You're All I Need

Chapter 18: Last Day At The Motley House

I sighed and carved my name into the table with Tommy's switchblade. We were all sitting around the house, not saying a word.

"Well, this sucks." Tommy said.

"I know." I responded, laying my head back. Vince rubbed my stomach. "Space!" I slapped it off.

"Well, why don't we pay the rent?" Nikki asked.

Vince looked at him in disbelief. "We don't have any money, you asshole."

"Oh yeah," He sat back. "What are we supposed to do right now then?"

"Absolutely nothing." Vince replied. Tommy leaned forward and started to chew on the table out of boredom. I laughed.

"You don't know where that's been. Or what's been on it." I glanced at Vince, who was playing with a pair of my panties left over from the tree. "Well come on, let's do something. It's our last day here, let's make something of it."

Everyone got up. "Let's trash the place so they get mad." Tommy said.

I looked around. "Too late, Tommy."

"Oh yeah." He bit his lip. "Let's set Nikki on fire again."

"Let's go spray paint our names on the walls." Nikki suggested.

"Let's play hide-and-seek."

"Let's go mess around in my room." Vince tugged my hand.

Everyone looked at him.

"Well excuse me for being a male." Vince folded his arms across his chest. "I just think it's a good thing to do in this situation."

Nikki rolled his eyes. "Go somewhere, Vince."

"Well, how about we do all of the above?" I grinned.

Nikki pulled out some spray paint he had stolen and began writing his name on the walls over and over. He handed it to Tommy, who did his, then me. Vince took it next and wrote "Vince loves" above my name. Nikki kicked him for that and tried to smear out the "love" part, but it had already dried. The wall permanently had "Vince loves Imogene" painted on it.

"Bastard." Nikki muttered, walking out into the living room. I laughed and skipped out after him. Vince and Tommy stayed back for a few minutes, and I could hear them arguing about something as I poured some lighter fluid on Nikki. "Rub it in!" He demanded, squirming as it slipped down his bare back. I smoothed it in.

"Isn't it poisonous?"

"Hell, I don't know. But it's fun!"

I shook my head and Tommy and Vince walked out. Nikki put his shirt back on. We set Nikki on fire and he got up. He ran laps around the house with us chasing him and giggling like maniacs. He fell to the ground and rolled around after a few minutes.

"Fuck, it reached my skin!" He yelled. Vince poured water on him and Tommy danced around, making up some war-chant.


We sat on the living-room floor, looking around the house. I curled up on the carpet, smelling it.

"Smells like the Motley House." I said.

"I wonder why." Tommy smiled, holding me in his arms. I laughed and licked him. "I bet we all smell like the Motley House."

"It's all gonna rub off." I almost started crying. I brushed a tear from my cheek, hoping no one had seen. But they all had, and they were now hugging me and kissing me and saying it would be okay.

"Aw, Imogene. I actually thought you hated this place." Nikki said.

"What? This is my favorite place in the world. I wanna live here forever. I wanna get married here, have kids here, and die here."

Nikki laughed. "Wow. You like it better than your real house? With Ralph and your parents?"

"A billion times more."

Vince ran his hands down my legs. "And don't you dare lecture me about personal space, cause I'm not listening." He said.

Nikki called him a few names after that.

"You guys? I'm gonna go visit my family in a while, like a week. Do you guys... wanna come meet them?"

"Meet who?"

"My other family. The ones that aren't as cool as you."

"Fuck yes!" Tommy clapped. "They're gonna adore us, and say, 'What nice boys, Imogene. We should adopt them.'"

"Yes, yes they will." I agreed. "Shit, we have to leave here in ten minutes." I sighed.

The guys groaned. Nikki pulled another thing out of his jacket pocket. A Polaroid camera.

"Let's take pictures of everything! I grabbed this from some chick's house last week." He said. We all agreed and went around, snapping pictures of every corner. We started taking pictures of ourselves then, all of them pretty stupid looking. Like me and Tommy whacking each other with empty beer bottles, Vince wearing a bra on his head, Nikki being... Nikki.

Tommy took one of me and Vince next to the "Vince loves Imogene" painting with my leg around him. Vince tucked it into his pocket and smiled at me.

"This is going on our wedding invitations." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes and hugged him, then Tommy pointed out that it was time to go. We sighed and grabbed our stuff, all feeling miserable once we shut the door. I drove Tommy and Nikki to their destinations, and Vince and I went to Mick and Rose's.
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Oh, god I hate this chapter.