Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



I stared at him wide-eyed, he just looked down at me. He smiled meekly and I let my mouth open and close, again and again.

"Jadelle....." He started off quietly. I was still too shocked to speak. He grabbed my hand in his and squeezed it, like he was reading my mind as I asked myself mentally if he was a ghost or not.

"You're alive...?" He slowly nodded his head and I started to feel my heart speed up and my breathing come out in little spurts.

"Jade, don't start hyperventialting....." He said nervously.

"MAAAAXXXXXXX!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

No not in that way, you pervert!

"MAX MAX MAX MAXXXX!!!!!!" Ronnie put his hand over my mouth, but I swatted him away. I saw Max practically tumbling down the stairs, hair sticking up in every direction and only in his boxers.

"JADE WHAT'S GOING ON-" He did a double take once he saw Ronnie standing there. " this real life...?"

"I don't know, is it, Ronald?" I spat. Ronnie frowned at me.

"You're mad, aren't you?" He mumbled.

"Noooo, I'm just peachy FUCKING KEEN!" He cringed as I raised my voice. "Someone start explaining. That someone being you, Ronnie." He scratched the back of his head and looked between Max and I.

"I...might've faked my death...?" He questioned, more then stated.

"MIGHT HAVE?" Max and Ronnie shushed me.

".....Yeah...I did.....but I have a damn good reason!" Ronnie stated.

"There's a good reason for faking your own death? Oh, goody! Can't WAIT to hear this one!" I flung my arms around, putting emphasis on the end.


"GET TO EXPLAINING!" Ronnie sighed and looked at me, but then down at the ground.

"I faked it because of the fact that.......I......well......" I stared at him, waiting. "I faked my own death because I know all I was doing was causing you heartache...because you wanted to be with Max." He looked up at me. I looked over at Max and his jaw had dropped. I glanced back to Ronnie and saw the sincerity in his eyes.

"Really?" He nodded.

"I didn't want to get in the way of you being with the guy you truly love...I know I was, that's why I did this." I stared at him, dumbfounded. "I had planned the whole car crash, really.....I mean technically it was all my fault."

"Wow..." Max breathed.

"You seriously went all that way, just because you wanted me to be with Max?" He shook his head.

"I didn't WANT you to be with Max..." He smirked and Max pouted slightly. "But I knew it's what you wanted. And I love you enough to do all of that."

I smiled and felt the damn tears coming to my eyes again. "Oh jesus I'm gonna cry..." I laughed.

"How did you do the whole funeral, though?" Max asked. Ronnie smirked.

"Secrets. Secrets that aren't going to be told." Max and I raised our eyebrows at Ronnie, who just shrugged.

"Max, can I talk to Ronnie by myself for just a second?" Max nodded and retreated back up the stairs.

"You're gonna yell at me, huh?" Ronnie chuckled.

"I have to whisper yell." I stated. "Now, do you know how much fucking pain and misery you caused me by doing this?" Ronnie sighed and sat down at the kitchen table. I sat next to him and he put his chin in his hands, looking at me.

"I cried every night, for the longest amount of time. I still would cry every few nights...I wanted to kill myself." Ronnie frowned. "The only thing that kept me from doing so was knowing I had your son inside of me."

"Our son." He corrected, smiling. I smiled and looked down at my stomach.

"Our son." He rubbed my stomach gently, still resting his chin in one of his hands.

"How'd you know I was pregnant?"

"Nasty and the guys kept me up to date. Actually, Nasty was the one who convinced me to come down here tonight." I nodded and smiled a little. Ronnie took my hands in his and kissed them. "Please forgive me for doing this...?" He pleaded quietly.

"No." I pouted. "I was miserable. I missed you so damn much, Ronald...I really, really wanted to die." He sighed and played with my hands.

"I wanted to kill myself too. I missed being around you...jeez, last time I saw you you were teensy tiny. Now you're pregnant with my kid." He chuckled.

"Are you calling me fat?!" I whisper-shrieked. His eyes widened and I giggled.

"You bitch." He joked.

"Least I didn't fake my death and make everyone feel miserable." I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed.

"I love how we're already joking with eachother." He snickered.

"I know right? it's awesome." I rolled my eyes and he laughed yet again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shitty filler, was needed badly. Don't ask me how Ronnie faked his death, I'm not that creative. lmao.

So, a few exciting things happening/have happened in my life!

1: I met Cobra Starship at a Hot Topic meeting just 2 days ago! I freakin' froze up in front of Gabe and couldn't really get any other words except "Thanks" to come out of my mouth! WAY TO GO, ASH!

2: I bleached the top layer of my hair and I didn't fuck it up like I thought I would! It actually looks NICE!

3: Where I live, we're getting downpours of rain and lots of thunder and lightning. NOT FORGETTING TO MENTION THE FREAKIN' TORNADO WATCH WE HAVE IN EFFECT UNTIL 11-FRIGGIN'-PM TONIGHT!

4: I have an orea mcflurry from McDonalds, and it's almost all gone! AND IT'S ALL MELTED!

Oh, sorry this is a day late. I was still giggling like a little school girl over how Gabe told me it was very nice to meet me.

(and if i hear one goddamn comment about me being a damn fangirl i will punch someone in the face. i've liked CS for over 3 FRIGGIN YEARS NOW! so nyahhhhhh.)