You're All I Need

Chapter 12: Christmas Shopping

"Yeah, Imogene. Get your shirt back on!" Vince handed it to me and winked. I could have spat on him. Tommy and Nikki saw through it and ran up, shoving the microphone his pants for revenge.

"Shit!" Vince pulled it out and threw it on the ground. It shattered. We all stared at it. "Fuck it, you guys. Look what you did!"

"You threw it."

"You put it there!"

I sighed and got off the counter, slipping my shirt back on. Vince was freaking out about his microphone, and Tommy and Nikki were assuring him it would be okay.

"You guys, I'm just gonna go Christmas shopping, okay?" I sighed. They turned to me.


I smiled and walked out the door to my car then drove off to the mall. And, surprise surprise, Rose was there. I called her name and she ran over to me in her super-high heels. After hugging and spazzing out for a while, she asked me how I was doing.

"Great. Vince was being kind of an ass today."


"You don't wanna know."

"Speaking of Vince, I told you so." She grinned, watching me turn red.

"I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Yeah, you do! Nikki's birthday."

"Doesn't ring a bell." Right as I said that, the security alarm went off in the jewelry department. Rose and I turned around and saw some dude running away with a little velvet box. Security didn't catch him in time and he made a clean getaway.

Rose muttered under her breath about low-lifes, then got back to torturing me. "You remember, I know you do. How could you not remember something like that. I was giving you the same talk after the party, then Vince came up and wrapped his arms around you, remember?"

"Alright, maybe I do."

"Did you two have sex after that whole thing?"

"No! Rose, Vince and I aren't in love... we just did that for fun. He's just a friend, and that's how it will stay... He slept in my bed, but that was it." I confessed.

"You see how good honesty is?" Right after that, she dropped it and she helped me pick out presents for the guys. I got "Bambi" for Tommy, a KISS album for Nikki, and I was trying to find something for Vince and Mick when someone brushed me and Rose. Bret. I gulped and turned away from him.

"Hello," He said.

I didn't respond, just kept looking for presents.

"You can't keep ignoring me."

"She can too." Rose hissed.

"I just wanted to apologize." He calmly stated.

"She doesn't accept."

"Why don't you shut the fuck up and let her talk?"

I looked at him. He had a black eye and two broken fingers.

"So, Imogene... are we good? Cause I know I was acting like a jerk that night. And I really think you're..." His eyes drifted to my boobs. "Gorgeous."

"We're good." I muttered. Rose glared at me.

He smiled that charming smile. "So, you still my number one girl?"

"Actually, she's Vince's number one girl." Rose half-yelled.

Bret's smile faded and he turned to Rose. "No one asked you, bitch."

"Don't talk to her that way," I whispered.

"What did you say?"

"Don't talk to her like that." I spoke up. He moved closer.

"Why not?"

"She's my friend and she's only trying to protect me."

"Hmph. So, are you Vince's little chew-toy now?"

I gulped, not wanting to go anywhere with Bret. "Yeah."

"What does he have that I don't?"

"He respects my space." What a fucking lie... I walked away as fast as I could from him, buying the presents and going into another store. Rose followed me.

Rose suggested I buy a pack of condoms for Vince, but I thought that was un-necessary. Then she suggested I fuck him on Christmas Eve. That was also un-necessary. Then I remembered his microphone breaking...

So we got him a new mic, one that had not ventured down Tommy's legs. And we pitched in to buy Mick a new amp, since Nikki had spilled whiskey on it and fried it one night. So we said our goodbyes and left the mall. I stopped at a liquor store and bought them all bottles of Jack to give them on Christmas.

Once I walked in the door, I nearly had a heart-attack.

"Do you like it?" Vince asked.

"Where did you even get that?"

"The backyard!"

I gaped at the tree standing in the living room. The worst part was... it was decorated with underclothing. My underclothing.

"I think she likes it!" Tommy clapped.

"I- I love it. Thanks, you guys." I smiled sheepishly.

Tommy smiled and began ballet-dancing like a retard. "Can we open our presents?"

"Nope, not till Christmas!"

"Come on, that's..." Nikki counted on his fingers. "Thirteen days awayyyy!"

"Good counting." I nodded, hugging him.

"Imogene? If you could have any present in the world, what would you have?" Tommy asked.

I thought for a moment. "Nothing. I'm happy with everything I have."

"Touching moment!" Nikki sang.

"And what about you, Tommy?"

"Hm... Bullwinkle gone... and a copy of 'Bambi.'"


"Anything." He shrugged.


"A new microphone without dick-germs on it. And..." he trailed off.


He smiled at the ground. "Nothing... nothing."
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Next chapter is Christmas! 0.o