You're All I Need

Chapter 16: 1983

"Wooo!" Tommy and I stuck out heads out the car window, screaming at the top of our lungs. We were driving to another bar to celebrate New Years. Vince laughed and pulled us back inside.

"Come on, I'm trying to drive here! We don't wanna die tonight!" He sat us back down in our proper places.

"Not that it would matter. We're getting kicked out of our house." Tommy folded his arms across his chest.

"Aw, it's not that bad." Nikki said.

"It is too, when you have to live with Bullwinkle. I'd rather be homeless, like Imogene and Vince. Speaking of Bullwinkle, she's coming to the bar tonight." Tommy pouted.

"Shit!" Vince slammed on the breaks and my head hit the dashboard.

"I won't lose my temper." I said patiently, rubbing my forehead.

"Do we have to go to the bar?" Tommy moaned, tugging Vince's hair.

"No... where should we go instead?" Vince revved the engine.

"Uhhh. I don't know."

"How about..." Nikki grinned. "The park!"

"What park?" I asked.

"You'll see!" Vince sped down the road and hit a speed bump. Again, my head whacked the dashboard. I moaned in agony as they kept on driving and yelling.

The "park" turned out to be an abandoned neighborhood on the outskirts of town. It was full of broken-down houses, overgrown gardens, smashed fences. It seemed like the kind of place you would film a horror movie. I shivered.

"It's getting dark!" Nikki exclaimed. "That means... fireworks!" He yelled.


"They always put on fireworks when the clock turns to midnight." Vince explained. Tommy was rummaging through the trunk of the car.

"Whoop! You guys, someone was smart enough to bring six bottles of Jack!" Tommy jumped up and walked around to us.

"That was me, I knew we wouldn't be going to the bar. You can thank me later." Vince laughed. He helped Tommy pass out the bottles to each of us.

"Hey, you guys. Let's see who can drink the most, the fastest." Nikki winked.

We yelled in agreement and sat in a circle, popping open our bottles. "One... two... go!" We lifted the bottles to our lips and began gulping down the whiskey as fast as we could. Nikki in first, me in second, Tommy in third, and Vince in last. He kept choking. We all finished in less than 37 seconds. All of us fell back, groaning.

"Wow, Imogene... not bad." Nikki high-fived me. "You out-drank Vince."

"My mom could out-drink Vince!" Tommy said. We all laughed and I got up.

"I don't feel so good."

"You'll get used to it." Nikki said. I stumbled over to the car. Vince walked over and tried to hold me up, but he wasn't that stable either. We collapsed in a heap on the ground together.

"Imogene got drunk!" Tommy sang. I glared at him, though I wasn't sure if it was him. My sight was blurring and the world was spinning. I held my aching head.

Nikki picked up the last two bottles. "Who's up for round two?"

I raised my hand. "I am." He tossed me the bottle and I opened it.

"GO!" I chugged that one down pretty fast too, beating Nikki. But I felt even worse.

"Let's all go down to the liquor store and get some more." Nikki said.

"I don't want any more."

"Come on, it's ten minutes to the new year, baby!"

Tommy turned to us. "There's one more bottle left. I hid it for myself, but you can have it." Nikki took it and drank half. I took a few sips and handed it to Vince. Right after we finished it, we tossed it into the car. Then I just started laughing for no reason at all. Vince joined me. The funniest thing was, we had no clue what we were laughing about, so we laughed harder and harder until breathing was impossible. Nikki stared at us.

"You two are r-retardsss." He shook his head. I smiled and licked his cheek.

"Let's play tag!" Tommy suggested. "Nikki's it."

We all began running away, tripping over everything in our drunken stupors. "A-alright, I-I'm out, this is... an accident waiting to h-happen!" I slurred. We made our way back to the car. The sick feeling from the whiskey was now all tingly and great-feeling, and I was feeling invincible.

"Hey, countdown time!" Nikki yelled. "60... 59..."

We all joined him. "36... 72... 69..." We were all too drunk to count right. But during the final twenty, we got on track. "15... 14... 13..."

I closed my eyes. "3... 2... 1..." Right as the clock turned to midnight, Vince smashed his mouth up against mine violently. He pushed me against the car and ran his hand down my leg. Fireworks went off and Nikki and Tommy were screaming like banshees. Vince and I pulled away before Nikki or Tommy could see us and started screaming along with them.

After a few minutes, we sat on the ground, still excited. "You know what?" Nikki said.

"What? I looked up at the sky, where fireworks where still exploding.

"We're gonna make it big this year,"

"I think so too." Vince said. "And you know what else? Maybe the new album will go platinum, and we'll have tons of money. And Imogene would find an agency that adores her, and then we could all move into some big mansion."

"If I'm not sick of you by then, Vince." I laughed.

He muttered something under his breath.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing! Hahaha!" He pulled me to the ground with him.
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Worst chapter I've done, sorry!