Diaries of a Hopeless Teenage Dream

Trying? Nah.maybe.not so.

Rain came over Madison as she went home. She was all wet from school. She hadn't brought her jacket, umbrella, sweater, boots, or even presence of mind that it would rain.

As she entered her home, she realized it was dark. At 1st she thought Dad hadn't paid their monthly electricity bill, but what she thought was wrong, again.


Madison heard footsteps coming from the stairs, and saw her Mom holding a candle.

"Whew, your brother got scared of the dark, so we joined him up in his' room."

Madison nodded.

"So, Mom, what's up with the hokus pokus darkness here?"

Her mother was now in front of her handing Maddie an other candle.

"An any rainy day typical brownout, sweetie. You have to get used to it. Now then, change your clothes, you might catch a cold. Dinner's on the table. Bread, ham and liver spread."
Maddie let out a pretend barf sound. She always hated when it rained, she got wet and had to eat only a sandwich for dinner. Worse? Liverspread.

"Sorry mom, I'm stuffed, I'll pass."

Then Maddie quickly ran to her room. Changed to her PJ's. Took out her pen and diary. Placed the candle near her bed. Then wrote:
Dear Diary,
Okay, I got WET from school and this just had been a VERY VERY AWFUL, BAD AND SUCKASS DAY. Trouble had been brewing in school and the waiter who served the coffee had to be the most unknown person in the campus, Timmy. I mean, come on! How could HE do that to Ms.Keith!? It was too awkward to know. I feel kinda pissed. But not because of that, also because of Wend's escape plan to go to Jade Plaque.

To let you know the plan, here it is: (I almost made it in a science experiment format, so, just deal with it)

1.To be able to escape for a night out with friends. WIthout your folks knowing.
2.To go to JADE PLAQUE. And lastly,
3.To have hell lots of dirty fun.

>>rope (has to be strong enough to hold a 115-pound human)
>>ladder (not too noisy when in the process of opening)
>>3 people to help you (Sandra, Wendz and Lorraine)
>>a tape recorder with a record of your moans and snores.
>>pillows or a dummy to cover you up

1. Place dummy or pillows under blankets. Form it into almost a shape of yourself.
2. Put tape recorder under the pillow of the dummy/pillow. Just put it under where you lay your damned head on.
3. Open window.
4. Wait for "GO" signal of 3 people.
5. After the "GO" signal has been shown, throw rope out of window.
6. 1 of the 3 people should retrieve and take hold of it.
7. Tie rope on window handle.
8. 2 of the 3 people should prepare the ladder.
9. After another "GO" signal, go down the ladder.
10. 1 of the 3 people should pull the rope and close the window shut.
REMINDER: Extreme noise might be attained at shutting the window. Logical answer? That's what the dummy and tape recorder is for. Sweet dreams.
11. Ride convertible.

And that's a wrap. I can't wait until it works. I'm too excited. To ask myself, when IS the plan going to be done? Well, it is to be done, TOMORROW! Wheee.. Now I'm just MAD to know the whole thing.

Anyway, gotta sleep, big day..errr night tomorrow. Good Night.

And they say I can't organize,
Maddie <3

With that, Maddie shut close her diary. Said her last words, only whispered them in the dark.
Then slept the night away.

The morning breeze was one thing Madison loved. Her mom was playing house music in the morning, so it was really relaxing. "Ever After" by Bonnie Bailey.
She rose, dressed up to go with her family to grocery shopping and shopping in the mall.

She shopped. Ate. Slept for awhile.

Played games. Saw and said "hi" to friends.

Calmed her brother down.

It was all perfect.

As she and her family went home, she slept in the car. To of course, save some energy for her trip to Jade Plaque.

After her mom woke her up from the car. She jumped and ran to her room. Packed her camera and cellphone in her shoulder bag. Then dressed up again.

Her mom entered her room to bid a good night.

"Oh sweetie, why have you changed to your casual for sleeping time?"

"I just want to know what it feels like to wear and sleep in these."

Her mom just nodded. Maddie jumped on her bed. Pretended to go to sleep.

As her mom left, she just tiptoed and went out of her bed.
Maddie was going to have the greatest time of her life...