You're All I Need

Chapter 19: Mick And Rose's House

Vince and I got out of the car and grabbed our stuff. We walked up to the door silently. I was just about to push the doorbell when Vince stopped me. He turned to me and threw his arms around me, wrapping me in the biggest hug I had ever gotten. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and kissed him softly. He let go and smiled at me.

"Maybe this isn't all bad." He smiled, though I could see through it..

"No, maybe it isn't." I glanced at my feet.

"Remember what I said on New Years?"

"You wouldn't shut up on New Years... how should I know?" I giggled.

"No- about us making it big and you getting what you deserve and all that shit."

"What about it?"

"Well, maybe if we get rich this year, like I predicted, we can buy back the Motley House." He said, holding my hand.

"I hope so... let's cross our fingers." I said. I pushed the doorbell and Rose answered in a matter of seconds.

"HEY YOU GUYS!" She smiled, pulling us in. "We've been waiting forever!" She exclaimed, hugging us both. "So how are you hopeless and up-until-recently homeless lovers this evening?"

"We are not lovers, Rose. And we're doing fine."

"Yeah. Doing fine." Vince repeated. Rose nodded and pulled us inside. It was the cleanest place I had ever seen. Vince and I looked around in open-mouthed wonder. There was a giant chandelier in the dining room, and they had this huge TV. It was like Heaven.

"MICK!" She yelled upstairs. "They're here!"

"Be right down!" Mick responded. He walked downstairs. "Hey!" He nodded at us. "You guys wanna see your room?" He asked.

We nodded and he lead us to this absolutely enormous room with a king-size bed. Vince's jaw practically hit the floor.

"Sorry there's only one bed... I tried to get another one in here, but I haven't had time." He looked at Vince.

"No, no. That's just fine." Vince smiled at him and sat on the bed. "Wow..." He patted it.

"Glad you like it." Mick said, glancing at me.

"I'm gonna go look at the rest of the house!" Vince exclaimed, getting up and running out the door. "You coming, Imogene?"

"Be right there!" I called. Mick walked up to me.

"Imogene, I gotta talk to you." Mick said.

"Yes?" I turned to him, still shocked about the room.

"I really feel guilty."

"About what?"

"Putting you in Vince in the same bed- uh- room."

"It's completely fine, why is that a problem?"

"You know how Vince is." He muttered.

"Well, yeah, but he'll behave. I'll make him." I replied.

"I hope so. But listen- I don't want Vince to hurt you or anything."

"It's alright, I trust him."

"Don't." Mick shook his head. "He's not a trustworthy person. I saw you two on Christmas and on Nikki's birthday..."

"Must everyone bring that up?" I sighed.

"Well, yeah. Anyway, he could have done anything to you if you weren't careful. Nikki's birthday seemed okay at the time. But Christmas... if I hadn't walked out to find you, you would probably have done something."

"Okay... what are you trying to tell me though?"

"Don't trust Vince. Be careful around him."

"Alright." I nodded, looking at the ground. "But he's never been really bad before."

Mick sat on the bed and I joined him. "That's cause he had Tommy and Nikki as witnesses."

"Well, now he's got you and Rose as witnesses."

"Imogene, babe, we could argue about this all night. He's only after you're sweet sixteen-year-old pussy." He said.

I gulped and played with my hair. "Okay. Thanks Mick." I whispered.

"You're welcome. Hey," He titled my head so I was looking at him. "I love you so much, and I'm not doing this to torture you."

I nodded and wiped my nose on my sleeve. I got up and walked out the door to find Vince.
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Well, that certainly was awkward. Everyone, read Gunner's and Steven Tyler's and Kiss Me Deadly's stories... they are amazing writers! Comment!