You're All I Need

Chapter 24: Nikki And His Shoulder

We were almost done recording the album and we were having a party at Nikki and Lita's house. Lita was in that one band called The Runaways and she was a pretty okay person. Nikki seemed to only want to get away from her at times, though. She was actually just as clingy as that Catherine girl was.

Tommy and I were in the bathroom mixing toothpaste with shampoo then writing our names on the mirror when the door completely smashed in. I dove behind the shower curtain.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Mick yelled. "This is not your property!"

"It was Imogene's idea!" Tommy pointed at me and I poked my head out.

"Imogene, wait till Nikki sees this," He shook his head at me. I pulled behind the curtain again. Mick reached in and pulled me out. "Clean it all up." He ordered.

"It was actually Tommy's idea." I got out a paper towel and started rinsing our messages off. Tommy sat back and giggled at me. Mick gave him the death stare and Tommy started washing it off too. Then Vince ran in.

"PEOPLE. BAD FUCKING NEWS." He leaned against the door frame breathlessly. "Nikki... ran into... a tree... in Lita's car... dislocated shoulder..."

We all looked at each other and darted out the door to go find him. Vince had collapsed on the ground from fatigue, so I ran over and picked him up again.

"Come on, let's go." I urged.

"Nooo. I'm tired. I just ran from one end of the house to the other."

"Fatass!" I dragged him around.

"OW! Rug burn!" He pulled away and curled up on the carpet.

"You should have thought of that. UP."


"Fine then, we'll leave without you." The whole house was empty, since everyone had gone to see Nikki.

"I can't be unattended! I have abandonment issues."

"You can be alone, I've seen it."

"But you're my buddy. Buddies stay together, remember?" He grabbed my ankle and looked up at me with those big, brown eyes. I laughed and shook my head.

"Fine, we can rest for ten minutes, then we go, okay?"

"That works." He smiled, kissing my leg.

"Peeervert." I picked him up and threw his limp body on the couch. He laid there and stared at me as I got some water. "Stop staring, it's freaking me out."

"Can't help it."

I rolled my eyes and sat next to him. He sat up.

"You're really cute, you know that?" He rubbed his head.

"Thanks?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Cuddles?" He held out his arms to me. I laughed.


"Cause I'm lonely." He gave me the puppy-face. "Pleeease? I'll love you forever."

I gave in after a few more minutes of begging. His tan arms wrapped around me and hugged me close to him.

"See? This- this is nice." He nodded with this stupid smile on his face.

"Are you drunk?"

"Nooo. I'm just happy. That's all." He giggled at nothing and kissed my forehead.

"Why are you happy?"

"Why don't you ever shut up?"

"Well, that wasn't very nice."

"I was just kiddin." He shrugged.

"Do you know when everyone will get back?" I asked.

"Nope. Probably a few hours. Lita said it's serious. Let's forget about it. He'll be okay."

"How will he record the rest of the album?"

"He's a strong guy. He'll be fine. You don't need to worry, Imogene." He rubbed his nose against me. "That brings me to my next point."

"Which is?"

"The tour. You wanna come with us? Please say yes!"

I hugged him. "Of course I will! Where would I go to if I refused?"

"I dunno. The homeless shelter." He chuckled softly.

"That would work perfectly." I said sarcastically. "When is the tour anyway?"

"Few months."

I grinned. "Can't wait!" I smiled at him and he leaned in.

"Surprise!" Tommy and everyone paraded through the door.
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