Status: Hiatus. Not really working on this.

Aspiring to Inspire the Admiring

Isabelle's Aspiration

People ask ‘what is the meaning of life?’ They ask such a broad question. They ask that question when really, they should be asking what is the meaning of their life. People say I say the most beautiful and wisest things, as if I had everything figured out. As if I understood the true meaning of life and nature. Sure, I see things differently. I have a better understanding than most, but I'm searching, too. I’m searching for what I want to aspire in this life. I’m searching for what I love. I’m searching for the meaning of my life.

Cody's Aspiration

Some people want to be famous. Some people want to be known worldwide. They try hard, using many ways to try to achieve this aspiration, this ‘dream’. Few succeed, the rest don’t. What people don’t know is that many people don’t care about being famous, about being known. All they want is to belong. To have a sense of belonging on this earth. I am one of them.In a way, I’m like those people who want to achieve fame. I try hard, using many ways to try to achieve this aspiration, this one wish. Some succeed, but so far I’m not one of them.
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