Status: Alive!!!

Forever and Always

Chapter 4

I didn't answer her. i could feel her arms start to loosen and her legs started to relax. May was sliding off my back. My hands shot behind me to hold her up so she didn't fall on the cement.

Her breath evened and deepened. Did she just fall asleep?!?!

I stopped. May mumbled something unintelligible. i gave a soft laugh and proceeded to bring her home. May hugged her arms tighter around my neck and snuggled her face into my back. I smiled.

My mind started to drift through random things such as work and financial matters. However the one thing that i had been putting to the back of my mind, drifted up. That one thing was the army. I remember clearly of my father saying that he would be bursting with pride to have a soldier as a son.

My mother, on the other hand, told me that i shouldn't go because she would miss me to much. The smile she had given me when she was holding back the tears nearly made my heart break. I gave a humorless chuckle at the memory.

"You can't go." My mother said stiffly.

"And why not?" I was somewhat angered but i wouldn't let myself get too hotheaded before she gave me her reason.

I followed my mother into the kitchen where she started doing the dishes. I kept my gaze on her.

"I'll miss you to much, Anthony." She finally whispered after a long pause.

"Don't worry, ma! I'm not going right away! I'll probably go in a year or two." It was only half a lie.

I really wasn't planning on going right away, but i was planning on not staying long.

I gave a bitter sigh. Then my brother popped into my mind. I knew that when i shared the news, he was pleased and i could tell that he was hiding it so he wouldn't get yelled at. i gave a snort before walking up the stairs to May and Jamie's apartment.

There was note on the door saying that Jamie had left early for work. I cautiously dug in my pockets for a key that unlocked the door. I remember how May gave it to me. Awkward and blushing.

With not much difficulty, i opened the door and shut it with my foot. May never moved a muscle as i walked over to the couch and simply let her plop down on the cushions. I wandered over to her room to grab a blanket. As i was grabbing one off her her bed, her phone started ringing. Curiousity got the better of me o i peeked over to see that it was my god awful brother. Hmm...Should i answer it?
♠ ♠ ♠
Should he? Shouldn't he? YOU decide XD!!

Sorry if it's really crappy but i am extremely tired being that it is 4 AM!! Hahaha everything is funnier at 4 AM!!!

Tell me what you think of the story and if i need to make any changes anywhere!

</3 Tears of Sorrow