I didn't have Ronnie's child inside of me, I'd be inside a casket right now."

"Don't fucking say that." He growled.

"Why? It's true. Ronnie died, you fucking left me for Lexus, AGAIN...I have nothing to live for, except this baby." He looked down when I said what he did, but quickly looked back up at me.

"You have everything to live for, Jadelle. If you were dead, we'd all be fucking devastated."

"I'm fucking devastated right now, and have been for the past 2 months, Max! No one's tried to fucking help."

"I KNOW Craig and Charlie have helped, Jade."

"They're all I have now, Max." I whispered. "I don't have anybody else, because they all left me."

"You have me..." He started.

"YOU LEFT ME FOR LEXUS!" I yelled. "When I needed you the most, you fucking abandoned me!"

"I know..." He said quietly.

".....Are you still with her?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Would you leave her for me?"

He looked at me and bit his lip.

" god." I felt fury and anger building up inside of me.

"Jade it's not's because...." I finally pieced it all together when he trailed off.

"You don't want to be with me any more because I'm having Ronnie's baby..." He looked away and I choked back tears.

"Is that it?" He looked down at his lap again. "Max, is that it?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, okay?!" He snapped. I sat there and stared at him, neither of us saying a word.

"Get out." I whispered shakily, pointing to the door.


"GET OUT!" I screamed. He sighed, getting up and walking towards the door. I started crying and sobbing and I felt him sit back down next to me.

"I SAID GET OUT!!" I cried. I looked at him through my tear-filled eyes and saw that he looked like he was near tears.

"Jadelle, please." I pointed to the door and continued crying. He got up, and a few seconds later I heard the door shut. I slowly got up, shaking, and made my way over to the phone. I dialed the number and started crying harder.


"Craig, get down here now....bring Charlie..." I choked out.

"Jade, what's wrong? What's going on?" He asked frantically.

"Craig I'm fucking ready to kill myself, get down here, PLEASE!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I got my computer cord, I got my computer cord, I got my computerrrr cordddddd!!

Mkay mkay, so in the story now, Max doesn't look like he doesn't right now. He looks like how he used to, like in the layout picture over THERE! ------->>>>>

Yeah, totally not letting him look like THIS is my story;

