You're All I Need

Chapter 10: Nikki's Birthday Continued

We all cringed while we watched it. Even Nikki looked sick to his stomach.

"Okay... drinks are on me!" Rose forced a smile onto her face and tugged us indoors, ready to start the party. The bar was jammed full with Nikki's friends, and lots of girls. Vince ran around trying to hook up with some, but failing miserably. No girls wanted to sleep with him, let alone talk with him. I hung around with Tommy, jumping on tables and spilling drinks and annoying people- just acting like brats.

Mick asked us to get off politely when we danced on the bar and spilled vodka all over him. Tommy just laughed and started to chew on Mick's jacket. I felt sorry for poor Mick, but was laughing too hard to help him. It seemed Mick's sole purpose in life was to be picked on by all of us. Then came Rose. She pulled us off the table and banished us to another, where Poison was sitting. Nikki had seen them and had gone to get security. Tommy and I hopped up and knocked all the half-full beer bottles off the table while singing "Wheels On The Bus," since Tommy insisted.

Bret smiled up at me, not caring about the alcohol seeping through his clothing. Once Tommy and I were done, we got off and began to walk away. Bret grabbed my arm.

"Hey babe!"

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I tried to start a conversation.

"Just hanging out. Hey, you wanna go somewhere alone?"

"Oh, I can't, sorry."

"And why is that?" He asked.

"Tommy and I have to go..." I thought of something random. "Go throw things."

"Oh, you do?" He pulled me closer to him.

"Yes, I do. Maybe next time. Do you have a phone number?"

"No. That's why we should do it now and get it over with."

Before I could object, he tugged me towards the door. "Where are you going with her?" Someone said from behind. We whirled around and Nikki stood there.

"Anywhere you aren't. We don't want any distractions." He tightened his grip on my arm and I winced in pain. Nikki lunged forward and pushed me out of the way, slamming me into a wall on accident. Tommy helped me up and told me to run and hide. So I got up and moved to the ladies room at the other end of the bar. I ran into Vince as I was going in.

"Hey, Imogene. What are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same question." I folded my arms.

"Looking for girls. But none of them are any fun. Now answer me."

"I was hiding."

"You and Tommy playing 'hide-and-seek' again?" He laughed.


"What are you hiding from?"


"What? Poison?" His eyes flared with rage.

"I was talking to Bret and he wanted to get me alone so he was pulling me outside and then Nikki came to my rescue and..." I pointed to Nikki and Bret, still fighting.

"Do you ever listen? I told you not to fuck around with Poison."

I shrugged and Nikki walked up with a nosebleed. "The bastard has left the building." He growled, wiping his nose on his sleeve. "You owe me something Imogene."

"What do I owe you?"

"There's a real hot girl here and I need you to distract Catherine. Please, this means alot to me, I'll break up with her later!"

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Thanks." He walked away and Vince grabbed my hand. We found Catherine in the middle of the bar, looking for Nikki.

"Hey... Catherine, right?" I asked her.

"Yeah, and you're the one that's fucking Tommy."

"Sure. Listen, I saw Nikki making out with some girl in that back room over there."

She took off towards the back room and we locked her in. Alright, no more distractions. Vince looked at me.

"So really, what's the deal with you and Tommy?" He tightened his grip on my hand.

"Absolutely nothing. You guys are like my brothers..." I trailed off and remembered Ralph. I hadn't talked to him in forever. "Vince?"

"Yeah?" He took my other hand and stared deeply into my eyes.

"I gotta make a phone call, will you come with me?"

"Sure..." We walked outside to a pay-phone. I inserted a quarter and dialed the number. Ralph answered on the first ring.


"Ralph, it's Imogene!"

"Imogene! You wanna come home yet?" He sounded ecstatic that I had called.

"No, I love LA." I smiled.

"Oh... that's awesome. We miss you."

"I miss you too!"

"Imogene, baby, come back to bed!" Vince called into the phone. I gasped.

"Who was that?"

"One of my friends being a retard." I glared at Vince who was grinning ear to ear.

"You made friends?" Ralph questioned.

"Yeah, four guys. I live with three of them." I explained.

"You live with them?"

"Come on, Imogene... how bout an action replay?" Vince yelled.

"Shut up Vince! Yes, they're very nice guys."

"I can see that."

"Listen, Ralph. I'm at a party and I gotta..." Vince mashed his mouth against the hollow part of my neck and I couldn't talk anymore. The phone fell out of my hands, dangling by the chord.


I moaned in response.

"Imogene?!" Vince slammed the phone onto the hook and continued sucking on my skin.

"Vince, I..." I pulled the zipper of his leather jacket as his kisses got rougher.

"Shh." He pulled away from my neck and stared into my eyes for a few seconds. He leaned in and pushed his lips against mine, eliminating every millimeter of space between us. He forced me up against the wall and pushed his tongue against my mouth, trying to get in. His hands slipped around my waist and I put mine around his neck. I opened my eye a crack and saw Tommy, Nikki, Rose, and Mick staring at us. Tommy and Nikki were nudging each other and laughing and Mick shook his head muttering, "That poor girl." And Rose stood there with a giant smirk on her face. I closed my eyes again and continued with Vince.

Once we were done, we hugged for a few minutes then went inside as if nothing had happened. Vince joined in with mine and Tommy's shenanigans and we had the time of our lives.

When the party was over, Rose brushed past me and said, "I told you so."

I acted as if I didn't know what she was talking about. Then Vince came up and nudged me affectionately with his nose. I shrugged at Rose then we said goodbye, and drove back to the Motley House.
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Alright, there's a Vince-Imogene moment for all of you. =P