You're All I Need

Chapter 25: Vince's Birthday!

Mick, Rose, Vince, and I were all watching some movies in the living room. Vince kept sighing at random moments as if he wanted us to feel bad about something.

"Vince, stop it." Rose whacked him with a couch pillow thing. He responded to that with yet another deep breath. I turned to him and demanded to know what the hell his problem was. He shook his head and buried his face in the pillow.

"Woo fuys a fo nithe." He said sarcastically.


He lifted his face out so we could actually hear him. "You guys are so nice." He repeated.

"What did we do?"

"You're forcing me to watch TV on my FUCKING BIRTHDAY." He rolled off the sofa dramatically.

"Liar. It's not your birthday."

"It is too! February 8th."

I gasped and picked him up. "Why didn't you say so?"

"Cause I wanted to know if you people actually care."

"We care. Just... I forgot it was your birthday."

"That's a very nice cover-up." He cracked a little smile then made his way to the kitchen. "You know what this means, Mick?"

"What does it mean?" Mick looked at him.

"I get to eat whatever I want. And I get whatever I want. So if I say I want a pony, you get me a fucking pony." He opened the fridge. Mick ignored him and continued watching TV. Vince pulled out some ice cream and ate it with his bare hands.

"Use a spoon, Vince." Mick said.

"It's my birthday. You can't tell me what to do!"

"Not that I ever could. You never listen."

Vince laughed and swaggered over to me. He handed me the ice cream carton. "Ya want some?"

"Sure." I got up to get a spoon, since I didn't want to be all sticky.

"You sit your ass back down!"


"It's my birthday!"

"Fine!" I walked back to the couch. He dug his hand in and scooped some out, offering it to me. "I'm supposed to eat out of your hand?"


"I'm not a god-damn donkey."

"It's my birthday!" He pushed his hand closer, where the frozen treat was melting through his fingers. It was going to leak on Mick's carpet, and who knows how that would go. Mick would have a cow. I leaned over and licked some off of Vince's palm. Mick nearly gagged. "See, that wasn't so hard." Vince laughed.

"It was yucky."

"Ya want more?"


"It's my birthday!"

I moaned and reached for the phone. "Call someone." I said randomly.

"Yes! My parents!"

"They never loved you." Mick stated. Vince ran over and kicked him. He dialed the number and waited for his parents to pick up. When they did, he practically screamed:

"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!.... Yeah!.... I know..... Come on.... that's stupid.... fuck you.... I'll use whatever language I want. It's my birthday.... here, talk to Imogene...." He handed the phone to me. "They wanna talk to you."

"Hello?" I held the phone to my ear. Vince leaned over.

"Isn't she awesome so far?!" He yelled.

"Hello!" His mom had this overly cheery voice that you hear in the movies. "Has Vince been a good boy?" She asked. I looked at him and giggled.

"Yes, a very good boy." I petted his hair.

"Oh, that's great! So how long have you known Vince?"

"Few months." I shrugged. This was kind of awkward.

"Fantastic. Well, I need to go, but it was nice meeting you Imogene!"

"You too." I gave the phone back to Vince.

"Ain't she wonderful?.... Uh-huh.... no, she said I'm a good boy, remember?.... Yeah, I love you too. That love just is better from a distance.... listen, I don't wanna visit you." He sighed.

I shook my head and he hung up.

"Well, come on. Let's go somewhere. It's my birthday!" He danced towards Mick. "Please?"


"Please!" Vince kissed him on the cheek. "Come on!"

"Fine. If you promise never to do that again." Mick turned off the TV and got up. Rose did too.

"Well, you don't have to go." Vince said.

"Okay." Mick sat back down. Vince and I called Tommy and Nikki and decided to meet up at the park. We were out the door in a few seconds.
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Continued in next chapter! If you're still confused, this is BEFORE Nikki dislocated his shoulder. I just forgot to add this. Ooops!