You're All I Need

Chapter 14: Another Phone Conversation With Ralph

I sat on the couch and Tommy put on a kazoo concert for all of us. He begged Mick to hook it up to his amp so everyone could hear him better, but we all knew that wasn't gonna happen. So he just continued to play his new kazoo until he was out of breath. He crashed onto the floor.

"I'm done everyone. Goodnight." He curled up under the tree.

Rose nudged me. "What's up with the tree, anyway?" She asked.

"You don't wanna know." I sighed, looking at the tree, and then the mistletoe.

"Are those yours?"

I nodded slowly.

"I'm so sorry that you have to live with these people!"

"It's alright. I love them. And I've learned to put up with most of their crap." I smiled.

Tommy had fallen asleep by then and there was no sense in moving him, so we let him lie there. I grabbed Mr. Fluffykicks from him, since I wanted my unicorn for myself.

Christmas had officially come to an end. Rose and Mick left and everyone fell asleep wherever they happened to be at the time. Nikki was on the couch, and Vince was on the kitchen counter.

I picked up the phone and dialed my family's number to say Merry Christmas. My mom answered this time.


"Mom, it's Imogene."


"I'm great, same to you!" I laughed. "How is everyone?"

"Oh, we all miss you, honey. Ralph wants to talk to you." She handed the phone to my Ralph.


"Yeah, Ralph?"

"Am I gonna hear anything awkward?" He said slowly.

"No, the boys are all asleep. You won't be hearing anything." I replied.

"Okay, good. You should have come home for Christmas."

"I know. But it was Nikki's birthday a few weeks ago and I can't afford the bus. We're kinda broke." I explained.

"Alright. Christmas really sucked, you know that?"

"I'm sorry, Ralph. What made it so bad?"

"Stupid cousins and everyone coming over and they all asked where you had gone to and I had to keep answering them. How was your Christmas?"

I didn't wanna tell him that I had the best Christmas of my life, away from home, with people they didn't even know, without them. So I just said, "It was alright."

"What did you get?"

I didn't wanna answer that, either. I also got the best presents I had ever gotten. Away from home, from people they didn't even know, without them. So I responded with, "Nothing interesting."

"Awesome." He sighed. Vince woke up and fell off the counter onto the floor.

"OW!" He groaned.

"What was that?" Ralph asked.

"Vince was sleeping on the kitchen counter and he just fell off..."

"Um... no comment." Ralph responded. Vince got up.

"Fuck, that hurt."

"Vince, why don't you go in your bed? The kitchen counter is a bad place for you."

"I don't wanna..." He slurred. He had gotten completely drunk in the last ten minutes before he had fallen asleep.

"Get into your bed, Vince. Right now."


"Hold on a minute, Ralph." I set the phone down and dragged Vince into his bedroom. I came back out and picked up the phone again. "I'm back."

"It seems you have a real twisted life in LA."

"I wouldn't call it 'twisted...'"

"Imogene! I-I'm tired and I want grrrrrape juice." Vince called from his room.

"We haven't got any grape juice!"

"I wanna put cameras in that house so badly." Ralph said.

"Haha- no you don't. You would be absolutely..." I began.

"Imogene... Imogene... Imogene! IMOGENE!" I tried to ignore Vince's screaming.

"SHUT UP." I snapped.

"Um- I gotta go, Imogene. Merry Christmas, I love you, bye."

We hung up and I ran into Vince's room. "What do you want?!"

"Hi." He waved and buried his face in the pillow, laughing. I sighed.

"You sicken me." I turned and began to leave.

"Hey- hey... come back here!"

I walked over and sat on the bed. "Yes?"

"Stay with me tonight. You know how I hate to be alone."

"Yes, I know how you hate to be alone." I tapped his nose. "Alright, I'll stay with you till you fall asleep."

"That sounds reasonable." He responded, burying his face in the pillow again. "Hey, guess what?" He popped up again.

"Go to bed, Vince."

"No, this is important!"

"What is it?" I ruffled his hair.

"I love you." He beamed, nestling his head in my lap.

"Love you too. Go to bed."
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter... Ralph is starting to scare me.... hehe =P