Status: This is something I have been working on. No hate - all love :)

Because He Loved Me.

Chapter 3

Walking down the street into the crowded coffee house, I ordered my meal and sat down in the corner. This isn’t your average coffee house, it’s like a bar type setting. It was two floors; one is the bar/dance floor/pool table section, and the lower level is a coffee shop. Whoever combined these, are genius in my opinion.
Lucy walked in and sat down next to me. This girl has been there through the worst and best with me. She dated my brother for two years before Heather came along and ruined it all. Sighing in relief, I hugged Lucy tightly. She understood what I was going through – try loosing the love of your life. I know they were both still in love, you could tell by the looks they give each other when they think no one is watching – its very romantic.
“How are you holding up?” She smiled sweetly at me as we separated and sat down. I sniffed and tried to avoid the question, but her awaiting eyes made me answer.
“I’ve been better…” I trailed off, looking up at the second floor. I saw a guy throwing darts. He was very good; he hit the target every time. A smirk appeared on his face as his friend shoved money at him, clearly frustrated. His eyes met mine briefly as I stared at him. Looking away he went to the dart board again with another man. The man laughed at what he said and the hottie just shrugged it off. Over and over he hit the dart into the center. I shifted and placed my head on my palm and watched him collect money from the man.
“Are you listening to me?” Lucy asked, clearly worried, “Do I need to take you home? Are you feeling okay, sweetie?”
“Yes Luce, I’m fine, continue,” I smiled, reassuring her. My eyes glanced up again to see the hottie starring at me, so I nodded to him.
“Alright, honey, I gotta get going. I’ll give you a lift,” She smiled as I finished my meal and gathered our stuff. As she paid, I felt eyes starring into my back. Even though I didn’t look back, I knew it was the hottie.

I did what Santino told me. I got ready for an “awesome” night. As much as I hate the fact, I know Mateo wouldn’t want me being depressed or “emo” as Heather called me. It’s just not easy for me to go out without him. Every time I pass my father’s deli, I see him cutting meat or handing a little kid a slice of cheese. Or when I’m at the meadow where we used to have picnics or talk at, I see him lying down in the bed of flowers. Everything that I did with him is haunting me.
After getting dressed, I pulled on a leather vest with belts and ran down the steps of my house to a waiting Santino.
“Let’s go,” I growled, stepping into his escalade.
“As you wish,” Santino said sarcastically.
I watched my neighborhood fade away and the lights of the city blur around us. My leather boots were propped up on the dash board as Santino was singing off key trying to make me laugh (and it worked). Women walked the streets in mini skirts and men walked up to them.
“Great part of the city,” I mumbled. “What is The Basement anyways?!”
“The Basement is an underground fighting club. You can place bids on who wins and you can watch high quality fights. Tonight they are having a newbie going against Andrew “Killer” Lawson.”
“Whoever has that name is sad…” I mumbled.
“Whatever. But the best part is these guys get to go in a cage and pound it out. It’s so fun to get in there, feelin’ the rush of excitement and anxiety, it’s overwhelming,”
“I bet it is,” A smirk planted itself on my face as we pulled up to an old abandoned warehouse. The windows were broken or cracked and the dust was noticeable. The wood was rotting and the brick was chipping.
“Is this even a safe place?” I raised an eyebrow getting out of his car.
“Micino…” Santino mumbled, opening the metal door.
“Ugh,” I sighed as I folded my arms across my chest and moved inside. Boxes lined the walls and rats crawled over them. My boots clacked against the rusty metal floors as I walked. Looking down, I saw blood spots mixed with rust. Scowling, I looked up to see Santino climbing down a ladder into a pit.
“Oh no, hell no,” I shook my head.
“Micino!” He called out as he skillfully jumped into the pit.
“Jesus, you’re obsessed with that aren’t you?!” I huffed.
“Well I’m a straight man…so yes, yes I am,” Santino grinned the “bitch” grin. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed onto the rotting metal ladder and climbed down the steps. Shaking; I nearly missed the third step, making me fall into Santino. His arms wrapped around me and I saw a little blush creep onto his face.
Clearing his throat, he knocked on the metal door under the mean ladder. After knocking a tune on the door, something clicked and the door opened. Santino grabbed my waist as I stepped in. Pulling me close, he whispered something to me that sounded something like “stay with me”
Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant song blasted in the club. The smell of smoke and booze suffocated me and the strobe lights nearly blinded me. Coughing, I felt Santino’s hands tighten and pull me closer. Men in suits walked around, cigars hanging from there mouths and their stomachs reaching out to nearly poke someone. Women paraded around in mini skirts and the highest heels possible. Over to the left was a bar and the bartenders were trying to please the unruly men trying to get loose.
I was directed towards an area which was closed off by cage walls. Inside the walls were a cement floor and two stools in opposite corners. People crowded around Santino and I as the announcer got on the speaker.
“Gooooooood fucking evening ladies and fucktards! Tonight is going to kick off our newbie season! Fighting tonight will be Mac “The Strangler” Matthews and Andrew “Killer” Lawson!” The announcer shouted in an enthusiastic voice. The crowd went wild as soon as they heard Andrew “Killer” Lawson’s name. I stood silent, observing the man walking around with his fists held high.
“Hiss, boo, bitch,” I mumbled, rolling my eyes, “Cocky much huh?!” I yelled. The man immediately stopped and looked around.
“Who said that?” He roared.
“Your mother,” I spat back. Santino nudged me to keep quiet.
Then he showed up. It’s the hottie from the coffee shop! My eyes went wide as the crowd chanted ‘Kill-er, Kill-er, Kill-er,’ I felt my face heat up as he smiled at me and got into the center of the ring. The song Down With the Sickness by Disturbed Instrumental blasted as they circled each other.
Strangler took the first attack with a swift punch, but Killer easily blocked it with his arm. He tried punching him again with his other hand but he blocked it again but this time Killer took his foot and hooked it around to kick Strangler in the back of the leg. Once Strangler was lean forward Killer did an upper cut to the man’s jaw, making him fall back onto the cement. Strangler’s head bounced off the cement and he growled, getting up after a few seconds.
Killer kicked Strangler in the ribs repeatedly until Strangler stopped his foot in mid swing and threw him to the ground. I winced as I saw Killer close his eyes in pain. Strangler got on top of Killer and started to pound down on his face. My eyes widened as I saw Killer take Strangler’s leg and twist it so he was on top. This time Killer beat the pulp out of Strangler’s face. It was a bloody mess. Killer only got a black eyes and a bloody lip though which made me sigh in relief.
The music stopped and they declared Killer the winner. He walked around the cage; I guess it was a victory lap. I smiled as he passed me and he stopped and looked at me with a crooked smile. My heart fluttered but then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Strangle had a stool and was about to smash is on Killer’s head.
“KILLER!” I shrilled, tensing ready for the wooden stool to crash over him. Killer turned around just in time to kick Strangler in the cracked ribs and he went flying back onto the cement. Killer nodded at me once more and walked out of the cage.
Santino pulled me away and dragged me into the bar section. He glared at me and threw me carelessly into the booth.
“What the hell?!” I asked, looking him dead in the eye.
“Did you know you could have gotten your ass kicked by Strangler?!”
I rolled my eyes and laughed a bitter laugh. He needs to stop worrying, I can handle myself.
“Don’t worry, I’m not seeing him again,” I reassured.
“You don’t always know everything,” Santino growled. “Now I’m going to get us drinks. You stay here and do not, I repeat, do not start shit,”
I waved him off and sunk back into the leather booth. This place reminds me of a strip club. Women are acting like sluts and sucking on guys’ necks like vampires. See these women give girls bad reputations. I do wear mini skirts, I do wear heels but I wouldn’t wear them everyday, only like dates or something. I really don’t want to be like Heather. She just ruins lives and ruins love. She is a hoe.
A drink slid its way in front of me. I looked up to see Killer smiling down at me.
“Can I sit down?” He asked over the music.
“S-sure,” I stuttered as he sat opposite of me. Blushing, I looked down and smiled a little.
“I’m~” He began but I cut him off.
“Killer…I know,” I nodded.
“Please call me Andrew…or Drew,” Andrew announced, “Killer is a stage name,”
“Right,” I nodded and looked for Santino. He was still in line for drinks. Making a silly face, he walked more into the crowd to get to the bar.
“What’s your name? Because I’m sure beautiful isn’t in the phone books,” He smiled that crooked smile. For a minute I forgot my own name. What was it? Belle, no…it’s –
“Bella,” I responded looking at the bruise on his eye.
“Well Bella, I know this isn’t normal but, would you like a ride home?” Drew asked with pleading eyes.
“I would love one,” I agreed, “I’ll just text Santino and tell him I’m leaving.”
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