You're All I Need

Chapter 27: The Great Imogene Compromise

Mick hovered over us, grimacing.

"What are you doing?"

Imogene smiled sheepishly. "We was just playing." She finished buttoning her pants back up.

"Let's get you home." He sighed, holding out a hand. She stared at it as if it was a snake. He held it closer and she bit it angrily.

"I'm not going home. I'm having fun." She said, wiping her mouth off.

"No-- you think you are, but you aren't. You actually hate this." Did he really think that would work? That was the stupidest attempt at persuasion I had ever heard. But Imogene actually thought about it.

"Um, no I don't. I like it." She replied, yawning. "But thanks for checking on me, Mick. It means alot." That was why I loved this kid. She could put on the charms at any moment to get whatever the hell she wanted. Mick softened.

"But you're tired, you need to come home and go to bed."

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"Whose cherry?" I asked, my sick mind becoming active again. Mick gave me the death glare then turned his attention back to Imogene.

"Alright, you can stay. But you can only play with Tommy and Nikki, okay?"

"Then who's Vince gonna play with?" She questioned.

"Himself. He's used to it." Mick winked. I narrowed my eyes at him as Imogene wrapped her arms around me.

"If he promises to be a good boy can we play with him?"

I looked down at her then over at Tommy and Nikki, who were trying to climb the side of a house to achieve the "Holy Grail" that they had seen on the roof.

"Do we have to have those retards with us?" I turned back to Mick.

"If you want Imogene to stay, yes. But if this is too hard for you, Vince, I'll just bring her home." He took her hand and pulled her towards him and for some reason, she didn't fight back.

"That won't be necessary. She's fine here." I pulled her back towards me.

"No, she had better come with me." He tugged her back over.

"It's very nice of you to offer, but she seems to be having fun, which there is an extreme lack of at the house."

Imogene was going back and forth now, not even noticing it. She seemed to be deep in thought about something. She managed to break free and she walked over to Tommy and Nikki, joining in the quest for the grail. I stared at Mick.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I snapped.

"Checking on her, and it seems I did a good job." He responded. "I don't know why you don't get it. She's sixteen, you're twenty-two as of today. You could be her father."

"It's a six year age difference. Do you honestly think I would have fucked someone when I was that young?" I thought for a moment. Highly possible...

"No, but just get the fact that you can't have her. Nikki can't have her, I can't, you certainly can't either."

"What about Tom?"

"Well, I think they'd be alright. There's not a big gap between them, and they get along nicely."

"That doesn't matter." My hands were balled into fists.

"Alright, we make it a rule. No one fucks Imogene. Absolutely no one." He smiled. We called Nikki and Tommy over to discuss the new rule. Mick and I stood before them and announced it.

"Mick and I decided on something. It's a rule for all of us and it's nonnegotiable. If you break it, we beat you with lit torches." I said, getting their attention.

"The rule is: No one fucks Imogene. And you can't touch her with anything but your hands, and nowhere but her arms or her shoulders." Mick added on stuff.

"OBJECTION." We all stood up.

"That's stupid, dude. We can touch her wherever we want, we just can't fuck her. That's what we agreed on!" I said.

"That's not much better, Vince!" Tommy yelled.

I looked at him, confused. "Why not?"

"Cause we still can't fuck her." Nikki answered for him.

I nearly killed him for saying that.

"Dude-- I have an idea," Tommy yelled. "We can only bang her in pairs!"

"What?" Mick turned to him.

"Threesomes, dude." He grinned, fantasizing. I nodded.

"That could work." I said.

"Huh-- I dunno about threesomes..." Nikki bit his lip.

"NO THREESOMES." Mick slapped me and Tommy. "No one invades her privacy or else!" He turned on his heel and left. Nikki turned to Tommy.

"I'm gonna fuck her anyway."

"Me too, dude!" Tommy high-fived him.

"No. None of us are. We have to obey the rule no matter how shitty it is."

"Who are you and what did you do with Vince?" Tommy asked.

"I'm serious." I turned and walked away, thinking of that stupid law. Nobody fucks Imogene...

Except me, of course.
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