Status: This is something I have been working on. No hate - all love :)

Because He Loved Me.

Chapter 4

Suddenly the music stopped. Drew looked around with observant eyes; they widened then grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the booth. Girls screamed and men dragged them out of there. People were hurrying in crowds to the door, pushing and shoving each other.
“RAID!” Some men yelled as they tried pushing people out of the way. Sirens blared and the sound of helicopters filled the air. My eyes widened as I saw Santino getting pushed out the door.
“C’mon!” Drew yelled, snapping me out of the trance. He moved us towards a ladder to an emergency fire exit. The exit was a long tunnel and cement stairs. I heard gun shots and nearly ducked.
“They can’t get you now,” He whispered and put his strong arm around my waist. Running, we managed to get up four flights of stairs in around five minutes. Drew pushed a metal door open with his side and hissed. The door opened and we were on the roof.
“Are you crazy?” I yelled in a whisper, “They can spot us up here, look!” I pointed to the two helicopters flashing there lights below.
“I just might be, but the alley way is hidden,” He reassured running towards a fire escape that was barely there. “C’mon!” Drew yelled, alright half way down.
Groaning, I jogged over and climbed down the ladder. Drew was a few ladders behind and I felt slow. As my foot hit a step, I heard a creek then the sound of metal snapping. I gasped and fell about ten feet into a dumpster, this is embarrassing. As my heart rate slowed, I felt something fall next to me with a grunt.
Drew pulled me close and brought me into a corner of the dumpster. Two lights flashed on where I landed, then about two inches from us. My breathing became heavy as I heard two people walking around the dumpster.
“Nobody is here,” I heard a husky voice say. It sounded familiar – too familiar.
“Yeah, fine, Matthews,” Another voice groaned.
“Officer Matthews?!” I breathed out.
“Did you hear that?!” The other cop asked in a whisper to Matthews. Drew quickly put his hand over my mouth and put a finger on his lip to signal me to be quiet. Matthews flashed the flash light on my face then shook his head and mouthed ‘Get out’.
“I didn’t,” I almost breathed a sigh of relief as Matthews announced, “Just relax, let’s go home,”

Drew helped me into his camaro after the police left. I picked a piece of lettuce of my boot and threw it out the window. I tied my hair up and watch Drew walk into the car.
“Well that was a close one,” He smiled and started the car to life. I nodded and watch the warehouse fade away into the shadows as we entered the city again. After a few minutes of silence, I spoke up.
“Thank you,” I mumbled, looking at the side of Drew’s face.
“For what?” He asked puzzled.
“For helping me get away from the cops. You didn’t have to, but you did. So, thank you,” I sighed and saw that he was smiling over at me.
“It was nothing, really,” Drew reassured. “So…where do you live?”
“Just drop me down by the old park and I’ll walk to my house,”
“How about I park my car near the park and walk you home?” He persuaded.
“Fine,” I giggled.

After he parked the car, Drew walked me through the park. The pond reflected the moon and little flowers floated near by. The benches were visible due to the lamps above them and the trees shook their leaves as the wind rustled through them. I shivered and Drew put his leather jacket over my shoulders without protest. I felt his warm over wrap around my shoulder and pull me to his body. He looked down at me and smiled.
“Look, a shooting star. Make a wish,” Drew whispered as I looked up at the sky.
‘I wish this summer would be different from the others…’ I thought to myself while closing my eyes.
We continued to walk throughout the dark park until we hit the gates to my house. Turning around, I looked up at Andrew. My stomach filled with butterflies as I realized we were only an inch part.
“Thank you,” I said, a bit nervous.
“See you around, beautiful,” He pecked my cheek and smiled. I watched his back until the darkness consumed his figure and only black filled my vision. I grinned and walked into my house. After closing the door, I propped my back on it and rested my head against it.
“Where on Earth have you been?!” I heard my mother yell hysterically, a wine bottle in her hand. Oh no.
“I was with Santino, ma, please put the bottle down,” I said calmly. My mother did what she was told and let the bottle roll away. Her hair was a mess and her mascara ran down her face.
“You worried me sick! I was ready to get your father to drive me around the blocks lookin’ for you!” She cried scooping me up in her arms.
“I’m so sorry, ma,” I breathed out, holding her.
“I thought I almost lost you…” She whispered pulling away and walking up the stairs.
Guilt kicked me in my stomach as I plopped down on the couch and cried silently.