Status: This is something I have been working on. No hate - all love :)

Because He Loved Me.

Chapter 7

I sat down in the comfy chair as Matthews handed me a drink. It was a different setting than his office but more fun. We were down at the Dick’s Bar and Grill, a few minutes down the road from my house.
It was like a tradition that we get together and have a talk every Thursday night. He thought it would be a good idea to have someone to talk to, since Mateo wasn’t the only thing that was stressing me out. I felt like I could trust him, he was my safety net.
Grunting, Matthews smiled, “Report of your week, miss,” He said, sounding like a bad ass cop.
“Went down to the cemetery, went to the beach, then hung out with Santino…the usually,” I said, playing around with my straw. “How about yours?”
“Well,” He said after a pause, “Mine was filled with filling out reports and running all over the place.” Matthews raised his eyebrows a bit, making me crack a smile.
“My, my, my,” I teased, “Your job is very easy then,” I took a sip of my coke as our French fries came around.
“You know, we can’t all run around chasing after kids who are in dumpsters at an underground fight club,” He smiled. I kicked him lightly under the table as I picked up a French fry and dunked it in ketchup.
“At least I don’t…” I tried searching for a come but sadly, I failed. Matthews barked with laughter.
“Finally! Ladies, Gentlemen, Miss Talk-Back has no come back this time!” He yelled, causing a few people to giggle and shake their heads. I turned beat red and chucked a French fry at him. He caught it with his mouth and ate it within one bite.
After us eating half of the basket of French fries, I decided to speak. “So tell me…did you ever find Mason Peter?” I asked, my eyes becoming glistened with tears.
Officer Matthews shifted in his seat a bit, clearly uncomfortable. He took a long drink of his Pepsi and looked down at his big hands. “…He drove his car off a cliff a couple weeks before your brother died…”
I banged my fists on the table, getting worked up. A scowl planted itself on my face. I rested my elbows on the hard table, as I stuffed my face in my hands. I didn’t cry, but just almost screamed in frustration. I was hoping it was him. I thought it was him. It was the knife he purchased…the last one! It must have been…who would purchase it at such an early date?! If they were planning on killing someone, they would have made a plan first then bought the weapon.
Feeling a strong, muscular arm wrap around my tiny shoulders, I sighed, trying to calm myself down. I felt the heat of my hands leave my face and my eyes adjust as I tried looking up at Officer Matthews. “I know this is hard…but we will find him,” He said, his cold breath tickling my warm cheeks.
“At this rate…it seems impossible,” I nearly cry. Officer Matthews’s strong hand gently pushed my head against his toned shoulder. I tried to hold back tears but one made its way down my cheek. His large thumb wiped it slowly, as I felt his hand on my neck and cheek. Looking up at him, I saw him look down. We stared at each other for a while, before he leaned down as I leaned up. He grabbed a napkin from the table and handed it to me, giving a weak smile.
I nodded as he went back to his sit whilst the waitress brought our food. I shook my head and wiped my eyes lightly, trying not to smear my make up. I cleared my throat a bit before digging into my meal. The rest of the night is going to be awkward…

“WAIT ONE FUCKING MINUTE!” Lucy screamed over the phone, “I told you so! You should really stop spending time with him, honey,” She literally just went into lecture mode. “I mean it would be different if you were eighteen or nineteen, then I mean it’s all cool, all ‘fresh’,” Gotta love Lucy’s phrases, “But now?! Now is too young, baby. I love you like a sister, I really do. But do you realize if you get into a relationship with him, he is going to loose his job! You know how much he loves that job!”
“Luce…” I spoke calmly, hoping she will be calm.
“What?!” She screamed.
“I never said anything about a relationship, doll,” I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out my window, watching the car lights drive through the night sky. “I just said that we could have kissed if he…” I shook my head, trying to get the thought out of my head, “Forget it…” I sighed, rubbing my temples.
Lucy groaned on the other side of the phone, “You know I am just looking out for you…”
“Oh I know!” I said quickly, obviously knowing that she is. “I know…”
“Subject change!” Luce laughed, “How is…Dan?” She asked. I laughed a bit to myself.
“Drew, sweetie,” I smiled wide.
“Oh right! I was just kidding?” She laughed a bit on the other line, “Soooo how is he?” She sounded a bit hopeful.
“I haven’t seen him or Heather around,” My face lit up, “Maybe he dumped her and she is too afraid to show her face,”
“Hump and dump, for the win!” Lucy joked, nearly killing herself with laughter. I started cracking up as I got my jacket out and swung it around my shoulders.
“Alright, Luce,” I sighed, “I am gonna get going,”
“Aww, alright, sweetie,” She cooed, “Have a nice night!”
“You too,” I sang before hanging up. I groaned and walked down my stairs, seeing my father on the couch, watching TV. I tried tip toeing past him but a squeak in the floor board gave me away. Cursing to myself silently, my father turned around, his eyes cold.
“Where do you think you are going?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. I sighed and fixed my jacket a bit.
“The park,” I said, biting my lower lip as he looked at me up and down.
“Dressed like that?” He questioned, standing up now. I mentally slapped myself for not going out the window.
“Yes?” I said obviously, rolling my eyes. My father walked up to me and crossed his arms. Both his eye brows rose.
“Excuse me?” I nearly yelled.
“I said, ‘change’, what your hearing goin’ bad?” He teased, leaning on the door frame.
“Dad…” I spoke up, gathering my courage, “This outfit is appropriate to wear out, I leave lots to the imagination like you always said-” I stopped myself once his face hardened, “I will be back in an hour or two,” I sighed and opened the door. I heard him grunt as I walked out.