Status: Completed. Thank you all so, so much for reading. <3

Gotta ***ing Curse That's Coming to Life



"Um, I don't know what your talking about." I mumbled.

"Oh really?" Max grinned at me. "Okay."

"Jadey loves Maxy, Jadey loves Maxy, Jadey loves M-" Craig started singing, but stopped once he saw me slowly picking up my butter knife. He grinned at me.

"No stabbing my boyfriend with your butter knife, please." Charlie said. I put the knife down and grumbled to myself.

"Now who's grumbling and mumbling to themselves?" Max asked. I glared and sighed happily as the waiter brought our food over to us.

"Do you guys need anything else?" The waiter set my plate down in front of me slowly and smiled at me, obviously flirting. I smiled back.

"No, we're good." Max said a bit loudly and rudely, causing the waiter to look up. He nodded and walked away as Max grabbed the bottle of ketchup and squeezed some onto his plate, strangling the poor bottle and then harshly took a bite out of his burger.

"You alright, Max?" Craig chuckled.

"No, because when a waiter asks a group of people if they need anything else and only looks at one specific person, that's kind of a douche move, and that pisses me off." Max ranted, shoving a fry in his mouth.

"Well al-righty then." Charlie giggled, beginning to eat from her plate.

Every few minutes the waiter would come back and ask us how we were doing, but just kept looking at me like I was the only one there.

"Well gee I don't know, are you asking all of us or are you asking just her?!" Max some-what yelled, glaring at the waiter. I put my face in my hands and groaned.

"Don't mind him, he hasn't had his medication yet." Charlie nervously smiled as Craig restrained Max. The waiter nervously nodded and scurried off.

"I DON'T TAKE MEDICATION!!!" Max yelled.

"Max, you're going to get us kicked out, shut up!" I hissed.

"Fine, next time I see some pervert flirting with you I'll just sit there and act fucking retarded, like I don't know what's going on!" Max yelled in my face. Craig stood up so Max could get out of the booth.

"What the hell is his problem?!" I screeched as Max stomped off.

"God only knows with him." Craig sighed, continuing to eat his food. Charlie shuffled uncomfortably as I got out of the booth and stormed out after Max.

"Who the fuck jizzed in your coffee this morning, Max?!" I shouted. He stood at the corner of the restaurant smoking a cigarette, so I stomped over to him.

"No one! I just fucking don't like douchebag waiters, that's all!" He took a drag off his cigarette and I huffed.

"He wasn't a douchebag, he was perfectly friendly!"

"Yeah, TO YOU! He acted like you were the only one at the table!" He yelled.

"What, are you jealous that he was flirting with me or something?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"I could care less! But if he wants to flirt with you, he should do it when it's only you there!" He stomped out his cig and I rolled my eyes.

"Well then go tell him that!" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Why the fuck are you defending him? Do you like him or something?!" Max sounded surprised.

"Trust me Max, he is not my type. But it's still not fair that you were rude to him!"

"HE WAS RUDE TO ME!" I felt like steam was coming out of my ears; let's see, there are people staring at us, this boy was impossible...anything else?

"He didn't do shit to you, Max! He was perfectly nice to you! Oh, I'm sorry, just because he didn't realize you were the shitty bass player for the band means he was rude to you?"

He snapped his head over to me and his eyes portrayed so many emotions that I couldn't read them. I immediately regretted what I had said and started to apologize when he cut me off.

"No, you know what? Fuck off. I shouldn't even fucking care about you, or try to be protecting you. I should be with my girlfriend right now." I laughed.

"You mean the one you keep cheating on?" He looked down and I snickered. "Yeah. Exactly what I thought." I snapped. I turned on my heel and walked back into the restaurant and sat down next to Charlie.

"So?" Craig asked through a mouthful of french fry.

"Max is a dick. Case closed." I stated, eating the rest of my food. Craig chuckled, but stopped when Max came stomping towards us.

"Hey, Lexus is gonna be here in a minute, so here's the money for my food and shit." Max handed Craig the cash and glared at me.

"Wait, you're leaving with her?" Craig asked.

"There's no way in hell I'm getting in a car with her!" He pointed to me, and Charlie smacked her forehead.

"Seriously Max, just stop. You're so over dramatic it's not even funny anymore."

"I'm not being over dramatic, she started it! If she would've just let me be we wouldn't be having this problem!"

"No, you started it by being rude to the damn waiter." Charlie growled, throwing her napkin down. "You really need to learn some fucking manners, Max. You treated the waiter like shit, you're being a dick to Jadelle, seriously. Just stop."

"Max?" A girl with black hair and a Marylin Manson shirt on that looked like it was Max's, black jeans and black stilettos came walking over to Max. He grinned at her and practically ate her face off in front of us, causing Craig and I to fake-puke.

"Charlie, you haven't met Lexus yet, so Lexus, this is Craig's girl Charlie, Charlie, this is my girlfriend Lexus." They exchanged "Hello"'s and "nice to meet you"s.

"And I'm Jadelle, but Max here is being a douche right now so he probably won't introduce me." Craig almost spit out his pop and started laughing as Max stared at me like, "I'm seriously going to kill you in front of all these people right now."

"Oh....hi?" She said, but more like asked. She looked at Max and he whispered in her ear, making me roll my eyes.

"Alright, we're leaving." Max did that weird hug thing with Craig and told Charlie bye.

"See ya, bitch." He looked at me and smirked.

"Later, dick." I smirked back. Craig placed his head on the table and quietly laughed to himself as Charlie repeatedly smacked her forehead. Lexus waved, looking utterly confused and walked away with Max.

"You" Craig chuckled, getting up to go pay the check.


Currently it was 7pm. I was sitting on my couch watching paid programming like a loser when I thought of a magnificent idea. I called Charlie and asked her to put Craig on the phone.

"Yellow?" He spoke.

"You wanna throw a party tonight, Mabbitt the Rabbit?" I giggled at the new nickname I came up with.

"....Sure?" He laughed.

"Just like, a small party. Invite the rest of your band dudes and Max and Lexus and shit."

"That's more like a get-together, not a party." I grinned.

"Whatever, just invite them and...I'll call you back in a few minutes to tell you when I'll be there." He agreed and we hung up.

"Nowww..." I got my laptop out and started my search, and thankfully it only took a few minutes. I dialed the number and waited for him to pick up.



"...Yeah..?" I rolled my eyes as I saw him trying to figure out who this was.

"It's Jadelle."

"...Hi Jadelle!" He said happily. I laughed and shook my head.

"Yooo....I need you for something....I gotta little plan."

".....What's the plan?"

I told him all about the situation at Applebee's and about my little plan.

"Psh, fuck yeah! I can finally confront all those little fuckers now." I bit my lip.

"There's the catch; I really only want you to confront Max." He stayed quiet for a few before speaking again.

"Well.....I'm not promising anything, but I'll try." I giggled and thanked him, told him to come over now and hung up. I called Craig back and he answered after the first ring.


"I'll be there in like, 20 minutes or so." He said okay and we hung up again. I ran into my room and quickly threw on an outfit and put in my blonde clip in hair extensions that make my hair go almost to my lower back. I styled my bangs so they were straight across and straightened my hair, finishing up just as Ronnie knocked on the door.

"" Ronnie looked me up and down.

"Ew, pervert." I whined. I walked back to my room, Ronnie trailing behind. I started putting on some super-dramatic falsies as he watched.

"You're right, I do have a girlfriend." He said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag when I was done.

"Good. You better be nice to her." I pointed my finger at him and giggled. "So, ready to go and fuck Max up?" Ronnie laughed.

"More ready then I'll ever be." I grinned.

"Then let's go, biatch."
♠ ♠ ♠
The dramz is gonna go down in the next chapter. : O
um...yes this took 3 days to put up.
yes i'm lazy. thanks for stating the obvious. : D
and Sky! You were mentioned! you're ronnie's gurlfrandddd ;DDDD you'll be in the next chapter too. (:

mkayyy, Jadelle's outfit and how her hair was styled;


Lexus (though i'm sure many of you know who she is and what she looks like);


Commenttttt! Even though Ima bad girl and took 3 freakin' days to write this :'( -sniffle-

PS: In case you don't know, falsies means false eyelashes. ;]