You're All I Need

Chapter 21: I Didn't Tell Her Anything

I couldn't fall asleep that night. Imogene kept moving around and kicking me. She was having all these nightmares and she kept curling up then stretching out again, almost pushing me off the bed. No matter how sweet it was, I couldn't take it. So I just got up and ran into the kitchen to raid the refrigerator. Once I had reached it, I yanked open the doors and immediately grabbed anything I could carry. It was so full, almost overflowing.

"I'm gonna get as fat as I can, right now." I muttered, ripping open a package of ham. I hadn't had ham in forever. I finished the whole thing in under a minute. Then I found the tubs of ice-cream. That nearly gave me a heart-attack. I tore off the lid and used my hands to scoop out all I could fit in my mouth.


I turned, vanilla ice-cream dripping down my chin and arms. Mick stood there, disgusted.

"Hey." I nodded, wiping my mouth on a dish towel.

"What exactly are you doing?"

"Preparing for hibernation, storing food for winter, whatever you wanna call it." I shrugged.

"Listen, I know you live here now, but I don't expect you to freeload off my ice cream and my..." He pulled a little bit of ham off of my cheek. "Ham."

"Well, sorry. It wasn't all for me. See, I was gonna bring some to Imogene..." I thought for a moment. "Speaking of Imogene, she was acting like a complete bitch to me earlier. I thought that Nikki might have slipped her a couple of drugs before leaving the house, but she denied it."

Mick looked past me. "That's odd."

"Yeah, it is. Ya think it's PMS?" I asked, leaning against the counter.

"Nope." He replied simply.

"Then whaddaya think it is that made her act like such a snob earlier? She was all afraid I was gonna fuck her so she kept moving away and shit..." My eyes widened. "You didn't!"

"I didn't what?"

"You told her something."

"No, I didn't."

"Don't lie to me, cause we could easily find a new fucking guitarist."

"Okay, I just talked to her for a little bit, but listen, it was nothing about you."

"Oh, really?"

"Alright, maybe a little bit." He said, smiling sheepishly.

"What did you tell her? You didn't tell her about my problems, did you?"

"Which ones?"

"Very funny."

"Okay, just a bit about your sex addiction."

"Sex addiction?!"

"Aw, come on. You know you have just a little one."

I almost punched him in the face. "Mick." I sighed, trying to control myself.

"Yes?" He stood next to me and gave me a small hug.

"Get off me, first." I hissed. He moved his arm.

"Now what?" He was acting like such a smartass.

"You know she's the first girl I've genuinely cared about in a long time." I said, thinking about the time she fell down the stairs at the mall for some reason. Oddly, I thought that was the sweetest thing ever. Tommy rolled down after her... retard...

"That doesn't mean you're gonna be patient or necessarily polite, though."

"Just shut the fuck up."

He shut his mouth but stood there smiling.

"Who are you and what have you done with Mick?"


"Mick is normally the one that never talks and never makes that stupid face."

Mick shrugged and walked away. "Calm down, she still trusts you, so I wouldn't worry about anything."

"I don't care. You're still an asshole."

"But Vince..."


"If I hear you did anything to hurt her, I will fuck you up."

I laughed. "Try me." He ran towards me. "Just kidding!"

He nodded and left me alone. I pulled out the ice cream again and continued gorging myself.
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Mick... gotta love him. OH! And why this took so long is because of all this fucking schoolwork I keep getting. Either way, I love you guysss.