Diaries of a Hopeless Teenage Dream

In the beginning, no wait, ending,..errr.

Madison couldn't let her ears rewind the same words again. As she finished her dinner, she left the dining table. Her parents didn't notice her that day 'cause her younger brother Felix had a new word to say. Madison quickly ran to the stairs, then to her room. Where she was in the comforts of her lair. She then opened her side table drawer, took out a black pen and a black scroll notebook with skulls for design, in and out.
Then she started writing.
Dear Diary,

I'm not really excited but, this is my 1st post here, so. For better, for worse, let's get started with me.

Grandma gave you to me months ago, well, before GOD took her. I didn't write on you back then 'cause I had personal business to take care of...by...my....self.
So here I am, free, to write.

Does that word exist in any dictionary? I mean..how could my parents say that? Why..I mean, HOW?!
I just asked them if it was all right for me and Wendy to go to the hottest club in town to party like crazy drunkards; Jade Plaque. THE HOTTEST CLUB IN TOWN. JADE PLAQUE. Wendy's cousin, Sandra, invited me for a party after our success in showing the whole campus that Jason is GAY for Randy.

I just saw Jason, just once, in the bleachers with Randy. I thought they had some GUY BUSINESS going on, but then I took a closer look and saw them touching each others' hooha's (the P word). Then I was like "Oh hell.." then ran to tell Wendy about it, of course, 'cause she's my best friend. D'oh.

Then after the whole thing got through the campus, everyone always took a straight look on those 2 lovers. Then the time came when they saw what their GUY BUSINESS is. There, I just had to do it. Because that's what they did to me and Wendy, because Wendy, well, was my best friend since pre-school, we're neighbors so, contact is easy. Then the time came when me and Wendy became too close..and I'm a rougher kid than Wends, I swear. We just got each other. She became mine. I became hers'. Well, I was the HE, she? Was the SHE.

Then those 2 freaks (Jason and Randy) started spying on us. The news also got into the whole school. Even my folks knew it. So yeah, me and Wendy are so not allowed to be seen together by my folks these days.


But still, why did going to Jade Plaque became a "NO."?
I HAVE to do something. I MUST do something.
I WILL do something.
But now, I just have to rest. I have a Chemistry test tomorrow and I don't want to be caught in detention again.

Yours' 'til I'm mine,

P.S. Me and Wendy are not US now anymore, we're just best friends now. But still, we're kinda longing for more..we just don't know when, so, yeah, Jade Plaque, here I come.

Then Madison kept her diary and just changed from her casual to her pajamas. Said her as usual, famous last words before she sleeps, they change everyday.

"I can curse, I can fly, and as soon as I live, I will too, DIE."

She threw her blankets over herself and slept.