You're All I Need

Chapter 17: Water Fight!

I giggled and bit him.

"OW!" He let me go.

"C-c-come on, I'm tired. We s-stayed up till midnight, got waaaasted, I-I-I'm done." Tommy raised his hands in defeat.

"Well, we can't get home- n-none of us can drivvvve." I pointed out.

"Then we'll all sleep hereeee. I-in the car. Two in the t-trunk, two in the actual carrr." Vince slurred. We all agreed it was a good idea and we all piled in. Nikki and Vince in the car, me and Tommy in the trunk.

After a few minutes, Tommy said, "I can't sleep."

"Neither can I." I rolled over so I was facing him. He kicked me softly. I kicked him back. And before you knew it, we were beating the shit out of each other and giggling like maniacs no matter how much it hurt. We continued our fight until we heard the car door slam. We got quiet and waited a few minutes. Nothing happened. So we started kicking and punching and shoving again.

Then the trunk opened. We looked up to see Nikki and Vince standing there.

"Thank God." Vince sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"Will you stop trying to fuck or kill each other or whatever you're doing? We can't sleep because of you two." Nikki said.

"Sorry." Tommy and I said in unison.

"Alright. We accept your apology. Go to sleep. You're the one that wanted to go to bed in the first place."

They shut the trunk on us and went back into the car. Tommy laughed and kicked me again.

"I thought we couldn't do that anymore." I said.

"Sure we can, we just can't get caught." He whispered, landing another kick. So I kicked him again. The kick fight just evolved into what it just was. Only louder.

The trunk opened again. "Shit, you guys!" Nikki yelled. "Alright you two, separate." He pulled me out of the car.

"Where am I going?"

"With Vince."

"But why?" I whined.

"Tommy and Vince share a room, they need a break from each other."

"Vince and Imogene share saliva!" Tommy laughed.

"Shut up." I hissed. "Alright, I'll go with Vince." I walked over to the door reluctantly and opened it. Vince looked up.

"Imogene?" He blinked. "What are you doing here?"

"Tommy and I were separated." I sighed, crawling into the car with him.

"Ha- thank God." He laughed. "Nikki was so pissed off. He thought you two were fucking and he was complaining about how you two should go do it somewhere else."

"I wouldn't fuck Tommy. I wouldn't fuck any of you guys."

"Well, this puts a damper on our relationship." He laid back again.

"Shut up." I giggled. He moved closer until I could feel his breathing on the back of my neck. "Come on, let's try to get to sleep."

He put his arm around my waist. "Yeah, that would be good to do at a time like this." He lifted my head up and kissed me one more time. "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year." I sighed, resting my head on his chest. I listened to his heartbeat until I fell asleep.


I woke up with an awful headache. Vince was sitting there, laughing at my pain.

"There you go, baby's first hangover."

"You're so mean!" I moaned, holding my head.

He started clapping. "Tommy, Nikki, come see this!" He yelled. The other two walked over.

"What is it?"

"Imogene's got a haaaangover." He put his finger in my mouth. I bit it and he just giggled.

Tommy and Nikki laughed too.

"Not you, too!" I reached out to hit Tommy but he moved away and I fell out of the car. The sunlight didn't make me feel much better. Nikki picked me up and dragged me behind one of the houses. He took the hose and turned it on, spraying me with the muddy water. I screamed and got up, punching him. But he didn't let up. He shoved the hose down my shirt and the freezing liquid ran down my chest.

Vince ran over and took it from me, spraying Nikki. Nikki took it and sprayed him. Tommy ran over and bit Nikki's shoulder, making him drop it. Tommy took it then and put it down Vince's pants. I jumped through a window and fell on a mattress. The water sprayed through the window and got me again, only this time it got in my mouth. I spit it out and ran through the doorway, taking them by surprise as I lept out from a bush. I tackled Vince and wrestled him to the ground.

"Ooooh." He smiled and his eyes widened.


"Wet t-shirt." He licked his lips.

"You scare me." I got up and so did he. "Water fight's over!" I yelled at Nikki, pulling the soaked t-shirt from my body so it wasn't showing much. He sprayed me one more time. Vince grabbed my ass as we wandered back to the car.

Once we got home, Mick was there.

"What are you doing here?" Vince asked them

"To ask where you two were last night," Mick said. "Bullwinkle wouldn't leave us alone."

"Well, we decided to ditch the bar to go to the park."

"And you didn't invite us?"

"Sorry, we didn't wanna risk getting caught by Bullwinkle."

"That's sensible enough. Listen, Vince. Have you and Imogene found a place yet?"

"No." I answered.

"Well, Rose and I have a spare room and we want you two to stay with us..."

"Awesome, thanks!" Vince and I agreed to stay with them, since that was probably all we could afford... and it was free. In less than a week we'd be leaving the Motley House...
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw, I fucking love the Motley House though... that's the sad thing.