Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



***1 year later***

I smiled at my baby boy as he stumbled over to me, holding his sippy cup in his little hand.

"Hi pumkin!" I cooed. I scooped him up in my arms and showered his face with kisses, making him laugh. "You have fun shoppin' with daddy?" He grinned at me and I took it as a yes. He looked over at Nasty and Sammy sitting on the couch with Scarlett and Gage. He squealed and started squirming out of my arms.

"Ok, ok! Sheesh. Guess you love your godparents more then your own mom." I joked. I set him down and he ran over to them. Nasty picked him up and held him in the air.

"So, you'll never guess who i ran into today..." Ronnie said as he entered the living room.

"Uh-oh." I laughed. He sat down next to me and smirked. "Guess."

"The old gang?" I sighed. He nodded his head. "They're all back in Vegas for a week."

"Cool." I said, in a bland tone. He chuckled.

"Dude, what'd you say to them?" Nasty asked.

"Robert came up to me and said hi. Then everyone else saw me and ran over too. We just talked...they asked about you and Ronnie," He nodded his head to our son.

"Who all was there? Everybody?" He nodded.

"Craig, Charlie, Robert and his girlfriend, Bryan, Max and Lexus." I rolled my eyes at the last two names.

"He's still with that trash?" Sammy scrunched up her face.

"They're getting married." He said quietly. My eyes widened.

"WHAT?" I saw Nasty cringe at how I raised my voice, and Sammy frown.

"I know. I saw the ring on her and asked, and he told me they were engaged. He just proposed a couple weeks ago." I frowned a little and Ronnie Jr walked over to me, putting his little hands on my knees.

"Momma ok?" He asked, using two of the three words he says the most, the other one being, "Daddy".

"Momma's fine, baby. Don't you worry." I smiled, kissing his forehead. He grinned and I laughed as he ran back over to Nasty and Sammy's kids to play.

"They all wanna hang out." Ronnie said as he looked at me.

"Well you can tell them that ain't happenin'." I muttered. Nasty snickered.

"Um...I........kinda..." Ronnie started out nervously. My head snapped over to meet his.

"You kinda what?" I demanded.

"......Told then they could come over tonight?" He squeaked. He stood up and ran over to the other side of the room as I slowly stood. Nasty and Sammy started laughing their asses off.

"Why?" I asked calmly. Ronnie shrugged his shoulders a little. "Is it coming with him?" He smirked, knowing who I was referring to.

"I would think so, yeah." I groaned, but put on a smile when Ronnie Jr looked at me, making sure I was OK. He went back to playing.

"What time are they gonna be here?" I sighed.

"In an hour." My eyes widened again and Ronnie smiled sheepishly.

"I'm not gonna be able to have any more kids after tonight, huh?" I shook my head and Nasty doubled over in laughter.

"Nope." I grabbed Samantha's hand and we ran upstairs. I closed the door behind us as we walked into the bedroom and groaned.

"This is bullshit!" I stated. She nodded and sat down on the bed.

"What'reya gonna do?" She asked. I yanked open the closet door and began digging around the big hot mess.

"Oh I'll tell you what I'm gonna do..." I started. I found finally found the shoebox and opened the lid, pulling out the small stack of envelopes. I put the box back and handed her the letters.

"What're these?" She furrowed her brow together.

"Read them." She took the letters out one by one and began to read them.

"Holy shit....." She breathed. "He sent you these even after he left?" I nodded. I grabbed one and began to read the first part of it.


I know you're mad. I know you found out the real reason why I left. I'm sorry, I told you I was no good. But I love her...

I'm sorry for the lies. I'm just sorry. She doesn't compare to you, but she's the second best.

Truth is, I knew we could've made it. I knew that it was possible. I was just trying to get out of the have a kid now. You're way more mature then I am now. I wouldn't be able to help take care of him. You and I were perfect until you had a child.

I didn't bother to read the rest, I was already furious once again.

"He's blaming your BABY for all of that?!" Sammy screeched.

"Yeah, he fucking is. But that just shows how much of a coward he is." I went back over to my closet and picked out a different outfit to wear.

"So...what're you gonna do when he gets here?" I nodded my head to the letters as I changed.

"Show him those. Show the guys those, show everyone how much of a dick he really is." I seethed. Sammy smirked.

"Has Ronnie seen these?" I nodded my head as I put my belt on.

"Some of them. He hasn't seen the one where that I just showed you, about Max blaming Ronnie Jr. So I'll show him those tonight and we'll see how thrilled he'll be with Maxwell." I grinned. She laughed and got up. I folded up the letters and stuck them in my back pocket.

"Jadelle!" I heard Ronnie yell.

"What?" I yelled back.

"Get your ass down here, girl!" I looked at Samantha and her mouth hung open a little. That was Robert's voice, meaning they were already here.

"What happened to an hour? That was like 10 minutes." I complained. I opened the door and we walked down the stairs. I saw everyone standing there, looking at me now.

"Momma." I looked down to see Ronnie Jr stumbling towards me. He held out his arms and I grinned, picking him up.

"What baby?" He pointed to them and I smiled.

"Those are some of mommy's old friends." He wrapped his arms around my neck and looked at them, obviously nervous.

"That's Craig and Charlie, that's Robert, that's Bryan, and that's Max and...Lexus." I refrained from calling her a different name, but it was difficult. Very, very difficult.

They all waved and Ronnie Jr smiled shyly.

"He's shy," Robert smiled, walking over and giving me a one armed hug. I laughed and hugged back.

"Hey little dude! You can just call me uncle Robbie." He grinned. Ronnie Jr's smile grew bigger and I laughed.

"I think he likes you."

"Who doesn't?" I rolled my eyes and smiled. I set Ronnie Jr down and he stumbled around, greeting everybody.

"JADEY!" Craig cried, running over and hugging me tightly. He spun me around and I squealed.

"Craigy!" I cried back. Charlie ran over and hugged me too. "Charlieee!" I sung.

"I MISS YOU!" She screamed.

"I MISS YOU TOO!" I screamed back. We both busted out laughing.

After some small talk, we all headed outside onto the deck in the backyard.

"So....." Craig started.

"Are Max and Jade gonna talk or what?" Robert asked. I glared at him and he smirked.

"I'm afraid she hates me." Max laughed slightly.

"I do." Everyone stared at me as I pulled the letters out of my back pocket and let them fall on the patio table. "Especially since you blamed my son for our breakup."

"Wait, what?" Ronnie butted in. Everyone stared at Max as he looked at me.

"I never blamed him, Jade." I grabbed one of the letters and handed it to Ronnie. I pointed to the part that I had read in the bedroom. He read it aloud, and everyone continued to stare at Max.

"You and I were perfect until you had a child?" Ronnie repeated. He set the paper down, staring daggers at Max. All he did was look away.

"Sammy, Nasty, can you get the kids out of here for a few minutes? I don't need them hearing what I'm about to say." They nodded and took the kids inside. I waited until I knew they were far enough.

"You're a fucking coward, Max. A FUCKING, COWARD." Max stood up.

"I wasn't blaming him! He's only a baby!" He tried to defend himself.

"YOU AND I WERE PERFECT UNTIL YOU HAD A CHILD?!" Ronnie yelled. "You're saying everything was fine until MY SON came into this world!"

"Max, that's fucked." Craig stated. Max groaned.

"I. AM. NOT. BLAMING. THEIR. CHILD." He spoke slowly, like we were all slow-wits.

"Yes you are!!" I screamed. "You're a damn coward! You knew how much I loved you, and you said, right there in that letter, that you, YOURSELF, knew we could've made it! Yet you decided to BREAK MY FUCKING HEART AND GET ENGAGED TO THIS WHORE!" I pointed to Lexus. All she did was glare at me.

""She doesn't compare to you, she's second best."" Ronnie handed the letter to Lexus and she read over it. "Oh, so I'm second best huh?" She asked Max. He put his face in his hands and mumbled.

"You were the fucking love of my life, Max. I hope you know that. I did so much for you. I gave so much for you. I helped you, I put up with your bullshit, I loved you and tried to be the best for you, and this is what I get in return?!" He shook his head.

"Well then what? Say something!" I yelled.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?!" Max screamed in my face.


"BECAUSE I WAS FUCKING SCARED! I TOLD YOU ALREADY! I WAS SCARED THAT YOU HAD A KID! KIDS RUIN EVERYTHING!" I slapped him across the face and he yelped, holding his cheek.

"Are you saying my son ruined us?" I demanded. He didn't reply, he looked down. "ANSWER."

"Yes." He muttered.

"You son of a bitch!" Ronnie tackled Max to the ground and I groaned.

"Ronald, stop!" Craig, Robert and I pulled him off of Max. "I know you're mad, but that doesn't solve anything." I whispered. I saw the anger and hurt in Ronnie's eyes and it made me hate Max even more.

"Max, you should just leave. For good this time." Craig helped Max up as I said this. "Go marry Lexus and be happy. Obviously I wasn't what fucking made you happy." He frowned.

"You made me happy." I shook my head.

"No, I didn't. You don't need to lie anymore, I already know I didn't. Just go, I don't need you anymore. I have everything I need now." His frown grew bigger. "I'm finally over you."

And that time, I actually meant it.
♠ ♠ ♠
THE END! Did you all like it? I hope you did. (:

This is the story that I am most proud of. I can't believe how huge this story got to be, and how successful it is. And I thank you guys for making it my best story yet.

So, now it's time to name all of my wonderful, fabulous, amazing commenters. :D

Sparks Will Fly
painting flowers'
Faux. Affection.
XxMsGerardPunkWayxX (Mibba Momma!)
Dezi Demize
Life Is To Hustle.
Vegan Friendly.
Life Starts Now.
Hot Mess
Charlie The Unicorn!
Sam Winchester.

Thank you x 87589735865893698387643734986. Seriously, I'm surprised all of you stuck around this long. LOL. <333333

OH! Just to let you all know, I'll be posting a new story tomorrow. ;)

Th-th-the-th-th-the, th-th-that's all, folks! xoxo