You're All I Need

Chapter 3: Whiskey-A-Go-Go


Brandon and I hopped on a bus to go down to the Whiskey-A-Go-Go, the bar in which the band would be playing. Only it was raining really hard and the bus was going really slow. I actually almost got off to walk there instead, but was able to sit through it. When we got there, the show was supposed to have already started. Brandon and I rushed in, but we were stopped by a bartender.

"Brandon Jay?" He asked.

"That's me," Brandon replied.

"What about the girl?"

"She's with me, sir." He said softly. The bartender directed us to a table right next to the stage, which was still empty.

"I didn't know they reserved tables at bars," I whispered to Brandon.

"Well, ya learn something new everyday." He winked at me and we sat down. That's when the show started. The bar went completely black, then a spotlight appeared onstage. A gorgeous platinum-blonde guy ran into it and yelled,

"Hey, fuckers!"

He got a positive reaction from this, he grinned and the whole stage lit up, revealing three other guys with jet-black hair. The music started and the concert officially began.

"See that one?" Brandon pointed to the drummer. "That's Tommy."

I smiled, since he was pretty good-looking. In fact, all of them were. They played well, too. In fact, they were the best band I'd ever heard.

After it was done, the same bartender came up to us.

"You guys wanna go backstage? That drummer kid is throwing a fit." He sighed. He lead us back and we found our way to a big room with two large sofas.

"Where's Brandon?" Tommy nudged the bass player. "He should be here... I saw him in the audience."

"Fuck, Tommy. I don't know. Shut up." The bass guy replied. He got up and moved away from him.

"Nikki!" Tommy whined. He sighed angrily.

"Tom!" Brandon called. Tommy looked up.

"Brandon!" He jumped up and rushed over, high-fiving Brandon. "It's been forever, dude!" Then he noticed me. "Oooh, and who's this?" He moved towards me and kissed my hand.

"This is Imogene," Brandon introduced us. "We met on the bus here... we share a room at that one hotel."

Tommy's head snapped up. "Sharing a roooooom?" He grinned.

"Tommy, it's not what you think." Brandon frowned.

"Oh, really?" He grinned and pulled us over to everyone. "Come on, you need to meet the guys." He said. "Hey, you guys, this is the Brandon I was telling you about. And this is his lover, Imogene!"

"She's not my lover." Brandon moaned.

The blonde jumped up and ran over to me. "I'm Vince," He said in a velvety voice. He kissed my cheek. I sighed automatically, I couldn't help it.

"And this is Nikki," Tommy pointed at the bass player. "And this is Mick." He motioned to the guitar player.

"Hey." They smiled and waved in unison.

"And I think you've met Vince." Tommy looked at Vince, who was looking me over.

"Come on, siddown!" Vince yanked me on top of his lap.

We began talking with them and got to know them better, and they were they coolest people I had ever met. We socialized well into the night, until we were kicked out of the bar. So we went to their house, which was just a block away. I don't remember much more than that...
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